
A Tale of a Hero to All

by Grrrrpets

Part 4

Laura walked up to the double wooden doors of Sloth’s office. She threw her leg up and kicked the door so hard it vibrated. She heard Sloth’s confused voice and waited for him to answer the door. The door slowly creaked open and around peered Sloth’s ugly Green face. Laura hurled her foot once again at the door, but "accidentally" missed and slammed it into his face.

“Ah!” Sloth screamed as he fell back in pain. He covered his face, and hunched over, as the NeoPets poured in to help Scuzzewolf. Laura determined to make Sloth pay for his huge mistakes, walked over to him, and yelled, “Stand up! Like the beast you are!”

He stood up, a boot print now on his face, growled back, “Don’t make me hurt your little baby over there.” He held up the main remote, and chuckled, mocking her.

She laughed at him, and growled, “Just try it.”

He narrowed his already beady eyes and pressed the shock collar button. Nothing happened. Sloth continued to press it in a mad fit, but Laura clicked her tongue twice, and swung her leg up and kicked it from his grimy hands.

“You will never hurt another living NeoPet as long as you live, which will not be long!”

Sloth grinned, and hissed back, “Yea right! Just watch!” Laura was too quick for him, and she took out a piece of cable cord and tackled him. They rolled around throwing punches back and forth, Laura making the best of the moves, Sloth off balance with this female on top of him. She finally hog-tied him, and kicked him hard in the side. She ran over to Scuzzewolf, and knelt beside him quickly.

She took his head in hands and kissed him, saying with tear-filled eyes, “Oh my poor baby.” Scuzzewolf, cried harder than she did, and didn’t move. He wanted to take in this moment forever. Rip Claw came over and applied medicines to Scuzzewolf’s wounds and wrapped him up tightly for him to heal better.

Laura stood, taking Scuzzewolf up in her arms, and started walking to the door. She kicked Sloth one last time before leaving him to rot away. As she left the building, she looked at FeiceFighter, asking, “Did you set up the ticker?”

“Did I?” he asked, as he pressed a big red button. Right before their eyes, the building slowly blew up from the inside, falling from the bottom up, leaving a crumpled heap where the building once was.

“Does that answer your question?”

Laura smiled and nodded as she walked off towards home. Scuzzewolf was nice and snug in her arms.