
Cybunny Heroes

by Raulston

I was on the trail home from work at my shop. The day had been slow and no one came to buy all the faeries me and Raulston worked to catch the night before. We locked up and left earlier that night and began to walk along the dark shadowed path towards home. I was next to Raulston in fear of what may jump from the bushes. He whimpered looking up at me, then he looked ahead. I slowly looked up and, in a fearful screech, watched the black swarm of Korbats swamp over us. I covered Raulston and my Neopoints because I knew they would steal all they could get. They ripped my flesh with their claws, they tangled in my hair and then broke free only to plunge into me again.

They screeched and screamed. Then I lifted my head to hear three voices and three figures jumping along towards us. Then I looked up to see a Cybunny in a red satin jeweled button jacket with a big red hat with a large feather stuck in it swinging about in the air on the vine. He swiped at the Korbats with his small yet effective sword the landed with a thud to fight on the ground. Then came a Cybunny in black sunglasses and a leather jacket. Around his neck he wore a cross. He kicked at the Korbats till even more retreated to the tree tops. Then came the third figure, a Cybunny girl. She had on a bright pink tank top, a jeweled neck lace, and pink ribbons on her ears. She battled off the last group of Korbats. The one in the feathered hat came up to me and asked if I was okay.

"Yes, I'm fine thank you so much kind sir," I replied.

He smirked and said, "Think nothing of it my dear lady."

"I must repay you."

"Naw! This is what we do for fun," said the Cybunny in the sunglasses. "I'm Jack Rabbit," said the feathered Cybunny.

"Pleasure to meet you," I said shaking his paw.

"I'm Lill'_Ray," said the second one. I shook his paw, also.

"I'm Terrie!" Squeaked the girl Cybunny.

"I must head home," I said. "Want to come with me?"

"Sure!!!" They all shouted. So we set off, Raulston on one side the Cybunny heroes to the other.

"Welcome to my humble home," I said, giving a gesture with my hand.

I saw them staring in fear in the direction to my house. I looked up and my mouth dropped open. There in front of my house were all the Korbats from before and...no it couldn't be...but it was the DARK FAERIE! She cackled and commanded to the Korbats who swarmed at us. The Cybunnies ran in all directions to their own fighting group of bats. My pets helped, but The Dark Faerie made it more difficult. I attacked the Dark Faerie not knowing what I was doing. She threw me across the lawn. I looked up and she was coming for me. I ran for my house and ran up the stairs. I heard her cackling and I sucked in a lot of air and held my breath. I knew she would find me...I knew I was doomed.

The door exploded open, sending me across the room. I closed my eyes feeling her shadow smoother me. The my window shattered and Jack Rabbit and a Battle Faerie came flying in! Together they fought off the evil Faerie. When I looked up there lay the Dark Faerie and the Battle Faerie all the Cybunnies and my pets sobbing over Jack Rabbit. I ran to his side and placed my hand on his head.

"Oh my dear friend you saved us all and you gave your life for it!" I said placing his hat on his chest. I leaned over and kissed his forehead and then he coughed. He made a whimper then opened his eyes.

"OH JACK RABBIT YOUR ALIVE!!!!" I shouted and scooped him in my arms and hugged him tight. "I'd like you to be my friend, but I'm also very fond of my spleen!" he said in a straining voice.

"Oh sorry."

I set him down on the bed in the guest room and bandaged him up. Now, the Cybunnies that saved my life live with me now.