
A Tale of Two Shoyru: Part Two - The Midnight Raid

by Flamemane_2000

Click here to see how this story started!

As I returned home with Larmos, I thought to myself. That Moehog brought up a good question...why... Larmos tagged along at his usual slower pace. I landed in the middle of the grass field, and climbed up the stone stairs, into the cave door. This was home. It was quiet, dark, and wet, but... it was home.

I listened to the howls and barks of Lupes outside as the city's clock struck 10. Only two more hours... I thought. I sat on my bed, my feet dangling off the edge of it. "Why..."

I looked outside of the door, and saw Larmos looking at the full moon. It was spooky. A full moon right before a deathly attack. Everything scared me. It was very dark outside, and I couldn't understand why Larmos was sitting out there all alone, or what seemed to draw his attention.

For once, I didn't understand my brother. It was a surprise. I usually knew what he was doing, why he was doing it, how he felt, if he understood something, and all things like that, but at this moment, I couldn't tell any of it. I slid off my bed, and walked out, down the stone stairs, and up to Larmos. "What are you doing out here? It's cold."

Larmos shook his head. "I'm keeping watch."

I didn't understand.

"Keeping watch?"



"I want to see what the Nimmo Army looks like..."


Now I understood. Larmos had never seen a Nimmo before. They never lived in our city, and Larmos wasn't born when mom and dad fought the Nimmos. I had seen them before. And I'm sure I had seen Taricha too. Gold stomach plate, piercing yellow eyes, gnarled claws, a long red tail, and two large red and black wings. It was a sight that you wouldn't see too often. He was different than most Nimmos. He was pure evil.

The clock struck 11.

It was time to get ready. I sat down by my brother, and looked back, seeing brave Moehogs, Scorchios, Kougras, Grarrls, Eyries, and many more charging into the mayor's house. I guessed they were signing up for our army. It didn't seem like such a bad idea. I decided. I would be part of it too. I quietly got up from sitting beside Larmos, who had fallen asleep. I walked silently to the Mayor's House, and into the entrance, but I was stopped by two muscular, tall Blumaroos, grasping long guns in their hands. They crossed their guns over the entrance. "HALT!"

I jumped at the loud voice, but I did as told. I stopped. "WHY ARE YOU GOING IN HERE, KID?"

I wondered why they had to talk so loud, and was a bit angered at the guard calling me kid. I considered tackling them both over like I did in the wrestling matches, but decided it wasn't such a good idea, since they held guns. "I u-um, I-I want to s-s-sign up fo-for the arm-army, s-sir."

The soldier laughed. "You're too young!! You have to be at least 15! You idiot!!"

His guard partner laughed too, and they both pushed me away, into a mud puddle at the bottom of the mayor's steps. They continued to laugh, even as I walked away.

The clock struck 12 just as I got into the familiar grassy field I was so used to already. I jumped as the normally howling and barking Lupes began to growl and yelp. I turned my back to see armored Nimmos jumping from the sky and from the tops of buildings. They lunged through bushes, and leaped out of trees, down on Jynan. As I turned back to Larmos, he was gone.

My eyes widened in fright and surprise, as I panicked, and looked around for my missing brother. I then looked up to see a winged Nimmo carrying him high in the sky, looking down at me, and laughing. "Ha! You fool! Turn your back on me, will you?"

I angered. "I didn't know you were there!! PUT HIM DOWN NOW!!!!"

The Nimmo laughed again. "Idiot! You're nothing but an idiot! You think I'll obey a little thing like you? HAHAHAHA!!!"

This was really getting me mad. I clenched my fists tightly, and growled, then shouted at the Nimmo louder than ever before. "IF YOU DON'T PUT HIM DOWN, I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Nimmo rolled his eyes. "I think I've heard that one before. Guess what? You're annoying me with your silly threats. Let me put an end to them now."

He took his right hand, and opened it at me, while holding Larmos with the other hand. A black beam with electricity surrounding it appeared in the Nimmo's opened hand. "Watch the birdy, kid!"

The black beam was launched at me with supreme speed, and was aimed at my heart. I was struck back, into a nearby stone block, and was knocked out. I woke up an hour later to find out that the Nimmo, who fit the description of Taricha perfectly, flew off with Larmos, and the city was in flames. There were beaten pets everywhere, broken buildings lining the paths and roads, and a certain sign that the Nimmos had been here.

To be continued...