
NeoPets Survivor: Day 7 and 8

by Neotrainer1234

Click here to see how this story started!

The next day started off bright and sunny. Everyone, even Breadmaster and Safari Techo were relieved that Ursula was gone.

“She just had to much power,” Blooplum said to her friends at breakfast.

“I know, she thought this was a puppet show and we were her puppets,” Thyassa commented.

“Now the hard question guys, should we trust Safari Techo and Breadmaster or just let them do their own thing?” Kevin brought up.

“I say we forget they’re here and just vote how we want to,” Sarkis suggested.

“That sounds like a logical plan,” DJ Roo replied.

“Guys, this is getting to be more than a game. One of us will be going home with 1 billion Neopoints in a few days,” Nigel shouted.

With that comment, the pets finished breakfast and decided to take a walk around the island.

“I’m going to miss this place when we leave,” Thyassa said whipping away a tear.

Just then, something fell from a tree and hit Nigel in the head.

“What was that?” Nigel said as he rubbed his head.

“It’s a banana tree!” Sarkis yelled as he pointed to the banana that fell on Nigel.

“Yes, let's get as many as we can. I’ve been starving since the third day,” DJ Roo exclaimed.

The pets picked up all the bananas they could carry and made their way back to camp.

“We can have a great banana feast,” Kevin yelled as he tossed some bananas in the shelter.

That is exactly what the pets did. They ate so many bananas that they were about to explode.

“Hey guys, this is so fun. I just hope that whole alliance thing doesn’t put me in a bad position. I was just trying to play the game,” Breadmaster said peeling a banana.

“Well, Ursula and Chesterpot were the main leaders of the alliance so we have decided to forget the past and vote how we want to vote,” Thyassa explained.

“This is going to be hard to choose someone to vote off. I have gotten attached to all of the pets here,” Sarkis said.

All the pets agreed. The night rolled around and the pets slowly trudged to the faeries castle.

“Welcome pets. Tonight one more pet will become a memory of the island and some of you will make your way closer to the 1 billion Neopoints Tonight’s challenge is kind of hard. You will all have to stand on rickety platforms. You push and shove the pet next to you until they fall off. Then, move to their empty platform and get the next pet. The last pet standing wins immunity. Survivors get ready. GO!” the Light Faerie shouted.

DJ Roo was the first one off. Sarkis pushed him off. Kevin was the second off. Thyassa gave him a big push. Safari Techo fell off as he tried to push off DJ Roo. Breadmaster pushed off Sarkis leaving only five pets still standing. Nigel pushed off Sunshine but Nigel also fell. Blooplum made an attempt to get off Thyassa but she fell. Now only Breadmaster and Thyassa were standing. Thyassa made a move and instantly Breadmaster fell giving Thyassa immunity. “Good job Thyassa. You win immunity and the right to vote twice,” the Light Faerie said

After the votes were cast, the Light Faerie read them aloud.


“Sorry Blooplum but you are the 8th pet voted off the island. No good-byes,” The Light Faerie said as the tribe watched Blooplum take a step onto the warp pad and disappear from the island.

“You have all survived another round of voting but who will be next? Good job survivors now go back and get some rest,” the Light Faerie said flying away.

“I can’t believe Blooplum was voted out,” Kevin said.

“I thought she was going to win the whole game,” Nigel said.

“Oh well, let's just go back and get some rest,” Safari Techo said holding back a giggle.

The survivors headed back and went to sleep, not knowing which pet would be the next voted off.

Day 8

The sun beat down hard on the survivors on day eight. Safari Techo and Breadmaster awoke, happy to still be on the island.

“Blooplum should be here now,” Nigel said waking up.

“She had the best chance of winning the votes just caught up with her,” Thyassa said.

“I think some people are still voting together,” Kevin said glancing over at Breadmaster and Safari Techo.

“I think some people need to mind their own business,” Breadmaster said in a cold tone.

“Do you guys realize that one of us will win the billion Neopoints,” Sunshine said imagining the riches.

“I still say none of us deserve the points except Blooplum,” Nigel repeated.

With Blooplum, their leader gone, Sarkis started taking over the leader position.

“Okay guys, if we want to be warm tonight, we need to go get some major firewood because we are out,” Sarkis exclaimed.

“I can make us some fried bananas,” DJ Roo said.

“Those sound good,” Kevin chimed in.

“Okay, we will have fried bananas tonight,” Sarkis said as if he were approving it.

Safari Techo approached Sarkis and tapped him.

“You had better stop trying to rule the tribe around or you will be next,” Safari Techo said.

Sarkis decided he would lay low the rest of the day.

It was about noon when the big event of the day happened. Sunshine was going to fetch some bananas off a high plateau. He dropped one and slipped on it.

“Help,” Sunshine screamed as he dangled one hundred feet above the ground. All the pets tried to help him but when they got up to the plateau, he had already fallen. The pets found him on the ground unconscious and rushed him to the Light Faerie's tower.

“What should we do?” DJ Roo asked.

“He’s still alive,” Nigel added.

“Well, he definitely cannot stay and compete for the million,” The Light Faerie said.

“Well what can we do? We can't just leave him like this,” Thyassa screamed.

“No, I’ll go on the warp pad with him to the hospital. When I return I’ll tell you his status and what will happen tonight,” The Light Faerie said stepping on the warp pad with Sunshine in her arms.

The pets walked back feeling terrible.

“I never knew it was that dangerous out here,” Breadmaster said.

“Now Sunshine has no chance at competing for the billion, and he was so excited too,” Thyassa said.

“Let's just put it behind us and try to get something productive done while we wait,” Sarkis said.

“Okay, how about we build a new luxury hut?” Kevin asked.

Everyone agreed on the idea, their old hut was falling apart and it didn’t keep the wind or rain out.

The pets worked harder than they had ever worked before. They used bamboo poles for the sides, palm tree leaves for the roof, and a big rock for the door.

“That rock can keep the wind out,” Safari Techo said.

Just then, the Light Faerie came running towards them.

“Survivors, I have good news, Sunshine will be back to his old self again in about a month and no major damage was done. Unfortunately, he could not return to the island and we have decided to cancel tonight’s challenge. Sunshine will be the 9th pet to be banished from the island. Now you are the only seven that remain. Always remember to make a good impression on your fellow survivors because once there are two survivors left, your old tribe mates will vote on who should win. This is just an example of how dangerous the island can be. All of you be extremely careful and get a good nights rest. Sunshine will be fine soon and he will return to be part of the council that will chose the winner so you will see him there. Good night survivors and congratulations on making it one more day.

To be continued...