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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 77 > New Series > The M & M Detective Agency And The Warf Of The Chaskervilles

The M & M Detective Agency And The Warf Of The Chaskervilles

by battlesunn

Untitled Document

The Chaskervilles were a family of Lennies who had lived in Neopia for as long as anyone could remember. They were actually one of the oldest generations of pets to date, and they showed off their heritage with an impressive, yet rather spooky, mansion. One which stood atop the brow Shadow Glade hill, a gloomy place bordered by thick marshlands. The Chaskervilles also had a bit of a hereditary love of Warfs, so there was always a Warf in the Chaskerville family. Always.

     Nothing had ever gone wrong with this particular love of Warfs, until the time of Fuzzy, a cute and playful pink Warf that had the entire household charmed. Though cute and cuddly, Fuzzy has a slight problem. He loved being outside, even at the most inconvenient of times. Especially at one particular time, which led to some very strange and frightening events...

     It was the year of Celebrating, day thirteen, and the Chaskervilles were having a very large dinner party, with the most important and respected guests in all of Neopia. They had invited Double 00 Hog, Princess Fernypoo, Fyora, Illusen, and even the mysterious Adam.

     The dinner party had been going quite well, that was, until Fuzzy decided that he had to go out. At first, Mr. Chaskerville tried to ignore him, raising his voice in an attempt to drown out Fuzzy's annoying barking. Finally, Mr. Chaskerville could take it no more, and got up to let Fuzzy outside.

     The instant the door opened, Fuzzy shot right out, frisking around in the rain and jumping in the puddles. Mr. Chaskerville rolled his eyes and shut the door, returning once more to his impatient guests, passing out hasty apologies for the momentary interruption.

     No one really noticed when the first streaks of lightning came zigzagging down through the clouds, though it could be seen quite easily through the enormous picture window in the Chaskerville's dining room. And when the first crashes of thunder arrived, so loud that they shook the entire house, no one even bothered to notice that Fuzzy was whimpering and pawing at the door.

     Fuzzy had never been outside during a thunderstorm, and he was very scared. He pawed some more at the front door, barking and howling, straining his voice in a vain attempt to be heard over the pangs of thunder and the driving rain. Still, no one came.

     By this time, Fuzzy's throat was quite dry, and sore, so he decided to go search for a drink. As he trotted through the storm, towards the nearby pond, Fuzzy became less and less frightened of the thunder and lightning. In fact, he rather liked it. The little Warf savored the feel of the rain droplets splashing gently on his rose colored back, and he began happily anticipate the wondrous lightning which made such intricate patterns across the grey-black sky.

     Finally, Fuzzy reached the pond. He spent a few moments looking down at his reflection in the water, confused as to why it was constantly being shattered by the incoming drops of rain that pattered onto the pond's surface. Fuzzy was just lowering his head to drink, when a huge bolt of lightning streaked down through sky and struck the pond, temporarily illuminating the many different aquatic Petpets down there. Pepitos, Primellas, Tanizards... Fuzzy was fascinated. He stared at the water for a little while longer, before finally shoving his head into it's cool, moist depths ad lapping up the sweet liquids.

     Fuzzy smiled as he licked his chops. That was the best water that he had ever tasted! It must have had something to do with the lightning. Fuzzy yawned. He suddenly felt very sleepy. He clumsily began prancing towards his home, stopping momentarily every now and then. It was very odd. Every few seconds, Fuzzy would feel a terrible cramp tearing through his stomach. Still, Fuzzy pressed on. Seeing only the mansion, his goal. He was determined to reach it.

     He was just thinking about his nice, warm bed when the worst cramp of all hit him. He fell to the grounding in pain, whining and stamping his little pink paw against the ground. When it passed, Fuzzy could feel himself beginning to change. He seemed to be growing bigger, not much bigger, but bigger. At least, he was farther off the ground than usual. He swayed a little in the wind, smiling as his tiny little began to grow longer. His eyes turned from chocolate brown to acid green, as he tipped his (still pink) maw to the sky and howled with sheer ecstasy. He was no longer Fuzzy, the cute and cuddly pink Warf of the Chaskervilles.

     No, now he was Fuzzy, the mean and vicious pink Warf of the Chaskervilles! Still baying wildly at the moon, Fuzzy galloped beneath the storm filled sky, charging deep within the dark and menacing Chaskerville marshes.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The M & M Detective Agency And The Warf Of The Chaskervilles: Part Two

The M & M Detective Agency And The Warf Of The Chaskervilles: Part Three

The M & M Detective Agency And The Warf Of The Chaskervilles: Part Four

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