
Small Guilds Are Good, Too

by emeria00

I remember the day the guilds came out. There was a mad rush to make and create guilds and have members join. The confusion of what should I do? Which should I join? People either seemed to be confused or stood up and said this is great! Just what I've always wanted! I'll get to meet people just like me! I was one of those confused people. I just let the issue float around until one day when I was very bored.

I got on the Internet and decided to make my own guild. And I did. No one joined. Not a single person. It was up for around I week until I finally gave up. My guild had been located in the Space Station and now I was going to have to find another to join, so I decided to start there. I scrolled through lists all offering different things and all based on different interests. I found one that looked interesting to me. It had around fifteen members so it wasn't very large, but it didn't matter. I didn't really care.

I clicked on the blue link that read "Physic Training Ward". Really interesting, I thought. The perfect place for me! And so I joined. When I joined there were still two guild council positions left. Here's my chance to make a difference. I applied and the next day I came online I found out I made it! I was overjoyed and excited so the first thing I did was Neomail our guild leader and told him that I was ready and able to complete any task that was needed to be done. He didn't have any so our little guild just existed and slowly gained a few members a day and is still slowly growing.

Then, the offer for guilds to become official came out. Of course, we all wanted to become official but if you remember, you needed fifty members to become official. We had around eighteen to twenty. The days went by and we continued to grow slowly. The offer still stood but we still didn't have enough members. Finally, one day we knew that the offer wouldn't last much longer so we decided to do something. It's what we in our guild call the Big Member Boom. It was a Friday night and we were determined to get our name out.

Out of more all the users, at least fifty of them had to have some interest in our guild. They might just not know it existed. I remember I came online and the guild leader Neomailed me asking me if I was doing anything. I replied no because at the time I wasn't. He asked if I would help the members all ready participating and I said sure. Our mission: get our name out and get members! How we did that was by going to the list of users that had just gone online and Neomailing them telling them about our guild. We went into the chat boards and posted messages advertising our guild (I wouldn't suggest doing this now because it is considered to be spamming, but back then it wasn't).

I must have Neomailed more then a hundred people that night and posted zillions of messages it seemed. Slowly but surely our name did get out and interested users came to our site and joined. This went on all night. People putting in around five hours or more until they had to leave for some reason. Very late at night we eventually reached fifty members and we could apply. I remember I started screaming and jumping up and down. The first thing I did was sit down to type a victory message to our guild leader. I also wanted to thank all of the people who helped.

We still don't know if we get to be one of the official guilds but that night brought the members of our guild together with a mission. Since then we had one more member boom and we skyrocketed to the top of the Space Station listings. We are now the first guild on the list and we have interested members. Our guild is slowly but surely still growing as more people find their way to us. Its a great guild and we work together as a team. Every single person who is in our guild and who helped with our Big Member Boom should be proud and glad to have accomplished something like this.

The message from this story to all of you little guilds out there with only ten members: you don't have to have thousands of members to have a great time in your guild, just learn about each other and ideas will come to you. Guilds can be really interesting and exciting places. If people work as a team, they will succeed. If you have faith and a mission implanted in your soul, your guild will fly with its own wings and you will learn the same thing I did that night. The value of a team and how one thing can bring tired, sleepy, souls together to triumph.