
On Your Mark...Get Set...NEOPOINTS!!! Part 2

by epk

Didn't catch it the first time? In Issue 29, I did a article on the flash games. A little insane of me to have some games left out, I got a flooded Neomailbox just trying to sort them out! So, to keep my head on, I am responding to do some other games, the ones that aren't flash.

Dice-A-Roo: Rating: 4/5

Tips: This game does not require skill, but you do need some skill to choose when to play and when not to. If you haven't noticed already, you can get pets to increase levels by reaching the silver die's question mark. (I got 5 of these in a row once!) Mystic Wind has had a effect that you stay in the next turn, although this is not confirmed. Also, if you have to leave, don't worry! It will save your progress on your account profile, so when you log in you can continue playing.

Scorchy Slots: Rating: 3/5

I thought I would never see a slot machine with so much skill. HOLD's are very, very, very, helpful, if you use them right. Make sure you are holding the bigger, better, and stronger ones. Let's say the Jackpot is only 150, and the options on the bottom are to hold either two peaches or two bags o' gold. Well, what would you do? Print out the sheet which describes the prizes.

The Great NeoPet Hunt: Rating 4/5

I know. You don't get massive amounts of money. But, this game is quicker then any other, and there are stories about 'secret' creatures and 'secret' items, although whenever I play, I don't find any. Maybe, someday...

Pumpkin Patch: Rating: 4/5

I know this is flash game, BUT, this game wasn't out when I wrote the last article. Put your monitor to the smallest size possible, usually 640 x 480 pixels. This is really helpful for clicking on those small pumpkins. Second, watch for a pattern. The ghost follows a certain pattern. Just don't get ahead of yourself!

Chia Bingo: Rating 3/5

Before you play, make sure you have as many windows closed as possible. Then you have a faster computer. Also, ask a Neofriend to play too, that increases the jackpot! In the game, watch closely. You can get the same # on both cards, so look for those before anything else. You can win then. Never wait to call your Full Card, someone else could take it before you. That happened with me against the current high-score. :( Got a Full House yet? If you aren't to sure, quickly double-check. To move around fast, have your monitor be on the biggest size. Oh my, I think time is up for this game!

Neocam: Rating 3/5

This really isn't a game, but I sure count it as one. Main Tip: Get the URL for the image, put it in the address bar, and you can refresh from there quicker, and can do it when the site is down, on occasion. Also, there is no need to call 1-800-UFO-FAKE, I don't think that they deliver in California.

Stock Market: Rating 2/5

This is a game to do AFTER you get NP from the Chiazilla game, and invest wisely! Have your Neofriend invest in the same stock, do a hot one, invest on low prices, etc.

Gormball: Rating: 4.2/5

Great Game! You can get items, Neopoints, a Battledome challenger, all for the low price of 10 NP! Just say the ball only explodes after the 6th second, and although it does explode earlier then that, you get NP faster along with trophies.

Caption Competition: Rating: 3/5

Free to enter, nice prize. Try to tell people about your caption. Please, don't advertise it on the notice board, it has enough stuff. Besides, do you really want it that bad?

Neopian Beauty Contest: Rating: 2/5

Okay, this really isn't a game, and it doesn't run often. My tips are is using the art programs on HELP, or scanning a picture in. It hasn't gone on for a while, so you have plenty of time to practice.