
Cheat: After the Heist: Part Three

by sockkitty

Click here to see how this story started!

After the first shock of the announcement, Spectre practically jumped at the idea of a worldwide manhunt. He had shoved his way out of the building, straight through the exiting crowd, joining up with Agent 00 Hog to accompany him to the Ice Caves. Spectre planned to stock up on frost bit eggs to fight with.

Capara was appalled at the whole situation. She wandered down to the battle magic shop with Kalora. "This is just disgusting!" Capara exclaimed.

"Yeah," Kalora agreed, "I have to go all the way up the mountain from the valley! And you, you have to wander through some creepy, dark, and dank woods that are probably very cold at this time of year…"

"No," groaned Capara, "Killing others for money! That’s what’s disgusting."

"Oh, yeah," Kalora said, "That is pretty disgusting, but think about it, they stole a million Neopoints!"

Capara was shocked. "Kalora!" she yelled, "We’re talking about fellow pets here! It’s not like we’re hunting rats."

"I like rats," Kalora said. Capara just gave up trying to talk any sense into her.

Capara’s weapon of choice: standard deer hunting gun. Why? because it had night-vision. It was very unlikely she’d be able to see out there without it. Still, she doubted Brucey B and Little Timmy would choose to go to the Spooky Woods, but that only made her feel better. Despite her tough attitude, she was quite sensitive deep inside, mostly all girls are. But this was an order, and she had to choose some kind of weapon. Capara smiled to think they probably wouldn’t go to the space station either, so Spectre was out of luck.

"I really need a day job," she muttered to herself. She was sick of this; she had been searching all day, and the Brain Tree was no help either. Why would they come here, though? She thought, as she had thought before. They’re probably in Faerieland or Mystery Island. She decided she might as well sit down and rest. Downing a can of Neocola, she could swear she heard voices arguing. Of course, this was normal; the place was full of Skeiths and Korbats. Still, something seemed awfully familiar about those voices. She grabbed an apple and took a bite. I’m giving up, she thought a million Neopoints isn’t enough to go to Neojail for.

There were those voices again. They were faint, but not too distant. Perhaps she thought I could ask if they’ve seen anything unusual. Using the night-vision on the gun, she followed the trail of the voices. The closer she got, the more familiar they seemed. She could see figures amongst the trees; those seemed familiar too. When she got close enough, she could distinctly recognise the figures and voices. She lowered her gun thinking I don’t believe it, I just don’t believe it.

There, in a small clearing, were Brucey B and Little Timmy. Timmy was sitting on a log, smiling up to Brucey, who held the Neopoints in one wing. The scene she saw was touching, she hated to disturb it. You know, she thought, If you don’t break it up, you’ll be disobeying the king’s orders. But, said another voice, They’re really not bad guys. Perhaps I could let them slide. No, said the first voice, You gotta do what you gotta do. She sighed, cocked her gun, and lunged at her target.

To be continued…