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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 84 > Comics
A Little Bit of Everything

You should really turn around.

by angelemily286

Adventures of Rascalis

Look up in the sky!

by mega_flarex2

And the Meepits Outgabe

Teething problems...

by kittylin

Bucky the Babaa

A mystical codestone drops from up above.

by simsman24000

Bunny Wunny

Run for your lives!

by catgirl632

Comic Relief # 2

You're getting sleepy... Very very sleepy...

by sport_ll

Everything Goes Up

An invisible paint brush! I must have it!

by _emaholic

Faerie in Trouble

How to get two quests, instead of one! A clever story for sneaky people.

by mayavoghel

Faeries and Foes #20

Give that back! It's mine!

by laurensama

Fan Problems

Anything for my biggest fan!

by erika1988

Getting Past the Snowager

Persitance until the bitter, sugary end.

by stoneman3x

Golden Juppie #3

New in town, huh?

by theeaterofworlds

Gotta Love Life

Skeiths love fuzzles.

by toge_fairy

Home Spun Tails

A new season has arrived!

by tahara69

How to Rule Neopia

Gadgadbogen trouble...

by castor_b

Life's Unfair

Beauty Contest images not small enough?

by libra_wolf

Louie's Folly

Visiting the wise and might Coltzan...

by cozmictwinkie

Neopian Crazyhouse

Can't I have one little, tiny negg?

by cu_sith

Pteri Days

Why are there no pictures of Pterii in fashion books?

by too_kule

Really Confused

"About Making Pies"

by stoneman3x

Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie

The Collectors #15

by the_darkjedi


Family ties means family knots.

by riyoku


When there's pie, there's a friend...

by smokey_violet


Is Darigan the Evil Threat?

The battles are over. But the conflict is just beginning. A conflict that will make the brutal Meridell-Darigan War look like two fourth-graders fighting in the parking lot after school. A dark shadow has fallen over Neopia, and it isn't Dr. Sloth... more>>

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Other Stories

The Neo Frontier: Boo's First Adventure
Boo the plushie buzz finds himself lost in a uncharted land, and takes up bounty hunting in his first day in the Neo Frontier.

by evil__sakura

GoldenRhino the Stuper Villain Seeks Out a Minion
GoldenRhino walked deeper and deeper into the Haunted Woods. Sharp, red eyes were looking at him. ZAAAAAAAAAP!

by too_kule

The Art of Roleplaying
There are four basic things you should make sure you are using correctly when you roleplay in Neopia...

by apparent

Life On A Budget
Budgeting is often associated with being poor. I have to challenge this idea, as budgeting is one of the most useful things around...

by ladee_sarah

Petpet Rescue: The Horrors of the Mines: Part One
A massive face blocked the view of the tree. A terrible face. Bright green eyes flashed dangerously. Lots of dagger-like teeth shone in the sunlight.

by ridergirl333

Abby’s First Adventure: Part One
"I found a new island! I found a new island!" Abby shouted. Obviously, I did not believe her. But when she let me have a look, I didn't believe what I saw.

by music261

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