
Anahstasia's Story

by clumsy_17

Anahstasia looked out the window of her cramped bedroom. It was softly snowing, and all she wanted to do was play in it, but her owner (who I'll just call "Owner") never let her out to play, so there was little chance of her getting out today. Owner had three other pets too. A red Uni, who I'll call Nari, a blue Nimmo, who I'll call Spike, and a Yellow Kau, who I'll call Kitty. Nari was Owner's very first pet, and very spoiled. Spike was very smart, and always congratulated, and Kitty was well.... always very hungry, and was always given yummy food. Now see, Owner was kind of fame hungry, and wanted to win lots of trophy's in the Battledome, but none of her pets wanted to fight.

"I might break a nail!" Nari whined.

"I must concentrate on my school work," protested Spike.

And well, Kitty could barely move with all her weight, so Owner decided not even to ask her. That was when she got an idea. She was going to go to the pound, but then she thought, "No, pound pets become weak when there in the pound." (Which isn't true, Owner was just not kind enough) So she decided to go to the Create-a-Pet and create a champion.

What she created was a tiny little red Shoyru, Anahstasia. Anahstasia was never pampered, or treated kindly, she was just being used by Owner to get trophies. Owner did, though, spend a large amount of Neopoints on Anahstasia, but that was only for the food she needed to live (she usually just gave her bitten apples), Codestones, and armor, to prepare her for victory. "Listen, slowpoke," Owner said to her one day. "I'm gonna put you through ten speed tests in a row, and you better come out on top!"

Anahstasia practiced speed all day, for ten hours straight, and she didn't come out on top--she was third place. For that, she was not to eat that night. Soon, the announcement of the Battledome's coming got everyone very exited, especially Anahstasia. Anahstasia had grown up with Owner, who made her life miserable, so Anahstasia, had a lot of hostility in her, and she couldn't wait to take it out on her opponents.

On the day of the Battledome's opening, Owner grabbed Anahstasia ( who now liked to be called Anah) by the wing and marched her over to the Battledome. "Listen Anah," Owner growled. "There's this girl, I had an argument with her, and she has a Kiko, who's about the same level as you." Owner looked very mad. "So, I challenged her. You had better beat that Kiko, or else!"

Owner took Anah by the wing again and walked up to the Battledome desk. "Hello, this is Anah." Owner put on a fake, loving voice. "Yes, isn't she cute? Well, she has challenged a Kiko, by the name of Splash." ( that is not the Kiko's real name, but due to privacy matters, we will not reveal her real name.) Owner smiled a fake smile. "Will you please tell me when Splash and her owner get here?" The lady behind the desk smiled and nodded, and typed a few things into a tiny black computer. A few minutes later, the lady announced that Splash had arrived and was ready to battle Anah.

Anah got her armor on and grabbed her weapons and walked into the arena. There were people watching and cheering in the stands. "I never knew people would watch," Anah thought, sweating a bit. "Am I sweating from fear, or from this hot armor?" she wondered, but before she could think anymore, a Kiko emerged. She was just a plain blue Kiko, nothing special, and she pulled out a rainbow gun. Anah did the same. The battle went on for a long time. Owner never cheered for Anah, although she got mad when Anah missed. Anah was starting to feel tired and sore all over. "Uh oh," she thought. She looked down at the ground, hoping it would cure the dizziness. When she looked up, a huge poison snowball was zooming at full speed at her. "AHHHHHHHH!"

Anah woke up on a hospital bed. There was a fat nurse walking around the room. Two Elephantes, a blue one and a red one, were following her around. The nurse was muttering to herself. "Poor Shoyru, and her owner is not even here....tsk tsk, how can some Neopians be so cruel?!?!?!" She turned around and looked surprised to see Anah awake. "Well hello, Sunshine." The nurse smiled.

"Sunshine?" Anah thought. "Odd nickname, I'm not even yellow."

"How are you feeling?" She took Anah's temperature. "Okay, but my head hurts a bit," Anah said, rubbing the spike on the top of her head.

"Well, it will for a bit, this will help." She handed Anah a glass of really yucky liquid. "Better get some sleep."

When Anah woke up again, she was in her own bed. She found herself missing that nurse. That was when Owner came bursting in. "Get up you useless excuse for a NeoPet, get up!!!" There really was no need to tell Anah to get up, seeing as Owner had already pushed her out of the bed and picked her up by the wing.

