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Neopets Neuigkeiten

Besuche diese Seite, um über die neuesten Neuigkeiten und all die tollen Aktualisierungen zu erfahren - Spiele, Gegenstände, Wettbewerbe und haufenweise andere Sachen werden hier bekanntgegeben. Wir aktualisieren die Seite jeden Wochentag, es gibt also immer etwas Neues zu sehen!

Neueste Meldungen

22nd June
  • Hello Neopians! We’ve seen some confusion over the cadence of plot content releases, so we wanted to highlight a few details to help clear things up:

    Since many Neopians have grown up and assumed full time jobs and responsibilities, the plot has been designed in a way where content rolls out slowly but steadily. Although there are periods of time where new content will appear every day, many chapters alternate release days with off days. Each chapter also has a catch up day built in on the last day of each chapter so that everyone has a chance to get all caught up on content before the next chapter releases.

    This relaxed release schedule allows everyone to follow along with the story in real time as content releases, but it also gives more casual players a chance to enjoy the story at their own pace. If you only have Sunday as a free day to play, then you can use that day to catch up on the chapter storyline and any content that may have been released that week without losing out on prizes. It’s only after each chapter concludes at the end of each three week period that you will miss out on any exclusive rewards.

    Please keep in mind that this plot is a marathon, not a sprint. There is A LOT of story that will be unfolding over the course of the year, and although we would love you to follow along with us as it is released, we also don’t want anyone to stress over this event. It should be a fun activity that you can enjoy at your own pace, not a stressor causing you to skip out on sleep or develop anxiety about missing prizes while you are on vacation.

    From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for joining us on this journey into the unknown. Hope to see you on the other side of the abyss!

    ~~The Neopets Team

  • The Art Gallery has been updated with two new arrays of Pride-themed submissions to get you through the weekend! Check them out!

  • Congratulations to the latest Beauty Contest winners - Gazzmi, Newucko & Giganana! Head over to the contest page to check out the top 3 entries or vote for your favourite entry in the next round of the competition!

  • NC Mall News: Get ready for a goth girl summer! The new Hot Goth Summer Mystery Capsule has everything you need to embrace the shadows and the sun! Grab this cool capsule and its bundles in the NC Mall all summer long!

  • More NC Mall News: Interested in a more colorful summer? The Retired in Peace Summer Mystery Capsule may be screaming "summer-ween" on the outside, but it is FULL of your favourite retired items from the NC Mall's Summer Shop! Get this capsule and its bundles today!

  • And finally: It's the weekend! Grab your favourite book and enjoy the sunshine!

21st June
  • Grab your magnifying glass and map of Neopia - there's a new Mystery Picture! Submit your best guess for your chance at a piece of a Neopoints pool and a prize!

20th June - Kau Day!
  • Neopets LIVE! The next Neopets LIVE! will be taking place June 27th at 5PM NST. Hosted by TNT Luna, tune into the Neopets Battledome TCG themed livestream for a chance to win a Starter Deck and hear from special guests from Upper Deck on how it all came together. Want to ask TNT Dom a question during his AMA segment? Head over to the Site Events Board to submit a question to TNT Luna!

  • The Petpet Protection League is back for another weekly surprise as we announce our winner for Week 963 - Purple Gobbler!

  • Magic is in the air this Kau Day! Check out Uni's Clothing Shop to get all the pieces of the new Kau Fortune Teller Outfit!

  • Have you herd about the newest Kau colour in Neopia? Head over to the Rainbow Pool to check out the new addition, Polka Dot Kau!

  • There are some new Kau noses that are ready to be booped! Head over to Cog's Togs to check out the Glossy Black Kau Nose, Spotted Kau Nose, Kau Nose Ring, and Hungry Kau Grass wearables!

  • In honour of Kau Day, Exotic Foods has released a new item, Kau Kung Pao!

  • A new selection of Poems for Kau Day awaits! Come join in the celebration with some very talented poets!

  • Ahoy maties! Don't forget there is free training for all Pets on their day! Today all Kaus will get FREE training from Cap'n Threelegs so make sure you head on over and get your free training on!

  • In celebration of Pride Month, Ugga Shinies has released some new items! Go check out the new variations of Handheld Pride Flags! There will be more to come throughout the month!

