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16th September - Pirate Day! (almost)
  • Officially National Talk Like A Pirate Day is on Sunday the 19th, but as there will be no news on that day we have started the celebrations early. It also gives you all a chance to brush up on your Pirate speak before the event.

  • Somewhere in Neopia a small Aisha child is having nightmares. Outside there is a full moon. A really old un-oiled gate creaks open, and a bell tolls, another game must have been dragged screaming into the Game Graveyard... and it's Destruct-O-Match.

    [EDIT] .. WHAT?!? That's the second most popular game on the site, Adam. Are you insane?

    No, it's fine, trust me...

  • NEW GAME - In completely related news we are happy to announce Destruct-O-Match II, a faster prettier updated version with bonus boulders!!! It is translated into all languages, and also has a screensaver you can download!


  • Arrr, We be adding two buttons to the yellow bar!


  • The last stop in the Neopets TCG Mall Tour is the Northshore Mall in Peabody, MA. This is your last chance to see the mall tour in action so if you are in the area this weekend you should definitely stop by.

  • Avast! These 'ere scurvy Petpets have gone and done themselves up all pirate like!

  • Neopets in Jamba Juice!!!
    For a limited time if you go into your local Jamba Juice you can order a Neopets Tigerfruit Smoothie! It is NOT on the menu, so you have to ask for it. The first 24 people to ask for a Neopets Tigerfruit Smoothie will get one of eight collectable badges!

  • Arr, even t' boards and Battledome have had a touch of t' pirate!

  • Why not turn your Neohome into a haven for pirates with some of this new Furniture?

  • Erimuse and Ratty170170's knowledgable Site - may send you well on your way to becoming a fully fledged swashbuckler!

  • This week's PPL award goes to the Pawkeet. Congrats Pawkerz, Mr. Crackers, P4WK337, Pawphora, Teekwapm Land Lubber and all the others!

  • There are some Pirate themed Poems for you to look at.

  • No young pirate would be without one of these new Toys. There is a Pirate Quiguki, Pirate Hat, Pirate Toy Cutlass and Toy Pirate Cannon to choose from.

  • Arrr it be a fine day to be adding a new Background to your desktop!

  • Can you collect more Dubloons than Dorak in this week's Better Than You?

  • If you own a Zafara you can now paint it Pirate!!!

  • A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 4575 days. 2411 people got the correct answer earning themselves 830 NP each.

  • This pirate Blog will look mighty fine in your shop!

  • A cold mug of some of this Fruit Grog is just the thing to quench your thirst!

  • Dabigkid has just earnt themselves a Pirate Cave Of The Week trophy with their cave - the Haunted Cliffs.

  • If you are thinking of hosting a Pirate themed party, you should think about investing in an Inflatable Bouncy Pirate Ship, large pirate flag or a fully functional cannon! On sale in the Garden Centre now!

  • Can you figure out how to get hold of this Dubloontatsic avatar?

  • The Pirate Kougra has been updated.

15th September - Annual Chocolate Ball!
  • Every year the Chocolate Factory plays host to one of the most exclusive events in Neopia. Only the most influential Neopians are invited to dine within the mysterious factory walls. Each event is slightly different, but whatever the year you can guarantee there will be many splendid outfits and delicious chocolates on display...

  • The highlight of the Chocolate Ball has to have been the unveiling of these new luxurious chocolates. They should go on sale in the Chocolate Factory shortly.

  • This week's Petpet Spotlight award has gone to Aluhia the Floud (who just happens to love chocolate).

  • Today's Caption Contest takes place at the Annual Chocolate Ball.

  • Argoisin's Gallery of all things chocolate (aptly named Death By Chocolate) is the perfect place for chocoholics!

  • As well as the exquisite chocolates, these new Chocolate Models of famous Neopians proved to be a real hit. Jeran, Balthazar, Skarl and Dr Sloth are now available in yummy milk chocolate forms!

  • Continuing the chocolatey theme, Rukis and Flotsams can now be painted a rich Brown colour.

