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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 5th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 77 > Articles > HTML - How to Use it

HTML - How to Use it

by squieshie

Untitled Document

HTML: You've heard of it, maybe you haven't. HTML is a great thing you can use on the Internet. I sometimes refer it as to 'making the computer do stuff for you'. You can make tables, change the color of font, add pictures, links, and a whole lot more. But what if you don't know how to use it? Then you've come to the right place =)

1) Starting off - So, you've come to the page where you are to edit you're pet's webby. But don't start yet. What I would do is learn some HTML first. But how? Well, I personally wouldn't recommend the Neopets HTML help page. It was difficult to understand what the heck they were saying (no offence, Neopets).

2) Practise HTML - Now that you've learned some basic HTML, like making font bold, italic, underlined, and how to make your font different sizes, and colors, being to practise on your pets page. Don't worry - you can delete all of your practised stuff. Here are some codes that might be useful to you:

< b > TEXT HERE < /b > = Bold Font

< i > TEXT HERE < /i > = Italic Font

< u > TEXT HERE < /u > = Underlined Font

You can also mix the fonts, like make words italic, underlined, and bold, like this:

< b > < i > < u > TEXT HERE < /b > < /i > < /u > = Bold, Italic, and Underlined Text

You can also change the color of the text like this:

< font color=orange > TEXT HERE < /font > = Orange Font

And you can also change the size of the text! < font size="1" > TEXT HERE < /font > = Font size 1

You can make your font size bigger, too.

< font size="5" > TEXT HERE < /font > = Font size 5!

3) Making Tables - Tables are one of the most important things you must know in order to do HTML. Your page will look bad if you don't have a decent table. Tables are the things that make it so the words are in a matter of space, like the table on this page of The Neopian Times. I think the table on this page's width is 500, but I'm not 100 percent sure. A good page about how to do good tables with the codes can be found right here. =)

4) Changing font size, etc. - Now that you have a nice table, time to re-size the text! I usually re-size it to size 1, but you can do whatever you want. You can also make your links a different color with this one code. I'll tell you about it later. You can also change the color of your scroll bar, so your page will look nice and colorful. =) You can find that code here. It's a really good site with codes for your userlookup, too.

5) Inserting the Text - Now. You've changed the color of the links, scroll bar, added a nice table, so now your ready to insert the text. First of all, make sure that you don't put any bad words, or anything inappropriate on your pet's page, because, first of all, it is against the rules of Neopets, and second of all, this is a children's site, and that isn't a good influence for kids. Other than that, you can put whatever you want, so go for it!

You can also align your text, so it isn't to the left (which is the standard align text on the Neopets petpages), but to the center, like this:

< div align=right > TEXT HERE < /div > =

This Text is align to the right.

And to make your text align to the center, do this code:

< div align=center > TEXT HERE < /div > =

This text is align to the center.

And to make your text be align to the left (which is standard), go like this:

< div align=left > TEXT HERE < /div > =

This text is align to the left.

6) Putting in Images - Since your all done inserting the text, now you can put in images to your site! It makes your site look better, overall, and people won't think it's boring. A good site has lots of colorful clean images! But be sure to not overdo it. If your site has too many images, then some of them might get broken, and the page might take forever to load.

You can inset and image like this:

< img src="" border="0" > =

Soon when you get more familiar with HTML, you will hopefully memorize all of the Neopets image Urls'. To find the Urls', right click on the Neopets image you want, and click on 'properties'. Then, you will see the Address (URL): and it will say the URL. Copy and paste that to the code I did up there, and put it over the part, so your image will be there.

You can also align your images (which is very similar to making your text align), which is shown below.

Align your picture to the right:

< img src="" border="0" align=right > =

If you want to align your picture to the center, go like this:

< img src="" border="0" align=center > =

And to align your picture to the left, simply do this:

< img src="" border="0" align=left > =

7) Finishing it Off - Now. Your all done with your page! Congrats! Another thing you can do to get more visitors to your site is trading links with another petpage. But first, you have to make a link of your page, and upload it somewhere. I uploaded my pet's page link on a guild on another account, and it seems like that's the most popular way to do it. Then, look around, and see if there is a petpage you like, and Neomail them nicely and ask them if they would want to trade links with your pet's page. If they say yes, great! But if they say no (which I doubt they will), just look somewhere else until you find the perfect place to trade links with.

8) Site Spotlight - Now. You're ready to enter the Site Spotlight. A dream of almost every Neopian is to win, and you are positive you will with your fabulous page. First, go to the Site Spotlight page (here), and read the first two paragraphs. It will say the requirements of what you have to say when you send it in to Remember to thank Neopets for their consideration of picking your site for the site spotlight, and make SURE to include your username. Then, your ready to send it off!

I hope this HTML guide was useful to you! Good luck with your pet's page! Oh, and feel free to Neomail me! I love to get feedback -_^

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