
A Love Story: Part Three

by kiwifruit487

Click here to see how this story started!

"You what?!" cried MysticalClouds at the Pet Chat hut.

"I asked her who she was dancing with," said Rievie sadly.

"Of course, Rievie," exclaimed MysticalClouds, "how could you even think about asking her that when you were just playing together for hours - and I mean HOURS!"

"Slipped off my tongue," said Rievie. He was fiddling with a pencil as he sat on the couch nervously.

MysticalClouds sighed and said, "I can't believe you..."

"She was mad at me of course," said Rievie, "and she didn't show up when I was playing the flute this morning either."

"Yeah," said MysticalClouds suspiciously, "I heard that, but something else definitely happened too. What was it?"

Rievie didn't speak and MysticalClouds asked again, "Tell me, I won't tell a soul."

Rievie sighed and said, "OK fine, yeah I accused her and I regret that because she isn't like that at all. She was my friend and maybe..." he paused, "maybe we just weren't meant to be and were just suppose to be friends."

"You told her how you feel?" asked MysticalClouds.

"Um..." said Rievie, "not exactly, I just got mad at her for dancing with another guy and I don't know if she guessed why."

MysticalClouds shook her head and said, "Wow, you should stop jumping to conclusions."

"Can't help it," muttered Rievie, "I just... ugh... I just need some time to think about this."

MysticalClouds nodded and watched as Rievie walked out of the door for his home. Rievie thought about the night and regretted it. He had to think of a way to make things up for Charsi even if she wasn't really interested in anything more than an easy friendship. He sighed as he kicked the door open angrily and flung himself onto his bed staring at the ceiling. This could be the end of their whole friendship, let alone a relationship. The worst part about it, which Rievie haven't told anyone yet, was Charsi saying, "Rievie, you can't tell me what to do, I'm not a kid and I'm not your girlfriend either." Rievie shut his ears and rolled to the other side of his bed trying to forget.

There was a knock on the door, but Rievie ignored it. "Rievie?" called a voice. Rievie recognized it after a few seconds of confusion, "Kontana?" replied Rievie as the door opened.

Kontana stood there and he came forward to Rievie's bed, "Last night, I was um... around."

"What do you mean?" asked Rievie.

"Rievie," said Kontana as he came forward and sat on the edge of the bed, "I think - I think you should go and talk to Charsi. She should know how you feel and why you act the way you do, because otherwise, she would just think of you being irrational."

Rievie sighed, sat up, and said, "I don't know, maybe I was been irrational."

"Jealousy?" said Kontana chuckling.

Rievie's head was low and didn't answer. Kontana punched him friendly and said, "Come on, she's your friend, she'll understand."

"Thanks Kontana, but I think I just need some time," said Rievie, "I think I'll go on a cave adventure with Ally_A instead. You know, best friends are always a help."

Kontana nodded understandingly as Rievie dialed Ally_A's number.

"Hey buddy," said Rievie, "wanna check out the cave on hill number 5? The coolest around."

"Ooh yeah," answered Ally_A through the phone.

Rievie and Ally_A met up at hill number 5 and after checking some of their items they brought, they were ready to roll. To make sure they don't get lost, Rievie tied the end of a string to the branches of a tree. Ally_A made sure that they had enough power and energy for torches and fire. The two Usuls crept into the dark, cold, damp cave and Rievie remembered the night with Charsi and the taste of the snowball. Ally_A took out a torch and Rievie shook his head back to reality.

They went quite a way into the cave, beating some bats, and just wandering around, when suddenly, the string that Rievie was holding felt unusually lose. They quickly followed the string back and then, they met their dead end.

"Oh no," moaned Ally_A, "how are we going to get out of here!?"

"Um..." but Rievie was stumbled on the question. They retraced their steps back. It was hard, but they found another way out when Ally_A found a Korbat - instead of a regular bat - who knew the cave like the back of his hand. They followed the Korbat to the other side of the cave and they found themselves somewhere on another hill. They didn't recognize it, but Ally_A led the way towards the South and finally, after an hour was walking, they found hill number 3 which was pretty close to hill number 5. Hill number 3 was where Rievie usually played his flute and he felt his heart drop when the memory of Charsi came flashing back. He was glad to be worried about something else for more than an hour, but he also learned something else. If he and Ally_A had been lost in the cave forever and they died, then he would never have told PrincessCharsi that he was sorry and how he really felt about her. Rievie made up his mind, he had to find Charsi.

"That was fun," said Rievie smiling at Ally_A, "we could do it again someday, but I have to go, see you later!"

"Yeah," Ally_A grinned and said, "Bye-ya!"

To be continued...