
Lupina of Verdancia: Part Five

by thegreatlupelover

Click here to see how this story started!

The Faerie Queen looked out her window. There were the Darkness Faerie and her forces. It was time to fight. The Faerie Queen descended the spiral stone steps and walked out the gates of her palace. All the Light Faeries, plus some of the other Faeries, were waiting there for her. They were headed by the Battle Faerie and her trusty steed. The Soup Faerie was there to provide food for the Faerie Queen's troops.

The Darkness Faerie charged. On a signal from the Faerie Queen, the Battle Faerie led her army forward. The Faeries all began chanting spells. The few NeoPets that the Faeries had volunteered for the battle activated their abilities.

The Battle Faerie and the Darkness Faerie met with a clang. Using her darkness powers, the Darkness Faerie sent the Battle Faerie reeling backward. The Battle Faerie retaliated with her Ice Sword. All around them, the others were battling.

The Battle Faerie was fighting to the best of her ability, but bit by bit the Darkness Faerie was pressing her backward. With a powerful wave of magic, the Darkness Faerie knocked the Battle Faerie over backwards. Laughing, the Darkness Faerie prepared to finish off the Battle Faerie.

Then, with a flash of blinding light, Lupina and her friends arrived in Faerieland.


Lupina's Lupe Moon Charm was glaring so brightly it almost blinded her. Diving into the midst of the evil ones, the fire Lupe used Flash. The ranks around her shielded their eyes, blinded by the light.

As Lily dived down, she fired laser beams from her Blasters all around, destroying many darkness Faeries, Skeiths, and Korbats. Whenever someone fired anything at her, she countered with her Small Metal Shield or Wood Blocking Shield.

Emala was using powerful Psychic Blasts on the dark ones, and using her shadowed color to blend in with them and then strike.

Rosy's armor had proved itself worthy, and she was controlling the Gelert Wand wonderfully.

Sun Rays, Flashes, Water Jets, Frost Cannons, and so many other weapons and abilities were being used all over the battleground. But above all was the blinding rainbow light of Lupina's Lupe Moon Charm as she vented her wrath over the evil ones. Purple light swept one way, red light another, green, yellow, blue, orange, white, magenta, turquoise, crimson! Healing others as she went, Lupina tore through the masses like a whirlwind. Sometimes she stopped to Restore herself, but she continued on towards the heart of black. And then, with a fearsome roar and a clash of armor, Lupina and the Darkness Faerie met.

The Darkness Faerie quickly cloaked herself and Lupina in a black mantle, making them invisible to the crowd and hoping to keep Lupina from seeing. But Lupina activated Night Vision and Invisibility, striking at hidden places. As she battled, Lupina cast a circle of protection, keeping others from interfering with the battle.

Outside, Rosy's armor was being torn to shreds. She activated Mote Dance. Aggressively, she swung her Gelert Wand and leaped forward to deal with the next attacker.

Back inside the dark mantle, Lupina and the Darkness Faerie fought on. Lupina could not pause to Restore herself now, she had to keep going! The Darkness Faerie was attacking aggressively with an Ice Scimitar, Lupina had wounds all over her. With a burst of white magic, Lupina swept away the dark mantle. She held up the circle of protection, however.

Outside the circle, Rosy, Emala, Lily, and the others had defeated all the dark ones. With a burst of light, Lupina and the Darkness Faerie appeared. Lupina was no longer invisible. The Darkness Faerie struck out at every turn.

Lily cried out and tried to reach her friend, but the circle of protection threw her back. Emala called for Lupina to lower the circle so that they could help her, but Lupina would not heed. Suddenly, with an unexpected twist of magic, the Darkness Faerie flipped Lupina over onto her back. The Darkness Faerie readied her magic to finish Lupina off.

Lupina looked up in a daze. She had barely any strength left in her body. Blood was flowing from her open wounds. The Darkness Faerie was drawing herself up for an attack. In one desperate last effort, Lupina raised herself. With a sudden burst she activated all her abilities. She used all her weapons. She readied all her defense. The Darkness Faerie was pressed backwards. Then, with the last ounce of her strength, Lupina removed the magic from her circle of protection. She gathered her magic all together into her Lupe Moon Charm. It was so intense that it could have destroyed all of Neopia. But it was focused on one thing: the Darkness Faerie. Lupina was panting from holding it back. Then, in a burst of noise and light, she released the magic. It went straight to its target.

As Lupina slipped into unconsciousness, the Darkness Faerie was no more.


Lupina regained her senses slowly. Rosy was attending to her with potions and Water of Life.

When Lupina's eyes opened, Rosy whispered hastily, "Use Restore, Lupina. Quick."

Lupina understood. She activated the ability. Suddenly, she felt a whole lot better. She stood up.

"Where am I?" she asked. She didn't recognize the room she was in.

"This is the Faerie Queen's bedroom," Rosy replied. "She said you could use it."

"How long have I been unconscious?" was Lupina's next question.

Rosy's brow furrowed. "A whole week," she replied.

Lupina jumped up. "Well, no wonder I'm so hungry! A whole week with no food! Where's Emala?"

Soon Lupina and her friends were dining happily, with the results of Emala's Great Feast ability.

Later that day, Lupina was talking to the Faerie Queen. She had explained to Lupina that she knew of someone who would be glad to adopt all four of them. Lupina was curious.

"Who?" she asked.

"Her name is Amy. She lives in Happy Valley in Winter World. She has a wonderful NeoHome already established, but she doesn't have any pets yet. She's very rich. She has at least 5,000,000 Neopoints. I know she'd love to adopt you."

Lupina held council with the others, and the vote was unanimous. They would go live with Amy.


A day later, Lupina, Rosy, Lily, and Emala were flying down to meet Amy. The Faerie Queen had contacted her, and she was waiting for them below Faerieland.

As Lupina and the others fluttered down, Amy knew instantly that she would love them.

Lupina, Rosy, Emala, and Lily also knew that Amy would love them as they already loved her.


It was two weeks later. Lupina and Rosy were playing in their backyard. It was after school. Amy had enlisted all of her new pets in Snowy Valley High, and they loved it. Their NeoHome was wonderful, too. They had a huge plot of land to play on. Their NeoHome had two stories. On the top was a bedroom for each of them and a bathroom. On the bottom was a kitchen, a dining room, a play room, a bathroom, and a library.

Amy had also bought them each a pet. Lupina's was a Puppyblew named Sparky, Rosy's was a Warf named Speckles, Emala had a Tigermouse named Sneakers, and Lily had a Beekadoodle called Skywing. Their were dozens of toys and books for them to read. Amy kept a good profit running through her shop. Sometimes one of them would get sick, but Amy would always buy the cure and they'd be fine again. The worst time was when Lily got Neopox from the Wheel of Excitement, for a few days they thought she would die.

On weekends, Amy would take her pets down to Lilac Island, where they'd have a great time. It was a good life here with Amy. There were setbacks, but, altogether, this was the way that Lupina, Rosy, Emala and Lily wanted to live. This was the life. And they would have no other.

The End

Author's Note: This story's end is how I would like my NeoPets life to be. I know it is far from it, my pets are not painted, nor do they have PetPets. I don't have close to 5,000,000 Neopoints. But I find this story one of my masterpieces. True, I do not have the luxury it ends with-I don't even have a NeoHome. Yet these four NeoPets in the story truly express my feelings, my very heart. I am happy the way things are. And that, I think, is a very valuable gift indeed.