
Gertrude and the Fun Machine

by avidwriter88

Gertrude the Kacheek was 12 years old, and like most Kacheeks of that age she was very curious. Gertrude was loved by all and known far and wide as a cute, trustworthy Kacheek and nothing more. This story proved all those people wrong. Sure she was cute and trustworthy, but she had something more.

She was very curious, and unlike the friends and neighbours of all the other 12 year old Kacheeks, nobody knew about it. This story actually happened just last week so it's fresh in my mind. Do you want me to tell it to you? Okay, I'll start.

Gertrude the Kacheek woke up with a cough. Autumn was approaching and Gertrude was accustomed to having nasty little colds every time the season changed. The wind was howling and Gertrude was dizzy. Her cold was especially bad today.

"Mum!!" she called. "Help. I don't feel to good." Gertrude's mother ran in and took Gertrude's temperature.

"My my..." she frowned. "You got a high fever Gertrude. I'm afraid I'll have to take you to Liletine. I would have taken you to her earlier but I didn't want to bother her."

Gertrude smiled. She loved going to Liletine's house. She rarely went but it was a treat every time. Liletine was one of her neighbours, an Alien Aisha. Alien Aisha's were known for their magic and healing powers. But Gertrude wasn't surprised her mother hadn't taken her earlier. Alien Aisha's were strong with magic and wisdom and you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of one.

"Okay, do you feel good enough to walk there?" her mother asked her.

"Yes, I'm all right." Gertrude answered.

So Gertrude and her mother walked hand in hand to Liletine's house just next door. They tapped the door and with a creak the door opened. The whole place smelt strongly of perfume and there was a strange smoke about. "Hello darlings, please come this way..." came a mystical and airy voice beside Gertrude. It was only then that she noticed the Alien Aisha looming over her.

"You may leave her with me," Liletine said to Gertrude's mother.

Gertrude's mother thanked Liletine many times and handed her 20 NP before leaving. Gertrude was a tad frightened. She wasn't exactly thrilled at having to stay with the Alien Aisha alone. Liletine led Gertrude to a soft plush couch. There was a fire nearby and Gertrude warmed herself by it. Gertrude looked around. The room was filled with pretty magical things she knew she dare not touch. Gertrude felt and urge to grab them and pull the levers and push the buttons.

"No," she told herself flatly. She'd heard of this urge from some of her friends. They called it The Instant Trouble Maker because it got them into dreadful trouble. Yes Gertrude would resist.

"You have a cold, I see," Liletine said. "And a nasty one at that." Then Liletine gave Gertrude a piercing glare. "You got a question?"

"Yes...Um, Ms. Liletine what makes Alien Aisha's different from regular Aisha's? I have a friend, Mellynine, she's a regular Aisha and she says Alien Aisha's are no different at all except they have one too many ears for her taste."

Then Gertrude, seeing the frown on the Alien Aisha's face, murmured an apology. "It's all right little one. Your friend is sadly a liar. We're bigger, have better hearing, and have magic in us. I may look like an ordinary green Aisha to you but I'm much different." Liletine added mystically.

"I see you've got no more questions so I'll go to the kitchen and work up an anti-cold potion for you. Just relax on the couch." Liletine said as she left. Just then Gertrude got an urge, a tug. She desperately wanted to grab one of the items in the room.

"No," Gertrude told herself. "You've just got a bad case of The Instant Trouble Maker."

Gertrude then closed her eyes. But unfortunately that didn't help. She began seeing pictures in her mind of all the wonderful things that would happen if she touched an item. She saw herself on a podium with everyone taking photos of her. She would become a movie star...

"No!" Gertrude said to herself weakly. She envisioned a big golden trophy being handed to her. She was winning a medal for winning the NeoPets Beauty Contest.

"No.." Gertrude whispered softly. But then The Instant Trouble Maker grew too strong and overpowered her. She saw herself walking and grabbing an object even though she was constantly whispering to herself about how horrible a thing she was doing. Her hand reached for the shiny red button of a machine, THE FUN MACHINE.

"Gertrude!" Liletine had sensed something and had rushed back. "No, don't!" But it was too late. Gertrude the Kacheek had vanished in a puff of smoke. Any other NeoPet would probably of panicked, but Liletine was an Alien Aisha and had encountered a naughty Kacheek before. Liletine calmly drew up whatever information she knew about the THE FUN MACHINE. She closed her eyes in silent thought. Then some words poured into her head: "You seek fun, then that you will find. Something will happen of a very strange kind."

"Hmm..." Liletine murmured. She waited for other things but couldn't find any. Liletine knew that a strange riddle might not be enough to get Gertrude back. She walked over to her crystal box and peered inside. Maybe she could find out more. It was very smoky and faint but after a while the smoke took color and became clearer. Liletine saw a little blue Kacheek. It was Gertrude. The Kacheek was trying to get out of some round silver room. Then the image disappeared and the box turned smoky again. Liletine sat in her plush couch and relaxed. She now knew exactly where the Kacheek was and decided to delay her rescue. That would teach her for touching things she wasn't supposed to. After a while Liletine received a phone call. It was from Gertrude's mother.

"Have you found a cure for her cold?"

"Yes, I have," Liletine replied.

"Should I come over?"

"Yes, and at once. Liletine has gotten herself in a bit of a mishap."

"WHAT?! I'm sooooo sorry! What has she done now?!"

"Something not altogether different than a certain something you did when you were twelve," said Liletine with a smirk.

"Oh, well she didn't turn purple did she?" Gertrude's mother said, blushing with embarrassment.

"Oh, not at all. Now I think you should come over. Gertrude's case is much more serious."

"Okay, all right," said Gertrude's mom as she hurriedly hung up.

Liletine's house was just next door so it wasn't long at all until Gertrude's mother reached it. The door opened and smoke seeped outside. Gertrude's mother took off her coat and walked to the living room. The Alien Aisha was there, waiting for her with a spoon in her hand.

"What has happened?" Gertrude's mother asked.

"She pressed the button to my fun machine and something fun happened to her." Liletine said and handed Gertrude's mother the spoon. Gertrude's mother looked inside and sure enough inside was a little blue Kacheek the size of a thimble trying to get out.

"Oh my." Gertrude's mother gasped and she nearly dropped the spoon in her surprise.

"It's all right," Liletine said.

"Little Gertrude will soon be back to normal. But I'm afraid in the process she'll turn a light shade of yellow."

So that's the story. Did you like it? Thank you for the compliment. What do you mean what happened to Gertrude? Oh. Well, Gertrude became the first lightly shaded yellow Kacheek in the history of Kacheeks, just as her mother was the first purple Kacheek. There are many rumours about the incident though. People say that Liletine turns every naughty NeoPet she meets a different color. Liletine's a very smart NeoPet, she is. Well, that's the story and I guess I best be on my way. I've got to get to my house for a cuppa' tea. Good-bye.