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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Comics
Adventures of Star & High

Neomail is great...

by autumn_lover_

Alpha70 and MuRou

Hurry it up already.

by felabba


Right on form with this one...

by brookadeedoo

D.I.Y. Comics

Oooh... interactive!

by 01mayerd

How Many?!

Keep your eyes on the prize (or at least the potatoes!)

by izzywizard

Jack's Pack

Page 1 of the school special

by jackrabbitknight

L*U*P*E* Blue

Where's Tinello?

by oasis21

Major Malfunction

...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.

by moonxtal

Meet the Sloths

Evil plan...

by smudgeoffudge


At least it's not Penelope the Wadjet Trainer.

by meowth4

Neopets's Birthday!

Oh yeah...

by stickycattabby

Neopia Acres

Window clingers.

by wyomingslim

Petpet Shop

"I'd like a floud for my sister."

by loveanimals_artist__

Poor Dr_Death

No one saw this coming...

by karma_leafbarer


Food fighting...

by magus

Really Confused

Floppy tongue.

by stoneman3x

Sam & Sara

Ew... a bucket of yellow.

by lionkingluver

Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie

The Collectors #2

by the_darkjedi

The Ixi Files

Take me to your leader.

by silverdragon617

The Journeys of Angel_the_Faerie

Keeping it short this week...

by rainbow_faerie02

The PetPet Herd

Well I'm no Picasso but I'll give it a shot!

by simsman24000

The Sheep of Doom

Whatever happened to Baby Jane?

by oddhatter

Waking Turmaculus

Have you ever seen a Wadjet tap dance?

by patjade


Chiaphobia or Paranoia?

It has been brought to my attention that some very strange, very disturbed people have lost their faith in our good friends, the Chias. One person in particular seems to favour Lupes over Chias! Now, I don't think there is any one Neopet that is greater than the other... more>>

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Other Stories

The Legend of Burnt Food
"It seems we'll always have this stinky food."

by scrollfox

Calling All Heroes
Marry sat down at her desk and began to draft an advertisement. Chewing her pen, she finally titled it, "Calling All Heroes."

by oily106

The Beautylarity Contest
Pwease will u vot for meh? It's meh first tim and i am so kyoot!

by polayo

Zap It? By All Means!
As a regular Lab Ray user, I felt I had to put in my two cents here...

by sailorptah

Double Kyrii Handful: Part One
Considering how they met, it was no wonder that the thing that Heilley and Kootmufin did most often was play cards with each other.

by scriptfox

Time Twisters: Part One
She brought her ring close to her mouth and spoke different words into it. "Rewind five minutes!"

by too_kule

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