
The Perfect Gift

by raichu_2501

It was a sunny day and Coolfire99 the Shoyru was taking a walk. His soft silver fur glittered in the sun as he walked. His long tail swished as he walked trough the markets of Neopia. He walked past the bakery, then to the toy shop. He was thinking about his friend Kilterini the green Aisha, a cat like looking NeoPet with big horns. It was almost his birthday.

Coolfire99 knew he had to get him the perfect gift. Coolfire99 lifted it big silver wings to fly home when out jumped a big blue Scorchio with big yellow stripes and small wings. Coolfire99 knew this Scorchio it was the big annoying one from school named Beryl "Hey Coolfire99 guess what I just got??" Beryl said in sort of a bragging way.

"What did you get?" Coolfire99 said in a vary bored sort of small way. It wasn't like he did not already know Beryl had been saying for three weeks that her owner was going to buy her a cloud charm a small dragon shaped charm with a blue crystal in its mouth that protected the owner from dark attacks. "It's a cloud charm. It costs 22,572 NP," said Beryl with a look that said I am so much better than you.

"Well, if you don't mind I'll be getting home now," he said and with that, he lifted his wings once more but Beryl stopped him.

"You are going to be at the Battledome tomorrow for the tournament, right?? Because if your not, I'll come looking for you. I want to have the pleasure of beating you myself," and with a quick sharp laugh she took to the sky and flew off. Coolfire99 decided to stop at the café before going home. Coolfire99 sat down and started reading his book when the waiter came up.

"How may I help you?" asked the waiter who was a Lupe with a vary sharp look and a long tail that seemed to shine.

"Umm, I'll take a red apple, an orange juice and a hot-dog," Coolfire99 said as he put down the book that he was reading.

Again, he started to think of what to get Kilterini for his birthday. Just then, one of his best friends walked in. It was Pohakuahi and he was also a Shoyru except he had red fur. "Hey there cool, what ya doing? Ready for the battledome tomorrow?" asked Pohakuahi.

While Coolfire99 gazed out the window he thought outloud: "What the battledome!?!?!?! I totally forgot! I was told to pick up a rainbow gun. Oh no, my owner will be mad. What should I do?" Coolfire99 said in a worried voice.

"Well, umm, I already ate. I just came in here for a cup of tea so I guess I could pick one up for you before the store closes," offered Pohakuahi.

"Oh really you would do that for me! Thank you so much!" Coolfire99 gave him the money and Pohakuahi left to get it. The waiter brought him his food and left the bill. Coolfire99 had just gotten his food when Pohakuahi came in with the gun, which was rainbow colored and shot out powerful beams.

"Oh thank you. You're a life saver," Coolfire99 said while taking the gun from Pohakuahi.

"Your welcome. Oh and by the way, are you going to Kilterini's birthday party?" Pohakuahi asked while ordering his tea.

"Ya sure am," Coolfire99 answered while finishing his dinner.

Coolfire99 paid the bill with what they call Neopoints or NP which where gold coins used like money. He waved good bye and headed home hoping its owner was not mad for getting home late. When he got home his brothers and sisters where already in bed. "Coolfire99 where have you been? I was getting worried," said his owner as she sat him down and put down a cup full of milk and some cookies.

"Sorry I went to the café for some dinner and talked to my friend. I lost track of time," Coolfire99 said ashamed but his owner understood. Coolfire99 ate his cookies and drank his milk, eventhough he was not hungry.

"Here, eat this...it cost me all of our Negg tokens, but I think you will need it for tomorrow," said his owner as she gave him a very big Snegg, an eggplant looking fruit with magic powers.

"Do I have to eat it all?" Coolfire99 was already very bloated.

"Well at least eat some of it then you can have the rest for breakfast," his owner said and kissed him good night.

Coolfire99 ate as much as he could but he could only eat a tiny bit before his stomach began to hurt. He jumped in to bed and fell asleep. The next morning he woke up to the sound of his Spyder, Spinner. "Aaaaallllllliiiiiiieeeeeee!" Spinner screamed as it ran around the room.

"Come here you silly," Coolfire99 said as he picked Spinner up. Spinner had black fur, four red eyes and a little mouth with tiny little fangs. Coolfire99 sat on his bed thinking of what to get Kilterini while he stroked Spinner. He sat on his bed just thinking and thinking then he started to think about the tournament at the battle dome, the big dome is where pets go to test their strength, he suddenly jumped up remembering that the tournament started at ten and it was already eight he placed Spinner on the floor and joined he others for breakfast.

His sister, purple_angle the yellow Shoyru, was sitting next to him as usual when peach purple_angle's pet Warf came walking into the kitchen. "Peach what are you doing in here?" bubles339 asked the pet then gave it some apple and then it hoped out. Coolfire99 finished his Snegg and went to the main shop to go looking at the toys. There where stuffed things, skateboards, key chains, rose seeds and even Wormy the Worm. "Oh what would Kilterini like?" he thought to himself. Then his big soft blue eyes fell on the super duper scooter with shinny blue handles and changeable wheels.