  • Also in honour of Pride Month, Neopian Fresh Foods has released a new item, the BeYOUtiful Burgers!

  • NC Mall News: Know a Maraquan Neopet that wants to stand out and shimmer like a rainbow? Then the Maraquan Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint is just what you're looking for! Get it in the NC Mall's Summer Shop today! (Oops! This item is not yet wearable on the newest Maraquan Nimmo, but we should have this fixed by the end of the week!)

19th June
  • Don't forget to congratulate fellow Neopian, sosunub, for winning User Lookup of the Week with their Tales of Dacardia-themed lookup!

  • The Gallery Spotlight has been updated. Don't miss out on seeing the winning selection, titled "Second Chances" which is owned by dustanddecay!

  • The Art Gallery has been updated with three new arrays of Kau-themed submissions to get you through the week! Check them out!

  • NC Mall News: Have you checked out the Tales of Dacardia Mystery Capsule in the NC Mall yet? It's full of Crabby-bots, Lania accessories, and island fun! Get this capsule and its bundles in the NC Mall before it retires on July 5th (7/5)!

  • More NC Mall News: The void is actually quite pretty... Did you notice? There are 2 new items in the NC Mall for you to embrace the new plot, the void, and your inner fashionista!

18th June - Nimmo Day!
  • A mysterious rift has appeared, draining colour from Neopia! Dive into quests, battle forces, and discover new items. Join us to restore vibrancy and uncover the secrets of the rift. Adventure awaits! Don’t forget to visit the NC Mall for event-exclusive items.

  • As you've just read, The Void Within Plot officially launched today, (despite some Meepits gnawing at our wires and patience!) Visit the Plot Hubpage to read the first comic and delve through the FAQs as you prepare for a new Neopian adventure. Do you dare gaze into the Void Within?

  • Pining for a whimsical weekend? Why not unwind in charming Faerieland? Feel your worries melt away as you enter Queen Fyora's magical domain where verdant valleys, floating clouds, and shimmering waters paint the ethereal landscape.

  • The Customisation Spotlight has been updated! Come by to see the top submissions now that we have announced this week's winners.

  • A brand new Story Telling tale has begun. Go check out the beginning of Story 968 before submitting your own additions!

  • Hop on over to Uni's Clothing Shop to see the latest in Nimmo fashion! Get all the pieces of the new Princess Nimmo Outfit!

  • Sights of a mysterious new water creature have been reported across Neopia... Head over to the Rainbow Pool to check out the new addition, Maraquan Nimmo!

  • In honour of Nimmo Day, Plushie Palace has released a new item, the Baby Nimmo Plushie!

  • A new selection of Poems for Nimmo Day awaits! Come join in the celebration with some very talented poets!

  • Ahoy maties! Don't forget there is free training for all Pets on their day! Today all Nimmos will get FREE training from Cap'n Threelegs so make sure you head on over and get your free training on!

  • NC Mall News: Have you seen the giant rift in the sky? The situation's turning grey! It's time you make a difference! Join the fight to restore colour to Neopia and uncover the secrets behind the void. Along the way, be sure to visit the NC Mall to check out exclusive items for this event. Who knows what surprises you'll find?

  • More NC Mall News: You're not tired of tinkering with trinkets are you? Thankfully you still have time to get these capsules before they leave the NC Mall NEXT WEEK! Get the Tons of Trinkets and Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsules before 6/24!

» Neu im NC-Center
This cute little petpet is always hungry...unlimited flowers for the munchin!
Nibbling Snowbunny
Doze off in a flower field alongside these napping Petpets...
Sleeping Petpets
» Neue Spiele
Werde zum Herrscher der Minen, indem du gegnerische Wägen zerstörst!
» Die Kampfarena

Rüste dein Neopet aus, trainiere es und finde einen Gegner, gegen den du im Einzelspieler-Modus kämpfen kannst oder fordere einen anderen Benutzer zum Kampf heraus. Auf zur Neopianischen Kampfarena!
» Kämpfe Jetzt!
» Wettbewerbe und Highlights

Wettbewerb: Nr. 405

Denke dir eine witzige Überschrift aus und gewinne 10.000 Neopunkte!



Gestalte dein Neopet



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