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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 72 > Articles > NP Made Fast? No Way!

NP Made Fast? No Way!

by too_kule

NATIONAL NEOPIAN BANK - "Moolah Maker", "Neopoint Tactic Tips", "How to Earn and Save NP Without Going Mad!" and "What You Always Wanted to Know...About Neopoints". Do you know what all of these titles have in common? You guessed it. They (and many others) are all guides to how to make the all-mighty Neopoint. But have you read some of these? They're basically all the same! I'm going to show you the more realistic way of earning NP.

Before I start, I'm going to say that these are some of the ways I've earned NP, through luck. I'm not saying to rely on these, go along with your usual routine of the Shrine and Tombola. But those won't make you instantly rich. So here are some of the biggest payouts I've received.

50,000 NP - I earned 50,000 NP in the blink of an eye. Want to know how? The Scratch Card Kiosk. No, I didn't buy a scratchcard there and then got the NP. I actually went out and bought a Peak O' Plenty Scratchcard at full price from a regular shop run by Neopians like you and me. I scratched it and won 50,000 NP. Now, I'm not telling you to buy as many Peak O' Plenty Scratchcards as your bank account will allow you, and then scratch them all. That would be dumb. Personally, I don't like the Scratchcard Kiosk that much, and I only go there once in a while to test my luck. Occasionally I'll scratch a Race to Riches Scratchcard (the last two times I did I won 10,000 NP) but I normally sell them.

Pink Warf - If you've read my first ever continued series "I'm Innocent" then you're familiar with the story of how I got Bubblegum the Pink Warf. I adopted a purple Aisha from the pound that had a Pink Warf attached to it. Well that's a true story. I did give it to GalaxyNebula. I wanted to put GalaxyNebula in the pound (that was before the series was published, or else I wouldn't have done that) so I took Bubblegum away from GalaxyNebula. I was going to give it to another pet but Dr. Sloth thought it'd be 'funny' to zap it into a pile of sludge. Well the person who picked that pile of sludge from the Money Tree probably didn't know what it used to be. I don't recommend adopting pets to see if they have any Petpets or weapons because that is mean. It's just possible.

200,000 NP - Want to know how I received my biggest payout ever? I'll tell you. I was hanging around the Thieves Guild message board when one of the members named icabod69 was saying he was quitting. He gave me all of the stuff in his account (100,000 NP plus another 100,000 NP in items) and he quit. He never properly deleted his account in case one rainy day when he wanted a battle came along. So if you think hanging around the message boards and the chat rooms are a waste of time when you could be out making NP, think again. I can't guarantee this will happen to you's possible.

Nimmo of Doom - Nimmo of Doom is a book that costs about 2,000 NP. I received it from the Wheel of Excitement the day after it was released so I was able to sell it for about 50,000 NP. I also got Acara Algebra from the Wheel of Excitement.

Blue Scorchstone - My friend had just signed up for Neopets. I was showing him some of the sites and he spun the Wheel of Excitement. What do you know, his first try he got a Blue Scorchstone! There's 100,000 NP. I know this didn't happen to me, but it's still possible to anyone out there.

See, a different way to look at making NP. It's all lucky. The root-word of lucky is luck, something that you can never count on. Remember to stick with the usual stuff like the Shrine and Tombola, but remember the odds of them making you rich in an instant isn't very good. This is too_kule, counting my millions and signing off. Talk to you later.

Note: These are not all of the my big wins, I just can't remember them all. Just under two years is a lot of time. I hoped you liked this article, and don't be afraid to Neomail me. Bye!

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