
The Aisha Queen: Trials and Triumphs Chapter Three: Faerie_Green

by jigglypuff158

"Dr. Sloth, fire your mutation ray!" Desdemona commanded. Dr. Sloth laughed. "Now I can taste revenge!" Dr. Sloth cried out. "Not even the Space Faerie can save you this time!" He took out his mutation ray gun. All the Faeries and Aishas turned to the Space Faerie. The Space Faerie shook her head.

"He's right. I can't save you this time…but the Queen Aisha can."

"The Queen Aisha?" the red Aisha next to Fay asked. (The red Aisha was a male.)

"Yes," Gwen the psychic Light Faerie said. "Her name is Faerie_Green. She can withstand the mutation ray and send it back on the person who fired it. She is green with a red spot on her foot." Fay looked around at the other Aishas. There were quite a few including herself that were green. She remembered Sapphira telling her about Gwen's prophecy. "Sloth is about to fire the ray!" the Air Faeries cried out.

Quickly, all the Faeries flew out using the opening in the roof, and they carried the Aishas that didn't know Flight. (The ones who did know Flight flew by themselves.) They landed on an open field. The Dark Faerie and Dr. Sloth followed them. "Vengeance tastes very, very sweet…" Dr. Sloth crooned to himself. He laughed, joined by the Dark Faerie. He pressed the button. The mutation ray went off. "Is this the end?" Fay thought to herself. "Am I mutating?"

The smoke cleared away, and she saw that the mutated Aishas were on Sloth's side now. The Aishas that were not mutated were still on the Faeries' and Aishas' side, but only herself and the red Aisha who had spoken to Fay were not mutated. And Fay also discovered all the other green Aishas were mutated! She was the only green Aisha left! And as she stared at her feet, she saw a tiny red spot on one of them. That meant she was Faerie_Green, the Queen Aisha! The one who would lead the rest of the Aishas against the Dark Faerie and Dr. Sloth! As the other Aishas realized this, they cheered and bowed to her. Desdemona and Dr. Sloth laughed. "A puny little weakling like that, Queen of the Aishas?" Dr. Sloth gasped between laughs.

"That thing won't stop us!" He pressed the button again. Another ray of reddish light shot out at the Aishas.

"Not so fast!" Faerie_Green (which is what we'll call her now) jumped in front of the Aishas and Faeries, straight in the path on the mutation ray. The ray shot out towards her… hit her…bounced off her…turned backwards…and hit Dr. Sloth and Desdemona! They shrieked as they were thrown into space by the impact. And all the mutated Aishas were blasted away with them.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I'm Nomide," the red Aisha said. "The reason I survived was because I was standing behind you." He bowed to her.

"You don't have to call me 'Your Majesty'," said Faerie_Green, helping him up. "Just call me Faerie_Green."


It turned out that the words of Gwen the Psychic were true; Nomide and Faerie_Green eventually married and had children. Legend has it that all Aishas were descended from this pair, but that remains unproven. However, in each generation of Aishas, at least one red male Aisha was named Nomide...and at least one green female was named Faerie_Green.