
What Happened to the Skeiths?

(Skeith owners do not be offended)

by KittenECB

The Way They Were

One day an Air Faerie named Fleeka was so exhausted she nearly fell out of the sky, but she still had errands to run. She decided to create pets much bigger than her to help carry errands.

She decided to create huge bulldog like creatures twenty times her size with wings and broad bodies to carry large loads of errands (and I don't mean small packages either) from place to place. These creatures were called Skeiths because they would ski down the mountains on their paws. Four of them were green, four of them were red, four of them were yellow, and four were blue. She made a special emerald color Skeith named Jade Star. He was two times bigger, could carry triple his own weight, was much faster, and was very gentle.

When he awoke he said in a kind, handsome voice, "I am your loyal servant. I will protect you as long as I never have to be leader. I want to be fair and equal with the others, so now I need a name." "You may have what you want and you are Jade Star. Your species is the Skeith. That's what the others are," she replied joyfully. He was her very own skeith she rode if she was too tired to fly or if a place was too far to fly. The Skeiths were kind and gentle, but strong and loyal to Fleeka. They would protect her no matter the cost. Many days past with Fleeka and her new friends, which made her stepsister jealous and ill.

One day the sky had turned dark and evil. "The time has come to take my revenge on your kindness," said Fleeka's stepsister. Fleeka's stepsister, a Dark Faerie named Shelinda, used her dark magic to turn all twenty-five Skeiths, including Jade Star evil. Practice and patience had paid off for Shelinda, while poor Fleeka couldn't break the much more powerful spell. She was heartbroken.


The Transformation

Ten shy Skeiths were now fierce and ruthless. The eleven strongest ones (not including Jade Star) were now stronger than ever and practically invincible. The four fastest ones now couldn't be beaten in any test of speed. Jade Star was turned into all those things and more. Jade Star never considered himself the leader, but now he was the leader of Shelinda's evil pack and the Skeith Shelinda rode. Not even Fleeka and her twin sister, a Light Faerie named Castina together could stop Shelinda's evil plan, and Castina had amazing powers.

All twenty-five Skeiths that once had beautiful fur now had midnight black fur with red wings and scales. Only Shelinda and twenty-four of the strongest Dark Faeries, which Shelinda would have to pick out, could ride and control the Skeiths The Skeiths were turned completely to the dark side. Shelinda let out an evil laugh that would make your skin crawl then flew off. This only made Fleeka more upset. If it wasn't for Castina, Fleeka would had tried to fight Shelinda.

"Don't Fleeka. If you lose now we can never get the Skeiths back. I can't bring them back if their creator is weak," Castina yelled. Fleeka couldn't resist the truth so she turned back softly to herself and she swore, "I'll get you for this Shelinda!" As hot tears ran down Fleeka's eyes, Shelinda laughed some more and disappeared high into the sky with all the following Skeiths behind her.


A New Life Begins

Shelinda arrived in the lair of darkness Shelinda picked out two groups. Each group had twelve of the strongest Dark Faeries in them. One group had twelve Dark Faeries sisters, which was called The Sisters of Darkness. The other one had nine friends and two strong fighters, which was named Goddesses of the Dark Side.

"My sister faeries...I need the two groups named Sisters of Darkness and Goddesses of the Dark Side to join me," shouted Shelinda. They followed Shelinda with smiles (I mean evil smiles) and ease. The two groups and Shelinda ran into a motorcycle gang of Dark Faeries that meant serious trouble with a capitol T.

Shelinda, Jade Star (now named evil Beast), and the three fighters got out of line and were prepared to fight. Shelinda used a dark spell, but the leader of the bikers blocked it, then said, "Leave my gang alone since I have no reason to fight you." Shelinda backed off and her army followed her bringing terror, but no deaths because, when she thought the time was right, she would get her two stepsisters, the Faerie Queen, the Earth Faerie, and the Battle Faerie to come out and fight. She and her army would fight them and the small army of ten Gelerts. They would win because they out numbered them fifty to fourteen. Ten days later the battle began.


The Sad Ending

Shelinda's army, which is now fifty-one members (a pant devil joined them) caused trouble again and still no deaths (yet) because like she had hoped all fourteen good guys had came before any deaths could happen (yet). Practice and patience had also paid off for Castina and Fleeka because they had two spells each to bring back the Skeiths.

As the cold and painful war went on, Castina was struck hard and knew that Fleeka needed the spells more than her, so she gave Fleeka her spells. Then she fainted because she was weak, but the Earth Faerie revived her and brought her to safety. Fleeka hit Shelinda with flash long enough to use her four spells to bring back the Skeiths and she did. The other Dark Faeries ran off knowing that they shouldn't interfere with Shelinda's battle.

The Gelerts ran off because they were scared of the pant devil. The revived Skeiths (except for Jade Star) carried away the fainted Battle Faerie, the tired Castina, two injured Earth Uber Faeries, and the Faerie Queen who had been hurt. Fleeka hit Shelinda with fire ball. Shelinda blocked it, but the force of it hitting her shield made her fly backwards right into Jade Star causing him to fall head first on the ground. He fainted.

Shelinda hit Fleeka with flash. At that same time, an Earth Faerie revived Jade Star. When Fleeka opened her eyes there was a fire ball three times bigger than the one that hit Shelinda's shield, and it was headed straight for her. Jade Star saw this and flew in front of Fleeka and the fire ball hit him. It pierced through his skin and scorched him. Leaving blood, bruises, and burns he fell to the ground knocked out unconscious. Fleeka ran to him crying. When she got to him he opened his eyes and said, "I fought for you. An Earth Faerie revived me just in time to save you. I took the blow instead of you because I love you."

Then he passed, bruised and bleeding, but with pride and loyalty. Fleeka cried but understood. Shelinda cried to. She seem to be having a new feeling. Just then she used her spell once more to try to turn the Skeiths evil again. She didn't miss, but it was too weak to do anything serious because she was hit with flash and it surprised her so much she flew backwards into a tree. She hit it so hard so was knocked out. The other Faeries recovered using heal on themselves and flew away.

The Skeiths turned lazy and flew up to the mountains. Shelina just laid there. Then suddenly she turned into a Fire Faerie. Fleeka had not known this then she remembered. A young Fire Faerie was kind so some trouble making Dark Faeries pushed it to far. Hatred filled her mind and soul turning her into a Dark Faerie. Now that was history. She was back to normal, everyone recovered, and Fleeka made twenty-four females for her twenty-four Skeiths that flew up into the mountains. She decided to make them the way the males were after being hit by the spell. That's why there are so many Skeiths

Later in the night, sometime around 3:30 a.m., she used magic to turn Jade Star's body into stone and put a memorial next to it. It said:

To my dear Jade Star,

A Skeith who will never except evil in his heart again.
If that were to happen, he would never have to suffer. For he passed proudly
saving me not because he was dumb or loyal, but because he loved me.

Fleeka the Air Faerie

My other Skeiths will never remember me, for they are under an eternal spell and I shall leave them for they living better now. I can only hope they, as well as anyone else that knew him, remember Jade Star always. That is why I made this memorial for him.