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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Editorial


Do you EVER get tired of watching the chat boards? I mean you have to watch them 24 hours, 7 days a week!
I am sure if just one person watched them they would get pretty sick of them. We have a team of people who each take it in turns to monitor the boards, so no, we don't :)

I went to Limited Too the other day and saw Blue Bruce Plushies.In the news you say its coming soon...did they just release it early?
Yes, sadly with a company as large as Limited Too there are always some stores that start to sell the plushies a little ahead of time. It is always best to call your local store as they may have just got something new in stock.

I noticed that one of Donna's neopets was named Thyassa and he was a Purple Chia. There is also a Purple Chia named Thyassa in Gormball. Did you name you pet after the Chia in Gormball or was the Chia in Gormball named after your pet?
Thyassa is my Chia, but he is also the gormball player. They are one and the same.

On the caption that had the chia and the better than you Kyrii and the Lupe in it, there was one entry that said "My name is Adam and if you don't vote for me, I'll freeze your account." If you only pick a few entries for people to vote for, why did you pick that one?? Also, did that have anything to do with Adam that works with neopets, and could he actually freeze your account somehow?
It was Adam's account and it was just a joke :)

Why is Danielle in great big green letters on the 'About Us' page?
She has been working with us for months and was griping about her name not being on the 'About Us' page so we decided to make up for it in a big way.

Why has Adam chosen to fight against Meridell(if he didn't just do it to test the war he is evil, very evil and he must be stopped)?
I am afraid you have guessed correctly, Adam is truly evil...

My sister doesn't have all of the games like Toaster Strudel or Bubble Yum...Why is that?
Sometimes the country you live in (the one you chose when you signed up) or your age can affect what sponsor games you can see. We try to vary it so everyone gets a mixture, and there are plenty of alternatives so you don't have to play a sponsor game if you dont want to.

Red Dwarf or Doctor Who?
Oooh thats a tough one. I do love Dr Who, although it did scare me when I was little. Red Dwarf is fantastic also (or at least the first few series are, the later ones are awful, especially when they brough t that stupid girl back). I think I would have to say Dr Who...

Adam, Donna, have you guys ever seen Lord of the Rings? If so, did you like it? and Who's your fave character? and Why?
Yes we have both seen it far more times than is healthy for any human. We love it loads. My favourite character has to be Gimli, he is just great. Not in a fanciable way, I mean he is a dwarf. He is just a brilliant personality.

When I was searching for an Orn Codestone on the Shop Wizard, I just typed orn and something called a 'Blue Zumagorn' came up. It said only one shop had it, but I didn't see it in the shop and I couldn't look it up at the search bar. What is a Zumagorn? ?
This is a Zumagorn.

I'm a Faerie Petpet

Does Donna still wear diapers?
Nope, fortunately I grew out of nappies quite a few years ago.

Hey! I was watching YTV, and there was a Honey Nut Cheerios commercial, and in advertised the game on neopets at the end
Yup, that would be right. Neopets is showing on TV in Canada as part of the Honey Nut Cheerios advert we are doing.

Dear Neopets Team, is Adam a dork?
Yeah, but so is everyone in their own way :)

Does anybody on the staff play a game called "Magic: The Gathering" If they do that would be really cool :D
Yeah, actually probably well over half the people that work at Neopets play Magic :)

Hey Donna, on your user lookup page it says that you have a friend in the band COAST is that correct?? If so ask them if they ever plan on coming to America because I would love to see them in concert!
Ha ha, actually yeah Coast is my friend's band. They would love to tour America but sadly its not as easy as that. *blantant plug starts here* - If anyone is in the record industry and you are looking for a cool new band I would definitely recommend them :)

Is Invasion of Meridell the actual war?
No, we wouldnt do that to you... a big suprise is coming soon... Sorry we have been a bit delayed by family stuff although we should be back on track shortly.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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