
Have a Heart

by Tracy Lines

The sun was beating down on the poor Uni's back. "Not long to go," she said to herself. This was no ordinary Uni. She was Erylinne the Uni of Love. Erylinne was born Blue, with golden stars as a result of a White mother and a Stone father. She was created by a Dark Faerie for labour. For a year she carried the burden of anything you could imagine upon her poor withers. She was duped in the pound as her loyalty to the Faerie started to waver. Erylinne had a heart of gold and she rescued a Fire Faerie from drowning. The Fire Faerie, named Fireya, showed her to the Faerie Queen who gave her powers to tame a heart of stone. Erylinne had a dream, to free all of the NeoPets in the pound. Her dream just might come true...........

Out of the corner of her sparkling eye, Erylinne could see a little bundle of white fur and something purple in the middle of the meadow. She rushed over at the speed of light to see a white Cybunny comforting an injured Peophin.

"Please help," said the Cybunny. "Angel here is really sick. A Techo flew over on a Buzz and they beat her up."

"Here let me help," she said and blew softly onto the Peophin.

"Oh thank you!" said the Cybunny. "I am ___Blueberry___ but just call me Blueberry. This is Swimming_Angel2000 but it's a bit of a mouthful so just call her Angel. Is there anyway we can repay you?"

Erylinne told them all about her mission and they set off for the biggest adventure of their life.

The pets set camp under the stars in Mountain Aisha. "I remember" said Blueberry, "when I was created, I was put in the pound when my owner got bored of me. Is that where we are going?"

"Yes," said Erylinne, "I wish some owners would have a heart."

"Mmmmm," agreed Angel.

They awoke in the morning and ate their breakfast (Magic Berries supplied by Erylinne) and started walking down the Mountain.

"Oh no," said Angel, "we have to get down there and I can hardly walk. Erylinne, you can fly down and Blueberry, you can ride on her back, AHHHHHHHHHHHH help!" she screamed as she fell down the jagged cliff edge.

Blueberry jumped on Erylinne's back and flew down to rescue Angel. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blue bubble appeared and Angel fell onto it with a big BOING! As Erylinne and Blueberry reached the ground, about 12 Alien Aishas came up to them and gave them a bundle of blankets containing a sleeping baby Aisha.

"I am Sparkler. This is Kezziea. We know what you plan to do and we will give you powers providing you take Baby Kezziea with you. Do not be alarmed if she changes colour because she will eventually end up Rainbow. She will also spout six ears like us. Good Luck" Suddenly their was a rainbow light all around them. The pets found themselves in front of the Neopian Pound. A scruffy blue Gelert looked at them through his kennel.

"Get....Help....Dr.Sloth.....turn...me...VirtuPet," he whispered.

"Pardon?" said Angel.

They heard footsteps and ran behind the pens. A person with a cloak over their face came up to the pen and grabbed the Gelert by his scruff. He yanked it out of the Pen and took it into a room.

"I can smell where he is taking the Gelert," said Blueberry. "Come on lets go!"

"Hang on!" said Erylinne. "I have Kezziea here! Ah! She's gone split!"

"Watch out!" shouted Kezziea to a kennel maid. "We'll knock you over!"

"We didn't know you could talk!" screamed Erylinne after they had knocked over the Kennel Maid and two passing Kacheeks.

"I've been able to talk since I was born! It was funny that you were trying to mime to me though!

Eventually, after two rapid trips up a flight of stairs, they found themselves in a room with a chair facing the wrong way. The chair swiveled around and there sitting in it was Dr. Sloth!

"So....You plan to free the pets of the Neopian Pound. Well, I have the keys to the pound and your plan will fail Mwahhahahahahahahahah!"

"No way!" said Erylinne.

"Come on, snap out of it!" She pointed her horn at a bundle of NeoPets and they suddenly came to their senses.

"Fire at Dr. Sloth!" said Blueberry, sending a Bubble Beam straight to him.

"Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!" screamed Dr. Sloth. He vanished into thin air.

"Yey!" screamed all the pets as they all snapped out of the trance.

"Come on let's go and be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" said Angel

"What?" said Erylinne.

A giant Skeith towered over them. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" screamed Angel.

"Do you think it's still in a trance? whispered Angel.

"Nah," said Erylinne, "it would have been back to normal by now."

"Westie, come here," called a lady that looked a bit like Dr. Sloth.

"Sorry to give you so much trouble. I'm Mrs. Sloth. My husband is so silly, he'll probably be back soon. Here are the keys to the Neopian Pound. Go and free the pets now!!!"

After a long walk back to the pound, Erylinne picked the locks on all the cages and all the pets were freed. Kezziea, Erylinne, Swimming_Angel2000 and ___Blueberry__ found a home with rainbow_cybunny. Oh, by the way, remember ADOPT!!!! DO NOT ABANDON!!!!