
Walking in a Winter Wonderland

by Bookwurm2

It was summer and Fang71_2000 was all alone. Fang71_2000 was on his bed thinking sad thoughts. Those sad thoughts were about his girlfriend. He had just broken up with her, he had done that because she was very snooty and stuck-up. When he decided to come out, his owner, Bookwurm2, asked him what was wrong.

"I just had to break up with my girlfriend, I don't think I'll ever be able to love again," he said sorrowfully. "I just got off with StarLupeTrainer, she said she just adopted a Lupe. Her name is AutumnTale. I wanted to let you know that I invited them over for dinner."

"What! I'm a mess!" he sputtered.

Fang71_2000 got up so that way bookwurm2 could comb his beautiful green Lupe fur.

"You know Fang71_2000, I am trying to get you a Liar, Liar, Your Pants On Fire Paintbrush," said bookwurm2.

Ding-dong! It was the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" shouted Fang71_2000. He was already down the hall. Once he opened it he gasped. There right in front of his eyes was the most beautiful Lupe he had ever seen. Even more beautiful than his older girlfriend. She smiled and laughed. She had a laugh like chimes in the wind. She was a beautiful Christmas Lupe

"Hi, my name is AutumnTale. Is this Fang71_2000's house?"she said.

He paused. "Oh yes. This is my house. You must be StarLupeTrainer's Lupe I'm Fang71_2000. Would you like to come in?"

She walked in.

''Would you like to see my book collection? I have read over fifty books," he said.

''Sure," she said.

They walked into his room, books were scattered all over the floor. "Sorry about the mess," he said, while trying to tidy up at the same time.

"DINNER TIME!!" both the owners shouted. "We've been trying to tell you that for the last ten minutes."

After AutumnTale and StarLupeTrainer left, bookwurm2 said to Fang71_2000,"Why did it take you so long for you guys to come to dinner?"

"I think I'm in love once more," Fang71_2000 said quietly.

That night he had a dream that he and AutumnTale were walking in a winter wonder land. The next morning, Fang71_2000 thought to himself, "It's true, I'm walking in a winter wonder land."

Later that day, Fang71_2000 sent a Neomail to AutumnTale, asking if she would be his girlfriend. He sent the message with flowers. Before the Post Office closed, Fang71_2000 went to get the mail. In the mail, was a letter for him. It was very rare for him to get mail. He opened it:

Dear Fang71_2000,

I will be your girlfriend. Thank you for the flowers.



The End