
Cut Shops

by yurikochan55

Gelert, Shoyru, and Blumaroo were walking through the Neopian Marketplace when they stopped in their tracks in front of the biggest Mega Malls that they had ever seen. "Wow the levels are endless! It would take days to get through all the stores!" Gelert exclaimed.

"Nah, maybe years. I bet many people got lost on the elevators," Shoyru replied trying to scare Blumaroo.

"People get lost? Oh no, let's go home," Blumaroo trembled.

"No, I doubt it. Shoyru is just trying to scare you again. But anyway let's go see what's inside." Gelert said as he walked toward the automated sliding doors. The other two followed. A rush of cool air brushed against their faces as the doors opened.

"Wow look at this place...there must be 100 levels of stores," Blumaroo said as he bounced around his two friends. Gelert used her tail to stop the Blumaroo.

"Ouchies! Now Gele why'd you have to do that for? Maybe you should get a trim," Blumaroo offered.

"He's right your tail is getting a bit long," Shoyru commented.

"Maybe. Excuse me sir can you tell me where the nearest fur cut shop is?" Gelert asked the nearest security guard Skeith.

"All cut shops are located on the 43rd floor," the guard roared loudly.

The three Neos used the express elevator to get to the 43rd floor. To their surprise there was not one but 210 cut shops. At least one for every kind of NeoPet and different specialty cut shops. Gelert lead the group to a shop which specializes in Gelert trims. They walked through the green doors with tassels similar to Gelert's ears and tails hanging from the door frame. A pink Gelert greeted them.

"Hi welcome . Do you have an appointment?" the pink Gelert asked.

"Well, I didn't realize...," Gelert started.

"Yes, she does. It's under Gele Gelert," Shoyru interrupted.

"I'm sorry but it seems that we don't have you written down," the pink Gelert snickered.

"Are you sure because we did call in for an appointment this morning. Maybe you were slacking off and decided that trimming a Gelerts tassels are just not as important than your personal life," Shoyru snapped. "ERRR!"

"Well, no worries. We don't want a haircut from your stupid shop anyway. I mean, if you are colored pink then something must be wrong with the hair dye in this shop," Blumaroo joked as the three walked out and left the pink Gelert fuming.

"All right, we'll cut your tassels," the girl finally said.

Gele went to sit on one of the fluffy couches as her two friends went to search for a store that could give them a cut. Shoyru and Blumaroo walked a bit more until they reached a specialty shop called "NeoCuts". They walked in and saw white plastered walls and twenty swivel chairs. Fifteen were taken by many different Neos. A few Aishas, one Chia, and some Korbats.

"Hello, welcome to NeoCuts! What would you like today?" a Blue Kacheek welcomed them with a smile.

"Can I have a fur cleansing?" Blumaroo said to the Kacheek who motioned him to one of the seats.

"Hello my name is Naiya," a Yellow Cybunny said.

"Can you just give me a fur cleansing and a trimming of my back fur," Blumaroo requested. With a snap of her ears a very large Blumaroo sized sink appeared before Cybunny and she opened a door for him to enter the sink for a fur cleansing. Meanwhile, Shoyru was still deciding what to do.

"Maybe I'll just get a coat painting and a wing trim," he told the Kacheek.

"Well, we have someone who can do the perfect job," the Kacheek said as she lead Shoyru to a chair where an orange Shoyru was waiting.

"Hello my name is Syna what color would you like to be painted," she said as she handed Shoyru a paint guide to pick a color.

"Hmm, how bout Glow in the Dark," Shoyru finally decided.

"All right and you want a wing trim too?" she asked as Shoyru nodded.

Twenty minutes later Shoyru was painted a faint light green and Blumaroo was finished with his fur cleansing. Another five minutes later the two were finished. They paid the cashier and tipped their groomers...even giving them an additional kiss on the cheek.

"I wonder what Gele's cut would look like?" Shoyru asked. Just as he said that a Gelert that resembled somewhat of a poodle who has gotten in a fight with a weed-wacker came running toward them.

"Gele what a lovely um...err...cut," Blumaroo tried his best not to laugh.

"No, it's not. Look at me! I asked to get my tail trimmed an inch and the whole fur razor just shaved part of my back fur. Then this purple Gelert tried to fix it with a even bigger razor," Gele Gelert told them as they passed by the shop which had gave Gelert the horrible cut. Blumaroo started laughing.

"What are you laughing at!!!" Gele Gelert screamed.

Blumaroo pointed to the sign of the shop and a picture nearby. The shop had a neon sign which said, " Gelert Poodle Cuts" and a picture of a Gelert with a poodle cut nearby it.

It took 5 years for Gele's poodle cut to grow out and she swore never to visit that shop again and to aggravate a pink Gelert. Which are, by the way, pink from the central air conditioning of the mall.