
Igloo Garage Sale

by pika515usa

You might have heard the news. The two Chias, Mika and Carassa are having a big garage sale! The sale has been always out of stock. Let's interview them. Our reporter Tim the Kacheek is here, and joining him are the garage sale owners, Mika and Carassa!

Tim: So how's the garage sale you two are having?

Mika: We are always out of stock and more and more people come everyday!

Carassa: Seems like we have to go get more stuff down from our attic all the time.

Carassa: Mika, go to the attic and get some more of our junk!!!

Mika rushes up to the attic.

Tim: Why are you two having this big garage sale?

Carassa: We are planning to move to a more tropical place because it is getting colder and colder here.

Mika comes down from the attic with a handful of PetPets.

Mika: These pets should keep Neopians happy for a while.

Tim: Where are you two planning to move to?

Mika: To the famous Mystery Island. It is very warm there and they have wonderful activities and shops.

Carassa: And the Training School is a perfect thing to do when we have the time!

Mika and Carassa both have the biggest smiles on their faces.

Tim: When do you plan to stop the garage sale?

Mika and Carassa: We don't know, maybe until there is nothing in our attic and...or until we have enough money to move to the island!

Mika notices the Snow Faerie coming.

Mika: It's the Snow Faerie!

Mika welcomes the Snow Faerie.

Snow Faerie: So how's everything going?

Mika: Fine. Just that I have to run to the attic back and forth while Carassa is sitting there enjoying a slushie.

Snow Faerie: Well, you two should work together. That's not very fair! Good luck working it out!

Tim: Can I buy something?

Carassa: Sure! Anything you want.

Tim: OK. I need a week's supply of food.

Carassa: OK. That will be 50 NP, please.

Tim: So cheap! Wow, thanks.

Carassa: Mika, go get a week's supply of food...the highest quality!

Mika: OK, be back in a moment!

Mika hurries back down with a week's supply of Neopian Pet Food, 1st Edition.

Tim: OK. I guess I better leave now as I see crowd of people are coming to your sale!

Mika and Carassa: Bye Tim! Oh and here's a gift.

Mika gives Tim a Kacheek Stuffed Animal.

Tim: Thanks! This is Tim the Kacheek reporting for Neopian Times signing off.