"What's going on? Is there a fire?" Anah was a bit groggy, and a bit out of it. Anah grabbed practically her only possession, a tiny reject Cybunny doll and put on her coat, as Owner instructed. Owner took Anah by the wing like she usually did. "This is odd," Anah thought. "She never takes me anywhere. Only Nari, Spike and Kitty."

They walked until they came to a big blue building, with red letters over a door, that read: Adoption Center

That was when it hit Anah, she was going to the pound....

" No please, don't take me here!' Anah begged. Although life was horrible with Owner, life is worse when you have no owner. "Please, what did I do?"

"You lost, that's what you did!" Owner yelled. She stormed into the pound. "I will not have a loser for a pet!" She stomped up to the desk. It was big. On one end was a Uni, who had a sign in front of it, in pretty letters, that said 'Adopt' and then there was Dr_Death, who was known by every NeoPet as being a kind vet gone wrong.

Anah thought Owner was the meanest alive. Dr_Death had a ripped up sign in front of his desk that said Abandon. "What happened to Ms. Worley? I'd like to abandon this good for nothing loser of a pet!!!" Owner yelled.

"Worley had to go away. Now, now don't be so harsh," Dr_Death said. "Okay, her name?"


"Okay. Give me this, you won't be needing it." Dr_Deathtook the Cybunny toy and threw it in a trash can. The Uni flinched, and forced a smile. Tears swelled up in Anah's eyes. Dr_Death rang a bell and a blue Wocky came running up. "Find her a cage."

Owner walked off, without even saying good-bye. The Wocky forced a smile, that looked a lot like the Uni's at the desk. "Hi, my name's Tyeroe." He smiled. "You'll be seeing me a lot while you're here."

"Why?" Anah asked.

" I'm Dr_Death's new slave."

"Really?" She was a bit surprised. She knew Ms. Worley was mean, but Dr_Death, too?"

"No, I was just kidding, I work for him, but he makes me do everything." He stopped at a cage. It had a green Usul and a Yellow Eyrie in it. "I hate this part, but, you're actually safer here then out on your own." He smiled a simpathetic smile. "That's Maura and Lollypop, you'll be staying with them for now." He walked her into the cage, shut and locked the door. Then he waved and walked away. Anah couldn't help it. She did what any normal girl would do. She cried.

"It's okay, don't worry, Dr_Death isn't that bad," Lollypop comforted Anah.

"Yeah, and the Doctor is barely ever the one to take care of us, Tyeroe is." Maura the green Usul hugged Anah.

"I just can't believe Owner could be so cruel," Anah's shoulders heaved. "I tried my honest best, and it wasn't good enough," Anah sobbed.

" Anah, you might not have realized this, but, all of us in this pound, were abandoned. None of us walked right on in here," Lollypop said.

That hit Anah hard in the face. "Why are you guys here?" she asked, finally subsiding from crying.

"My owner didn't like my color. She'd rather a blue Usul, so she got a blue Usul and abandoned me," Maura said.

"And me, I was kidnapped, by a Neositter, and put here," Lollypop said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Anah felt really guilty for crying.

"Don't be," Maura smiled.

That was when Anah heard Owner's voice. There she was, walking past the pound, happy as ever, with her brand new pet, Anah's replacement, a red Kiko. That hit Anah hard too.

Over the next few weeks, Maura, Lollypop and Anah became great friends. One day, a small girl, came running down the halls of the pound. She had a Lupe behind her. She looked at all the sad faces, and that was when she saw Maura. Lollypop and Anah were both kind of sad as they saw Maura leave the pound, but at the same time, happy, that she finally got out. What they really weren't happy about was Maura's replacement in the cage. A snobby Korbat, who even after being disowned, still thought she was the best.

But soon, she left and once again it was just Lollypop and Anah again. The day that Lollypop was adopted was a sad one for Anah, but same as when Maura left a happy one. Almost a month later, Anah had shared her cage with twelve different NeoPets, and still she was not chosen. Until that one special day. A young girl came walking down the hall. Behind her was an Aisha and a Cybunny. All three of them were crying, seeing the sad faces, until she saw Anah, the girl actually smiled. "Hello there," she said.

" Hello," Anah mumbled.

"Dr_Death!" The girl shouted.

"I think I'll take this one!" she yelled over. The evil looking Techo unlocked the cage door.

"My name's Clumsy, what's yours?' the girl asked on their way out.

"Anah," she said, smiling that she finally got a home.

The End

Author's note: This story is totally made up. I'm not sure what Anah's life was like before I got her. Also, other then Anah and Tyeroe, I don't know the NeoPets in this story, I made them up completely and don't be offended if your NeoPets name was used in this story. I hope you enjoyed the story :)