
I'm Poor and I'm Doing Just Fine!!

by Booster343

I'm not here to talk about being poor and then getting rich, that doesn't even apply to me! I'm here to talk about being poor and dealing with it.

Many people consider rich as 250,000 NP or more, NOT ME!! Rich to me is having 20,000 NP!! I've NEVER had more than about 6,000 NP!! I don't want to have 250,000 NP, knowing the person that I am, I wouldn't be having as much fun on NeoPets. I'd be working on getting more and more NP. I wouldn't be having any fun, it would all be drained and after a while of being rich I'd quit NeoPets!!

On the small amount of NP I live on, I've been able to paint two of my pets Christmas, buy faeries, and buy one or two map pieces (I didn't paint my Poogle, I adopted it that way). I am proud at what I have done for my pets. I have also given all my pets PetPets, but I sold them at my shop after a while and I am working on getting all my pets new PetPets. I have a number of Codestones and I am working on getting the rest of the set. I have yet to get a Nerkmid or a Cracker but I plan to get them in the future.

Here are a few things I have done on NeoPets

1.) I have donated to the Money Tree on a few occasions.
2.) I have given money to the Wishing Well quite a few times.
3.) I have not yet won any Trophies, but I'm not really trying.
4.) I have NOT put any pets up for adoption, nor am I planing on it!
5.) I have referred three people to NeoPets.
6.) I haven't had any battles in the Battledome yet, but I really want to so I'm ready if any of you want to battle me.

I have a shop that is barely stocked BUT when it is I have some really good deals. I don't sell my stuff to get NP. I sell it at the same price as the lowest price that the Shop Wizard gives me. In the far future I want to open a Theme Park. I don't know how well it will go, but I'll try when I do have some NP to spare.

I live on a Day-to-Day basis. Almost all NP I earn playing games, Kiko Match and Poke-Match, I spend on things like food and other accessories that soon would end up in my shop.

I guess it's about time to end this article and I hope NeoPets will publish this in the Neopian Times so that other Neopians will have the encouragement to continue playing on NeoPets even though they are poor. To the rich out there, I am poor and I'm proud of it. Some of you are REALLY greedy and NeoPets to you isn't fun it's all NP to you!! Thank you very much for your time.

To the rich people out there I say you donate money to individuals NOT the money tree. Anyone can get stuff from the money tree. Instead find someone on Chat that says they are poor and donate stuff to them. Become friends with them!! It works you know. Well I don't want ANY donations!! I'm doing fine on my own, so good luck to all.