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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 149 > New Series

Because of a Purple Juppie Java: Part One

"It's not the rain, it's those blasted Myncis, the malfunctioning air conditioner, and the Purple Juppie Java I ordered an hour ago that still hasn't been delivered."

by arula100

Seaveil : The Tide Rises -- Part One

"A-a storm!?" Seaveil stammered, taken aback. "I don't like the sound of that!"

by adoriblelapin

The Case of the Wand That Wasn't: Part One

My client, a Jubjub by the name of Trixy, had left her Wand of Ultranova on a Corral Table overnight...

by tambourine_chimp

Uni Clown: Part One

"Guess what?" Charmed exclaimed once she had arrived at the stand. "I got the last two tickets for the circus tomorrow night!"

by charmedhorses


All That and a Bag of Chomby Chips

I have to keep myself beautiful. My personal beauty icon is Illusen. Have you looked at her recently? How she keeps her hair so sleek and shiny, and her skin so perfect… We should all look like her. I recommend her Mud Mixture for smaller pores, and gorgeous skin. Illusen’s Cucumber Eye Cream is perfect for the morning after a big party!... more>>

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Reading Lessons
"I love to read, as you can tell." She picked up a book from the top of a stack. It was called Lovely Lennys. "This book is my absolute favorite. What's your favorite book?"

by playmobil_is_my_life

Across the Ocean
The sun's rays soon began to touch the tips of Mystery Island's trees, and the Ghost Lupe knew it was time...

by christinetran

Game Guide: Tyrannian Mini Golf
Mini golf is a bit more complicated than hitting the ball as hard as you can and crossing your fingers. A bit more complicated? I meant a lot more complicated.

by neospud2004

25 Easy Ways To Conquer Neopia
Maybe it's just me, but I get tired of seeing the same old guys trying to take over Neopia all the time...

by stoneman3x

Sigma and Beta
Where's Alpha?

by o_zeta_o

Bragging Plushies
My plushie is sooo much better than yours!

by piekaboo

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