
A Letter From Mrs. Worley

by helping_out

I am sending this letter to let you know that I am safe. A gypsy told me that if I wrote this letter I would be set free from my suffering, and if you read on you will understand what my suffering was.

My name is Melissa Worley. I used to work at the adoption centre. Every week, I read the Neopian times and saw at least three stories about people adopting pets from the 'horrible, smelly, dark adoption centre' where the NeoPets are 'starved and kept in tiny cages'. None of it was true. This is my story.

Twenty years ago, I worked as a waitress at the Neolodge restaurant. One day, I was serving a man and he gave me a tip of 300 NP. I asked him if he was sure, to check he hadn't make a mistake. He turned to me and said, "Buy yourself a blue dress, to match your beautiful eyes." I blushed and he said, "For years, I have come here and watched you, and I have fallen deeply in love with you. Come and live with me, I have thousands of NP, you could have whatever you wanted."

At this point, the whole restaurant was watching, so I said, "Of course," well, I wasn't going to pass up an offer that good, he was handsome as well as rich. And with that he clicked his fingers and a horse and carriage appeared outside. I didn't know how he did it but I guessed he had it planned.

Before I tell the rest of the story, you must remember that I was young and foolish.

He took me up to a castle on terror mountain. ''Is this where you live?'' I asked. He turned around. I gasped. Instead of his handsome face, I saw something which looked like across between a Skeith and a Flotsam. "I live in a lamp, for I am a genie," he growled. "I will give you three choices, and if you choose the right one, I will let you go with no consequences. The other two will result in eternal suffering. Money, beauty or love from animals. Which will you choose?

"Love from animals," I said straight away. I didn't care about beauty or money.

"Ah," he said "you truly are a kind soul." I smiled. "However, I am an evil genie and I don't like kind souls. To begin, I will take away all of your beauty. Ah yes, a huge wart should do it. Now then, you will be forced to work in this adoption centre without pay."

I was teleported to a warm place, with pets running, playing, eating and sleeping happily. This wouldn't be so bad. I would have to live here to take care of the animals.

"Oh yes," came a voice, "I nearly forgot. This is what it will look like to people coming to adopt."

Suddenly, the NeoPets were in cages, with no food or water. It was dark and dreary. Then it turned back. "Hahahahaha!" cackled the voice.

And so I have to live with everybody thinking that I am cruel to animals. The animals are so excited about having new owners that they forget what it was like here. So, next time that you are about to write to the Neopian Times about the conditions here, think again about how things really are.


Melissa Worley
(And blummy, my yellow Blumaroo)

PS I am very happy now that I don't have to work in the adoption centre.