
Lost and Found: Part Two

by Mewthree12

"Emini!" I cried. "Emini!" We had just heard a piercing scream and I feared it was her. My pets and I ran to Grundo's. Nope, not there. We ran to the Armoury. She wasn't there! Suddenly, Amarina shrieked, and pointed.

"Look! Look there!" she cried.

I ran over and there was Emini's money, 15 NP. It was just the amount I gave her! "Whatever got her was in too much of a hurry to notice the money," pointed out Bleeb,"Unless it was something stupid, like a Monocerous."

"You should talk about being stupid, Bleeb!" Roxzie shot back, "A Monocerous can't exactly hire a spaceship up here and run rampant without us...someone would notice that, I think. It was probably a NeoPet and it's owner," she speculated.

Meanwhile, I was patrolling the area, oblivious to their argument, which had got off the subject of Emini, and seemed to have moved on to how stupid each of the other were. ("Yeah? Well you're just a Nimmo who doesn't do anything but read and sit on that stupid lily pad!" "Who are you to talk?!?!?! You're just a mall-crawling, simpering airhead!") I had just caught sight of something else, a tuft of striped fur. I showed it to my other NeoPets, who quickly abandoned their fight. There had been no other striped pets at the Space Station, so it had to be Emini!

"We have to get home, and read her e-mails! I know it's wrong, but in an emergency, we have to!" said Amarina, "but, first, we have to see that computer!" she said, pointing a paw at the public computer in the corner.

We trekked across the station to the computer. I turned it on, and quickly loaded Neomail. Opening the inbox, I saw that, indeed, Emini had used my NeoPets' name to send some Neomail. It read:

Dear Daisy_Blossom:

Thank you for your delightful message! The plan worked without a hitch, as you see, because we're here, with the computer, not on Mystery Isle, where no one even knows the word 'computer'! Can we meet at the Space Station lift at 3:00? I'll be there!


"Three o' clock?!? That was right before the scream! Now, we know it was her!" shrieked Roxzie, who lost her head very easily.

"We have to go search the lift area!" cried Amarina...