
Handy Tips

by luv2sk8er

Your pets are at level one, and you are forced to abandon them, because of lack of funds for food. They end up in the pound, and you work hard to play games and do kitchen quests to hopefully adopt your pet again, but when you can finally afford it again, you find out that your pet has already been adopted.

I have heard many stories just like that. I am not here to tell you how to win the lottery or make big money. I am just here to give you some tips that will hopefully improve Neopian bank accounts, inflation, and basically help my fellow Neopians.

1. I have seen many pets in the pound with names like asdf;lkjf, and horrostinkqping. Some people, I am ashamed to say, just create pets and then abandon them for the fun of it. That is not what NeoPets is about, people! NeoPets is made for pets, not creating them and abandoning them for the fun of it!

2. Many people complain about being poor. It is not anyone else's fault, there are plenty of good games such as Kiko match, Poogle Solitaire, Lenny Trivia (just hang around the site for a bit), Cliffhanger, and Techo Says. And if all else fails, play Kacheek Seek. There are plenty of good games, but you have to know how to get at them.

3. Don't always rely on things like the Neopian Lottery, Dice-A-Roo, Scorchy Slots, or the Scratchcard game. Those things are just luck, and it's pretty much one out of a million chances that you will win. Don't blow all your money on it! Blackjack is pretty good though ;)

4. Lots of Neopians nowadays need to feed their pets green apples and chocolate ice cream. There is no use!! A green apple will fill a pet up just like grapes will. It is all a matter of having money and spending it left and right. Spend your money on regular stuff, which is a lot cheaper and just as good!!

5. Open a shop!!! This is a must. I look at some people who have been playing since May 2000, and they don't even have a shop!!! If you want NP, you gotta have a good shop, games only go so far!!!!

6. Donate to the Money Tree. We once were all taking from it greedily, weren't we??? Well, now it's time to pay the Neopian community back. Hey, if someone could part with 150 Neopoints to give to you, then surely you can part with 45. Think about how you are benefiting someone else!!!

7. If you are poor, the Soup Kitchen ROCKS!!!!

8. Give your pet some stuff!! I have a bunch of friends that give their pets nothing to play with or read. NeoPets is all about the pets, not the NP or games!!!!

Well, these are pretty handy tips. I don't want anyone to think that I've got millions of NPs, actually, I've only got about 75,000. Compared to a lot of users, that's a fortune, but for some, it's not much. Instead of whining about how many NPs you don't have, think about how you can get more. Here is a little saying that all Neopians should live by: Success is not success without failure. To be successful, you have to fail. This is luv2sk8er signing off.