
A Tale of Two NeoPets

Chapter 2: Back to School

by bsbgurl8

My alarm buzzed at 6:45 a.m. the next morning. I smacked it with my hand and it stopped ringing. I rolled over on my back and fell back to sleep for a few minutes. "bsbgurl8! Wake up!" Something screamed as it bounced on my bed. I glanced at my clock. I had only been asleep 10 minutes.

"What is it Fungee?" I asked.

"Don't you have to go to school? Isn't that what humans do on weekdays?"

"Yup," I yawned and put Fungee back on the ground.

Standing up, I stepped over my NeoPets to my closet. I grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom. "I'll be out in a minute, guys." I said.

"When are we going home, Bubble888?" asked Puppy.

"I don't know. I don't want to go home."

"Neither do I," said Puppy.

"Same here," said Sundance8.

"Can we stay here forever? I like the human world!" yelled Fungee.

"Not forever Fungee. But we can stay for a while."


I stepped out of the bathroom and back into my room. "Let's go and have some breakfast, shall we?" I asked. "Yeah!" agreed my hungry pets.


"Okay, so what is your status right now?" I asked as we finished a big breakfast of pancakes, cereal and bagels.

"Bloated," They all said at once.

I laughed. "Me too."

I looked at my watch. It was 7:45 a.m. "I have to go to school now you guys," I said.

"Can we come?" asked Fungee.

"I don't know if NeoPets are allowed at school."


"Okay. Hurry, hop in my bag. Sundance8 and Bubble888, you guys will have to stay in my locker all day."

"That's okay. Do you have any good books?" Sundance8 asked.

"Yeah, I will bring some for you to read while I am in class."

"All right."

I zipped up my backpack with Fungee and Puppy in it. I could hear them whispering excitedly amongst my binders. I filled a big bag with books and let Bubble888 and Sundance8 jump inside before I tied it to the handles of my bike and started off.

"Now you guys, you will have to be really quiet all day. I especially want no talking from you two PetPets, okay Fungee and Puppy?" They shouted in agreement. "And Sundance8 and Bubble888, you will have to be completely silent." I tried to get to school as fast as I could so that I could get in without too many people noticing that my backpack was bulging and I had a bag full of books and two moving bundles. I locked up my bike and ran up the stairs to my locker. Removing my backpack from my back, I opened my locker and threw my coat inside. I made it into a nice soft bed on top of my extra supplies for Bubble888 and Sundance8.

"Okay you two," I whispered into the bag, getting weird looks from some of the students passing. "Jump into the locker and make yourselves at home." After they were comfortable on top of my jacket, I scattered the books around them. Unzipping my backpack, I peered inside. "Do you guys want to stay in my bag, or be in the locker with Sundance8 and Bubble888?" I asked.

"Stay!" They both squealed.

"Shhh!" I hissed as people looked up from down the hall at the sharp noise. "You'll have to be really quiet and not move a single inch. Do you want books?"


I handed them two books each and re-zipped my bag. Slinging it over my shoulder, I shut the locker and hurried to homeroom.


In Social Studies that morning I had to lightly hit my backpack to let the PetPets know that they were moving around too much. In Math, as I pulled out my textbook, Fungee stuck his head out and I had to stick it back in fast before the people sitting near me noticed. At lunch I could breathe a sigh of relief. The day was almost over and I wouldn't have to worry about my PetPets being noticed. I ran from the classroom down to the cafeteria. I stood in line and finally managed to get some French fries. I sat at a table with a few of my friends and started to eat. I slipped a few fries into my lunch bag to save for my pets and gulped down my ice tea. I rushed to the library and found a quiet corner. I opened my lunch bag and got a few of the fries. Unzipping my backpack a little bit, I stuffed the fries into the waiting paws of the PetPets.

"How is the reading going?" I asked when they finished off the fries.

"Pretty good," said Fungee.

"Let's go see Sundance8 and Bubble888," I suggested.

I closed my backpack and hurried out of the library and up the stairs. I twisted my lock and opened the locker. I was not prepared for the sight inside. Translucent bubbles filled my locker and hiccup sounds came rapidly out of Bubble888's mouth. The bubbles started floating out of my locker and down the hall.

"Bubble888! Are you all right?" I cried quietly. The only response I got was one big hiccup and a bubble. I popped the bubble with my finger.

"I think you have Bubbles, Bubble888!" I opened my backpack and put the PetPets inside the locker with my pets.

"Come here, Bubble888."

I held open my bag and he lowered himself inside. "Be right back," I said to my other pets. The washroom was a few paces from my locker, and it was the only place I could think of that I could get away from the rest of the school. I locked myself in one of the stalls, which luckily for me were little rooms. I unzipped my bag and took out Bubble888.

"Are you all right?" I could almost talk freely now, but still had to keep my voice down.

"I - hic - don't - hic - know!"

"Oh Bubble888! The only cure for this is that drink right? The herbal one? I don't have any of that!"

"I think I will be okay," Bubble888 rushed out between hiccups.

"I only have a few more classes. Do you want a drink for now? They usually cure my hiccups."

He nodded. I opened the door and stuck my head out. No one there. I ran to the sink and filled a paper cup with water then hurried back into the stall.

"Here," I said, offering him the drink. "I'm afraid I can't help you until we get home. I have one of those special drinks in my inventory." He nodded again and gulped the water. A bell rang and I knew that meant that I had to start afternoon classes.

"Bubble888, get back in my bag."

He did as he was told and I put him back in my locker with Sundance8 and the PetPets. I had decided to leave them with my big pets for the afternoon.

"I'll be back soon, Bubble888! Don't you worry!" I hurried down the hall to my next class, positive that I would not be able to get Bubble888 out of my mind for the rest of the day.