
The Heart

by Matricie

Lightpoint was a very shy Lupe, no one at school liked him because he was so shy. One day Lightpoint tried to talk to Rokell1, the most popular guy in school, but he just laughed at him and ran off with his girl Matricie1. Lightpoint was hurt so he went home early that day because he could not stand the laughing any longer. "What's wrong?" asked his brother Shaddow_1.

"Oh nothing really just some trouble at school today that's all Shaddow," replied Lightpoint.

"Well if you need to talk to anyone about it just come to me OK? I'll be here for you always."

"Thanks Shaddow, I know I can count on you for help."

The Next Day....

Lightpoint proudly went to school that day. He was going to show that Rokell1 who's popular! But just at that moment, Rokell1 walked up. "Well, well, well, who do we have here?" he asked.

"Lightpoint," answered Lightpoint.

"Oh ya the SHY one!!" He told his friends, who were now laughing at him once more. "Where's your friends? Oh wait, you don't have any!!!" laughed Rokell1.

"HEY YOU BULLY!!! DON'T SAY THAT!!!" yelled Lightpoint.

Rokell1 became very upset. "What did you say punk?"

"I said stop it!" shouted Lightpoint. "Just because you are popular doesn't mean you can bully other NeoPets, Rokell1!"

"I see what you're getting at," replied Rokell1. "Why don't we take this outside?"

"Ooooooo," said one of Rokell1's friends.

"FINE!" yelled a confident Lightpoint. "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR BUTT!"

"We'll see about that." shouted Rokell1.

After School....

Rokell1 and Lightpoint were outside on the basketball court ready to face off in a fight when Matricie1 stopped Rokell1. "ROKELL1!" she yelled to him, running out of the school. "STOP!! Don't hurt Lightpoint!"

"Why not?" asked a confused Rokell1.

"Because he's your brother!" answered Matricie1.

"WHAT??!!" exclaimed Rokell1. "What do you mean?!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you Rokell1."

Lightpoint started, "I am your brother, your owner Matricie adopted me and sent me to tell you at school."


Rokell1 said he was sorry to Lightpoint and that he never knew that. Lightpoint accepted his apology and they both, along with Matricie1, went home to their owner and led a happy life together.

2 years later....

After Matricie1 and Rokell1 got married they had a lovely baby Wocky named MysticMoon. A few days later Rokell1 got sick. "Rokell1 what's the matter you're not yourself today," Matricie1 asked with worry in her heart.

"Oh, I'm sick and I phoned the doctor and I have to go in for an operation tomorrow morning," replied a sick Rokell1.

"OPERATION!!!!???" yelled Matricie1.

"Yes, I have a bad heart and I need to get a transplant," answered Rokell1 trying not to upset Matricie1, but it didn't work.

"No!" shouted Matricie1. She laid down on Rokell1's stomach and started to cry long and hard.

Operating room....

"It's OK Rokell1, you'll be OK!" said the doctor before putting him under. Seconds later, Rokell1 was asleep and the surgery began.....

6 hours later....

The doctor came out and told Matricie1 some good news and some bad news. "What's the good news?" asked Matricie.

"At the last second we found a heart, but...."

"And the bad news?"

"But the heart was donated by his brother, Lightpoint."

Matricie started to cry. What's going to happen to Lightpoint?" Matricie asked.

"You mean that Lightpoint's didn't make it?" asked Matricie.

"Yes I'm sorry," answered the doctor, "Lightpoint saved Rokell1's life by giving his own."

The End