
Top Ten Tips

by little_red_deimos

I'm tired of all those confusing tip articles so I decided to try and condense them. Hope this isn't even more confusing!

1.Only have one pet: Buying items for one pet is a lot cheaper than for four. This could also save a lot of pets from the pound.

2. Adopt, don't create: I know that you get paid to create, but sometimes it's cheaper to adopt because all the pets aren't on level one and Codestones are really expensive

3. Feed your pet when it is hungry: This will save you from having to buy expensive food at the last minute.

4. Work with your pet: Train your pet and play with it. Who knows, it could win the Battledome!

5. Don't overprice, make a profit: Buy cheap items so you can sell them cheap for a profit.

6. Play games: I know you've heard this a lot, but games really can make you a lot of money everyday. If you're new I recommend Poke Match.

7. Don't waste: Don't buy stupid, expensive items you can't afford and don't need.

8. Join a guild, don't create: It is easier to have fun in a guild if you can just enjoy it instead of working on it. Besides, there are so many guilds the odds people would join your guild are very slim.

9. Don't join a guild just for items: If you do this you may not end up with a guild you like, or that is fun.

10. Don't complain: The best tip, complaining gets you nowhere. Get out and make NP instead of begging. Hope that saved you time and NP.

Follow those rules and you'll be well on your way to being a Neopian success