
Stricken With Amnesia: Part Two

by Littlejoy

Click here to see how this story started!

"Silent_mist! I haven't seen you since 4 years ago! My my! How you've grown! How old are you now?" Sara asked. I told her that I was 12 and I didn't like having my face pinched or hugged. "My my...well...here's your room and have a nice stay!" My Warf growled at her, she smiled in a weird-looking way and said "Butter! Don't make that NASTY sound!" then she showed me my room. AND...I finally learned my name and that Warf's name...again.

My room was empty. It had a wooden bed with a thin blanket and a little drawer. That was it. No clothes, no nothing. I had only my 4 pair of clothes, my Warf, and a book called Playing with Fire that I found in my ruined house. I was very tired, so I plopped onto my bed and started sleeping with Butter at my side. As I fell asleep, I wondered, "Would an aunt REALLY treat their niece like how mine is treating me now?"

When I woke up, a maid was knocking my door, telling me it was breakfast. As I flew down from the upper floor, I saw some weird items. "Aren't you hungry?" Sara asked. SO I started eating. After breakfast however..."Silent_mist, you're to dust the parlour now, I'm not going to let you stay for nothing." She smiled. I had no choice but to start dusting. A maid came in and started doing that too. I felt bored, so I started talking.

"Ummmmmmm....hi...What's your name? My name is Silent_mist."

The startled maid replied, "My name is Janelle. Listen, I know my mistress told me not to say this, but you're inheriting the fortune of your grandma. If you don't recover your memory, your greedy aunt WILL get the fortune!" With that, she ran away. I was mystified...VERY mystified.

When I finished dusting, I decided to flip through a stack of photo albums and found my mother's pictures, and others of me when I was young. Flashes of the past enveloped me but they were all blurry. I tried to focus in on the pictures, but nothing worked.

Then there was a sound of a door opening, and Aunt Sara screeched, "What' are you DOING?! DID I give you permission to take a BREAK!?"

"N-n-n-no...b-b-bu-but I was finished with dusti---" I was very stunned and started to stammer.

"THEN IF you're finished!......go to the garden and WATER the plants!" came the interrupting yell. I reluctantly went to the gardens, but first, I asked if I could keep the album.

"Fine! But I warn you......stop being lazy and START MOVING!" Aunt Sara was SURE MEAN!

Watering the plants was really fun, I got to see the plants, and have a walk for once. I also met some friends there. For instance, I met a nice Aisha gardener that was slightly older than me. She taught me the names of some flowers and taught me how to weed the garden also. Florina the Aisha even offered to show some of the herbs she kept. When it was finally dinner, we bade each other good-bye and promised to try seeing each other. I really would rather stay with Florina than hear the lectures of Aunt Sara the horrible.

I was right. Aunt Sara was really horrible! When I went into the house, Florina yelled "Why were you taking so long!? Were you trying to take a break? Or were you trying to have fun and play with the DISGUSTING creatures outside!!!!!!"

That insulted me and I'm sure it would've insulted Florina. My hate spread all over and I spat hotly, "THEY AREN'T DISGUSTING AND I'D RATHER STAY WITH THEM INSTEAD OF YOU!!!!!!!"

I hoped it would insult her. It did. She took a deep breath and then ordered me to stay outside with my "FRIENDS" and stay there! I was very happy about it, and I ran to Florina's shed across the road to tell her what happened. Florina was concerned, and let me have some food and told me to stay in her shed.

While I was drifting into Dreamland, I smiled and thought to myself "For once, I have a WARM blanket!!"

To be continued...