  • There is a page of chocolate themed Poems for you to look at.

  • If your Wadjets, Kookiths, Ghotis or Anubi long to be involved in the festivities, now they can with the aid of a Brown Petpet Paint Brush.

  • Theaterofworlds should be very pleased with themselves! Their level - TheClockTower has just won this week's Meridell Castle Spotlight award.

  • Why not turn your desktop all chocolatey with this new Background?

  • The Tenna is the latest Petpet to have a little makeover. (Yes, this means you will be seeing lots more Tenna colour choices shortly).

  • There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was from the Neopets Help Tutorial.

  • Finally, the Glowing Kougra has been updated :)

14th September
  • Some new items have been added to the Hidden Tower. Keep an eye out for the Island Mystic's Staff, Pocket Cooking Pot and Squeezy Tombola Guy Toy! As a side note, some of the older Hidden Tower items have been retired.

  • We have DOUBLED the Neopoints you can earn from the Scooby Doo Compararoo game.

  • The Battledome poses for the Red, Green, Yellow and Blue Kacheeks have been updated.

  • Ever wondered what the weather was like in the Haunted Woods? Now you can find out :)

  • The first Site Spotlight award of the week (and also the 400th site spotlight ever!) has been given to _Chivalry_Returns_ and Dark_stars_angel for their site - The Castle of Chivalry.

  • If you long for a bride in your garden but your budget cannot stretch to those fancy ones, maybe one of these more economical Bridges are for you...

  • There is a new page of Poems for you to look at in the gallery.

  • I wonder what happens to this Sponge Koi when it swims underwater?!!?

  • If you are feeling sad and blue, why not treat yourself to some Cheery Tomatoes?

  • You can now have Feepit, Snowickle or Ghoti as your Shopkeeper.

13th September - Techo Day!
  • To start off Techo Day, you can now paint your Techo Glowing at the Rainbow Pool!

  • Make sure you take your Techo to see Cap'n Threelegs or they will miss out on all that lovely FREE training.

  • The Book Shop has some great new Techo themed books in stock including Fishing for Techos and Techo Master Tactics.

  • A new Story Telling Competition has just begun. Can you think of the next part?

    "Ugh!" the speckled Shoyru groaned as she lifted the musty old box. "The dust in this attic is unbearable! Has anyone ever cleaned this place? Evan, could you give me a hand over here?"

  • What better thing to help celebrate Techo Day than a handful of these delicious biscuits? There are four flavours to choose from, on sale in the Bakery now!

  • This week's Minigolf Spotlight award has been given to Crazy4comics for their level - Exotic Golf.

  • Rather unsurprisingly today's Caption Contest image features some Techos...

  • As we have been doing the Techo Day things we noticed that Techos really are in need of a makeover. While we dont want to drastically change them, they will be next in line for a little update.

  • There are two Screen Savers to choose from with a Techo theme.

  • If you have always wanted a Techo but dont want to disown one of your existing Neopets, maybe one of these Morphing Potions could help?

  • Put on your thinking cap and you could bag yourself this snazzy Techo avatar!

  • Let this fun looking Fishing Techo Background adorn your desktop!

  • There are four new Techo Shopkeepers to choose from.

  • These new Plushies make a perfect Techo Day gift.

  • This new Techo Day Blog will look great in your shop.

  • Stop by the Art Gallery and you will see lots of new Techo pictures on display.

  • Today's Pet Spotlight award goes to two Mutant Techos called Ap0c0lyps3 and Rayilian.

more New in NC Mall
This cute little snowbunny is always hungry...unlimited flowers for the munchin!
Nibbling Snowbunny
Doze off in a flower field alongside these napping Petpets...
Petpets Nap in a Flower Bed
This bundle pack includes 5 Raining Petals Retired Mystery Capsules and 5 Sunshine & Flowers Mystery Capsules!
Y23 Spring Capsules 10-Pack
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You shoot! You score! Go for the Cup in Yooyuball!
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Caption Contest: #1484

Think of something witty and win 10,000 Neopoints!


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