
A Life Without Being: Part Two

by silver_eyrie87

Click here to see how this story started!

Diablos nearly smirked, "That is nothing in comparison to my past, but I shall not dwell upon it, and no one shall know the truth."

"I will not believe this until you tell me just how terrible it was, for now, I do not know anything of your past and only the horrors of mine."

"You are truly weak, Tahovhan. Let your memories fade but do not forget them. A past shapes the person you are. So do us all a favour and quit your moping…"

"Why is my father coming? What does he want with me? To inflict more pain and suffering so my life shall be no more as it so nearly encountered?"

"Partly, but mostly, he wants his revenge."

"Revenge? What have I ever done to anger him?"

Diablos shrugged, "I do not yet know, and I suggest you find out yourself. He has joined up with someone, I do not know whom for he does not have a form, but he's dreadfully powerful. I suggest you flee."

"I do not run from my enemies," Tahovhan spat stubbornly.

"Retreating is more respectful then laying in a pool of your own blood with no lungs to draw air into, Tahovhan. Do you want to be a mere memory to your clan?"

"No, I do not want to be a mere memory…" Tahovhan said, seeing some reason in Diablos' words.

"Good, then run. Tell your clan of what is happening, and they will understand."

"I can't leave them!" Tahovhan hissed, flaring his wings.

"You can't or you won't?"

"I won't!"

"Then that is your fault, not mine. He's after you and if they are with you, the chances of them living are slim."

Tahovhan gritted his beak with a look of pure frustration. "So be it, I will tell them of my predicament then leave and take no followers."

"I knew you would come to your senses, stubborn as you are, you are still intelligent."

Tahovhan took a step back then spread his wings and took off, disappearing over the horizon and into his clan, Dark Moon's, land.

"Good luck my friend…" Diablos murmured then flared his own bat like wings and took off, barely visible against the night sky.

Tahovhan descended quickly, the scent of blood hinted in the air. He landed softly and looked up. The color drained from his face and even his feathers looked pale at the sight that held him stiff. "No…" he whispered and ran up to the crowd of Eyries that gathered around a smaller Eyrie.

"Sharianno, no…" Tahovhan murmured, approaching slowly. A small whimper was heard from the poor Eyrie.

His mate, Arthelia, rushed over to Tahovhan's side, a single tear running down her cheek. "T-Tahovhan… She wanted to see you before she died… She wanted to tell you something but before she could utter a word death took her," she sobbed sadly, burying her face in his mane. He put a paw around her and patted her back soothingly before walking slowly over to the unmoving form. Her limbs were twisted in opposite directions, bones broken in two. Her beak was agape in silent shrieks and her eyes starring blankly up at him. A tear rolled down his cheek, staining his feathers. One of his best friends… Was dead still….

To be continued...