
Training Your Pet

by mkjagz

There are many articles in the Neopian Times, and plenty about the Battledome. But are you reading the right one?

I've seen many about weapons, battling styles, powerful pets, and others regarding the Battledome, but yet there are few about actually TRAINING your pet, making its stats go up, and gaining abilities, preparing for the dome, and praying that you have a chance against those powerful pets.

You may think you've seen some powerful pets, but there are at least 15 pets out there that have stats OVER 300, and all of their stats, too. So here I am typing this to help YOU, so that YOU have a better chance in the dome. Basically, the first thought is how to get your pet THAT powerful.

1. Faerie Quest. In the good ol' days of Neopia, you could CHOOSE do a quest for the faeries, and they could be done quickly, easily, and if you refuse you only had to wait 10 minutes or less.

2. How did they get the NP for the quests? Well, back then, there were less players, so it was more likely that you stumbled across rare items. When I started playing, there were less than 200,000 players! Now we have, what, 5 million?

3. You could cheat back then. It was really simple, but I'm not gonna mention how, just in case they actually bring them back, old-style (I wish).

Now, you need to know about how to train YOUR pet, not past events. Firstly, you need Codestones. Or you could do Underwater Kitchen Quests, but you lose a lot more NP that way (in my opinion), even though it is faster. Anyway, you use the Codestones to pay for your pet's training courses. Put your pet on a course BEFORE you buy the Codestone.

Then buy the required Codestone(s) and begin training! The NP that comes from Codestones is by playing games, or waiting at the shops until they restock. Or try your luck with finding one by chance on the site. Sometimes, when you get enough Neopoints, you can feed your pet food to make it better, such as the new Neggs (like Sneggs) or some Shrooms (Mega Power Plusshroom). I only recommend it if you don't play NeoPets a lot, or your pet has to pay more than 2 Codestones per course.

Seeing that I gave you tips on HOW to raise your pets stats, let's work on WHICH stats to raise. First of all, don't work on level UNLESS you plan to give your pet abilities. If you're planning all to get all 52 (which costs a lot), get your pet to level 30, not above if you can help it. Also work on HP, Strength, Defence, and Movement evenly. Or, if you have long term goals, such as reaching 100 (like my pet, SkarIX), train on one stat at a time.

Also, if none of these ways to train your pets work out, take him/her to the lab. WARNING: Only do this if you are willing to risk your pet's gender/species/color. Thanks, and good luck in the 'dome! For most pets, you're gonna need it!