
The Rarest Chomby

by susana_banana

Hi, my name's Cardainia. I'm a Chomby, and a rare one mind you. I've been around a long time, seen a lot of things, done a lot of things. I don't do much now except for doing what every pet does when they know they're getting on in years. Telling stories. I tell stories of things that happened to me, or someone else, or story's that I heard from one of my early friends...I have a few favorites, but my very favorite is about my friend Tolona. It 's a pretty short story but it makes you think how some pets have more sense than others. Well, get comfortable in your computer chair because I'm only telling this once. Can't spend my whole life retelling stories to people who don't listen. Here it goes:

Tolona was a little Shoyru. Her owner was very kind and intelligent and always understood Tolona. But they were very poor. Every morning they went out to the Neopian Marketplace to see if anyone could donate any food. If they couldn't find any they went to the Soup Kitchen to get soup from the kind Soup Faerie. Tolona was sick of soup after having it every day of her life. But she knew better than to complain. She was lucky to get any food at all.

When Tolona and her owner had finished their soup they went to their 'tree' as they called it, to make grass baskets to sell at the market place.( 'Their tree' is the tree they sit under every day while making their baskets because it grows grass under it that is very thick.) When they finished they found a place next to a busy shop and set out their baskets to sell. By the middle of the day they had sold 5 NP worth of baskets! They were very happy because they hadn't made this much in a very long time, and the day still wasn't over.

At three o'clock in the afternoon the customers weren't buying as many baskets. Tolona looked hopefully at customers that walked by their baskets but they just smiled kindly and walked away. It was five when a customer stopped by their basket stand. It was a pale purple Poogle with a beautiful diamond colour!

"She must be very rich!" thought Tolona. The Poogle's owner was wearing a diamond, and solid gold necklace, and a ring with a diamond of overwhelming size! She asked if we had a nice basket for her Poogle to sleep in because it didn't like the gold one with jewels in it. It wasn't comfortable. They unfortunately did not.

"Can you make one by Wednesday and deliver it to my house then?" asked the owner of the Poogle. "I'll pay you extra for it since it's specially made and extra for the delivery"

Tolona's owner and Tolona were more than happy to take the job.

They decided to get the basket to her early, so we started back to our cave. We worked all night on it, making beautiful designs, putting in smooth, colourful rocks they found into the weaving. The next morning they were very tired but they went to the rich women's house to deliver the basket. They soon found themselves at a huge, and beautiful mansion. They timidly walked up to the oak front doors and rang the doorbell. A butler appeared in the doorway. "We have a basket to deliver," said Tolona's owner shyly.

"Come right in," said the owner. He led them to a red, velvet couch for them to sit down on while they waited for the ' mistress'. She soon came down and when she looked at the basket she seemed very pleased with the poor basket makers.

"Oh, how pretty! I really think my little poogie will love it!" she happily said. "Oh yes, now for your pay. One NP for the basket, plus fifty cents extra. One NP for the delivery, plus fifty cents for being early!"

Tolona and her master were stunned. They had stayed up all night making that gorgeous basket, they made a special delivery, and they finished it early, and they only got three NP! But before they could say anything the women took them into her dinning room. "I want you to see my new pot!" she said. She took them over to a large, solid gold pot.

"This pot is very special. I bought it a few days ago, and it is a magical pot. You put it over a fire, add some water, and tell it what you want it to cook. You can never go hungry with this pot as long as you have fire and water. It can even cook up rare items and Neopoints!" Tolona and her owner were astonished! They wished they could have that pot.

They walked back to their cave to go to bed. It was late and they were very tired from staying up all night. Tolona got into bed and pretended to go to sleep. But really she was thinking of how to get that pot. She didn't want to actually steal it, but if she could outsmart the rich lady...

By morning Tolona had come up with a great idea! She did not tell her owner though because she wanted to surprise her with the pot. She went off to the lady's mansion. She rang the doorbell and, once again, the butler appeared Tolona told him that she was having a party and needed to borrow the lady's biggest and most beautiful pot. The butler (who did not know that the gold pot was magical) gave the gold pot to Talona to borrow. Tolona happily walked away with the pot.

The next day she brought the pot back to the mansion. She rung the doorbell and the butler again appeared at the door. Tolona said to the butler, "This is a very happy day! Look inside your pot, it has had a baby!" The butler looked inside the pot and sure enough there was a little pot inside the big one he had loaned to Tolona. Tolona thanked him for letting her borrow the pot and returned it to the butler.

A week later the butler opened the door and found Tolona there. Tolona asked if he would let her borrow the big pot again.

"Certainly," said the butler. "We could always use another little pot," he thought as he went to get the big pot for Tolona. Tolona carried the pot all the way home again.

Two days the butler found Tolona sitting outside the mansion when he opened the door. But this time she had no pot with her. She said, "butler I'm am so sorry but your pot has died."

"What?! How can a pot die?" said the confused butler.

"Well," said Tolona, "if a pot can have a baby, it can surely not live forever!"

The frustrated and disappointed butler said good-by to Talona when she left and went back inside closing the door behind him. With the magical pot, Tolona and her master were never poor again.

The End