"Wow that's cool! Kilterini would love it!" Coolfire99 looked at how much it was. "3500 NP! I could never afford that." Coolfire99 felt bad that he could not get the scooter. He had a blue bike that he got for Christmas and he thought it would be fun to ride his bike with him. Coolfire99 left to go to the clothes shop. He knew Kilterini liked to look cool. When he got there, it was sold out. "Sorry kid we won't get any more clothes till Monday," said the shopkeeper who shook her head and watched as he left.

Coolfire99 felt even worse but he felt stronger because of that Snegg! Then he went to the candy store. When Coolfire99 got there, he looked at the clock it was nine thirty. "I guess I better get to the battledome," Coolfire99 lifted his big pointy wings and flew home to get his weapons. Once he got home it was nine forty five and his owner was packing all his weapons, NPs for a souvenir and some lunch.

"Click click," went Spinner.

"No, sorry Spinner you can't come with me," Coolfire99 explained to Spinner.

"I'll take him with me and he can watch the battles with the rest of us," offered his sister snow_storm876 the blue Wocky. She looked somewhat like a fox with a big bushy tail.

"OK, I guess you can," Coolfire99 agreed and Spinner climbed on snow_storm876 along with top screw the screw top, a screw looking robot pet that belonged to snow_storm876.

"Well Coolfire99 do you want a ride there or do you want to fly?" asked his owner. Coolfire99 glanced at the clock it was nine fifty.

"I'll fly because it's faster."

So Bowinie the Christmas Gelert, purple_angle, snow_storm876, their pets and his owner climbed in their car and drove off. Coolfire99 spread his wings and flew as fast as he could. As he was flying, he noticed some Tatsu unloading big crates full of Faeries into the magic shop.

He looked at their selection of Faeries. "I'll take two Faeries please. One water and one dark."

The shopkeeper gave him the Faeries in exhange for the NPs and he was back on his way. While he was flying he glanced at the clock tower it was nine fifty five. "Oh no I'll never make it." So he spread his wings farther out and flapped harder so he would go faster. He arrived at the Battledome at five fifty eight.

"Cool you made it! What took so long? You still need to apply," said Pohakuahi while Coolfire99 was still catching his breath.

"Oh… ya OK I will." So Coolfire99 was on his way to apply when Beryl walked up. "Oh no!" Coolfire99 thought to himself. "If I stand here and listen to her brag, I won't get to be in the tournament." So Coolfire99 jumped up over Beryl and ran for the application form that was sitting on the table. He filled it out and put it in just before it was ten.

"Hey Coolfire99 that was rude of you to jump over me and all I was going to say was I just know that…. Coolfire99 where are you going?" Beryl was about to finish when Coolfire99 walked away.

"Did you make it?" asked Pohakuahi.

"Ya at the vary last second," replied Coolfire99.

They both walked in to the training room where they and all the other NeoPets where getting ready and waiting for the audience to take their seats. Coolfire99 released his Faeries and took out his weapons. "Will the players please come to the correct arenas at this time," Boomed the loud speakers. "Well I guess it's time," said Pohakuahi in a slightly worried voice. "I guess so. But I'm ready," Coolfire99 said in a very sure way.

So they walked in their arenas. Coolfire99 and Pohakuahi did not have the same arena so Coolfire99 went in to his. Once he got there, he was up against Beryl just like he thought. "Are you ready to lose?" asked Beryl.

"I came here to win not to lose!" said Coolfire99, showing his teeth. Then they heard the bell and the match had started. Coolfire99 pulled out his rainbow gun and Beryl pulled out her cloud charm. "Rainbow gun!" cried Coolfire99.

"Cloud charm!" cried Beryl a big bright rainbow shot right at Beryl but the cloud charm did nothing since the rainbow gun was not a dark weapon. Then Coolfire99 pulled out his blue frost cannon a big cannon that shot a blue frost. Beryl looked around but she had only brought her cloud charm. Beryl took a deep breath and tried to use scorch, but her owner hadn't taught her how.

"Blue frost cannon!" cried Coolfire99. Beryl tried to duck but it hit her and it knocked her to the ground crying. "I want my mommy!" cried Beryl and she ran out crying.

"Ya I won!" Coolfire99 jumped in the air. He had won in his arena and had to go on and battle the other winners in two weeks.

"Congratulations, cool," Pohakuahi said with a big smile.

"I won, too. Maybe we will get to battle each other," suggested Pohakuahi.

"Next time," said Coolfire99. The judges came down and awarded them a ribbon.

That night, Coolfire99 had his ribbon on the wall and he was gazing at the sky, petting Spinner. "Well, I won. Tomorrow is Kilterini's birthday but I was too busy with the contest to get him a present. What am I going to do?" he thought to himself.

"Purr…" went Spinner.

"Well the party is not till three, so I still have time." Coolfire99 laid down and not long after that he was asleep. That morning he woke up to the smell of his owner cooking pancakes--his favourite breakfast--in honour of his win.

"Yay pancakes! My favourite!!" said Coolfire99 as his owner placed a big plate in front of him. He ate them all and then went to his room to get some NP for the present. Coolfire99 walked out the door and headed for the shops. First, he went to the toy shop. "Hi, is there anything I can do to help you?" asked the toy shopkeeper. She had a big smile and a vary nice caring look.

"Umm, ya I'm looking for the perfect gift for my friend's birthday," said Coolfire99 with a big smile.

"Well, we have lots of gifts but it's up to you to decide what the perfect gift is," offered the shopkeeper.

Coolfire99 went and looked at all the toys. He noticed a soft green Aisha toy that he thought looked just like him, but he thought it was cute but not a good gift. He was about to leave when he saw something. It was a nice red mountain bike and for two NP more, you could get your name put on it. "That's it! That's what ill get him!" he said with a very big grin.

He ran over to it and looked at the price. "Wow it's only 1500 NP! I could get it!" with the tag he ran over to the counter.

"Did you find it?" asked the toy shopkeeper.

"Oh, yes I found it!" Coolfire99 paid for it.

The shopkeeper put a big blue bow on it and Coolfire99 still had some NPs left for something else. "Could you keep it here for a little while I buy some other things?" Coolfire99 asked.

"Sure you can," answered the shopkeeper as she placed it behind the counter.

Coolfire99 walked outside. "Hi there cool. What you been up to?" asked Pohakuahi as he ran up to Coolfire99.

"I was just getting Kilterini's gift. Do you want to come with me to buy him a card?" said Coolfire99 while he was walking to the gift shop.

"Sure let's go."

So, they ran of to the gift shop. "Let's see we need a birthday card," said Coolfire99.

"How about this one?" asked Pohakuahi holding up a card that had vary bright colors and said You're Three.

"No, he's not going to be three you know, he's going to be twelve," said Coolfire99 as he put the card back.

"Oh ya I guess I did not notice."

Coolfire99 was scanning through the cards when his blue eyes fell on one card that he knew he had to get. "This one is it the best one." Coolfire99 held up a nice blue one with glittery stars, it had big gold letters that said Happy Birthday, and on the inside it said The Best Birthday Wishes for the Best Friend Anyone Could Ever Have!!!

Coolfire99 paid for the card then him and Pohakuahi left and headed for the candy shop. "We just need one more thing," said Coolfire99 with a big grin on his face.

"Hey cool we better hurry its almost three!" said Pohakuahi.

"Really, what time is it?" asked Coolfire99 in a worried sort of tone.

"Two thirty. So what are we going to get him at the chocolate factory?" asked Pohakuahi.

"Well I was thinking of the orange chocolate Aisha. That is his favourite kind," said Coolfire99, starting to run faster.

Once they reached the chocolate factory there was not much left but luckily, there was one. So he bought it. "Wow! Weren't we lucky?" said Pohakuahi.

"Ya we were. We need to stop by the toy shop to pick up his other present," said Coolfire99.

They decided to fly there since there was not much time left. They got to the toy shop and went in. "I'm here to pick up my bike."

"Oh ya you're the one that left the bike here for the friend's birthday. Sure you can have it." The toy shopkeeper gave Coolfire99 the bike and for three NPs the shopkeeper wrapped the other gifts.

"Come on cool, we need to get going...it's ten till three," said Pohakuahi and with a flap of his big red wings, he was out side on his way to the party.

"Oh how will I be able to carry it?" thought Coolfire99. He knew he should not ride it but he could not carry it.

But then he got an idea. "If I hold the handle bars and fly at the same time I would be able to get it there." He knew Kilterini's house was just three blocks away. The clock tower was still visible and it was two fifty six NST. So he pointed out his body and straightened out his tail so he could move faster. As he zoomed through Neopia he had to avoid all the others, which slowed him down but he made it.

"Coolfire99!!! You made it!!" said Kilterini showing him in.

He placed his presents with the others as they sat down and had cake. "When do we open presents?" asked a star colored Zafara named starlight.

"In a second, starlight. Right now it's time for some games," said Kilterini and they all ran out in to the yard to play pin the tail on the Kau and musical chairs.

After the games, they all gathered around Kilterini to watch him open his gifts. First, he opened the small ones then went to the big ones. Everyone knew that Kilterini was very neat so they did not mind if theirs was last. Pohakuahi had gotten him a stuffed Aisha and a blue satin collar. After all the presents were opened every one went to play with the new toys.

"So cool do you still think your gift was the perfect one?" asked Pohakuahi with a little some thing of a smirk.

"Ya I guess so, I mean I did think some of those things were neat," said Coolfire99. They walked outside and Kilterini was riding his new bike, juggling her new soft toys and eating some of her candy at the same time.

"Kilterini, what in the world do you think you're doing?" asked Coolfire99 half laughing.

"I don't know I just am," said Kilterini while dropping her stuffed Kougra and almost crashing in to a tree.

That night Coolfire99 sat on his bed telling Spinner about the day "Aaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!" said Spinner when Coolfire99 told him about the party.

"Now what does that mean?" asked Coolfire99. Spinner crawled on to his lap to be petted. "Oh, OK, I'll pet you." Coolfire99 said to Spinner as he started to stroke its fur. As he sat there looking out his window, he knew that his gift was the perfect gift.

The End