
Battle Field Neopia: Part Three

by Musahi

Click here to see how this story started!

"Oh no, not the girls...." James moaned.

"OOOOOOOOoooo, they got another buddy, a Kiko." The female Acara laughed at the tiny Kiko.

"For your information, my name is Keith," the Kiko said, trying to sound brave.

"HA! Put an S at the front of your name and your Skeith!" the female Acara fell on her back and laughed like a court jester in spring. Keith hid behind James. Keith sure didn't have much social skills and easily got embarrassed. The female Korbat winked at James.

"How was practice?" she asked.

"Well.....um...." James hesitated. It wasn't easy trying to answer the prettiest creature in the world, in James POV.

Sam whispered something to Keith and James, and they strode past the girls. The girls whispered something to each other and slowly followed the boys. Sam noticed the girls following and walked faster. The girls also went faster.

Now they were all in a run, heading for James's house. The boys weren't getting any faster but the girls picked up speed. James took to the air and the female Korbat followed. Keith turned on a curb (they were on the sidewalks) and all the girls except Mindy pursued him. Lastly, Mindy kept on chasing Sam. Sam tried everything he could, he used blinding flashes, speed shoes, everything! But Mindy somehow dodged attacks, kept on getting faster, and never got affected by anything. Sam could see James above.

Sam used a spring jump and caught James's feet. James carried Sam higher into the atmosphere, Sam and James could usually know what each other was thinking, Sam let go and he dropped like a rock. Mindy, being the smart Kacheek she is, stun punched Sam in midair. Sam fell on top of a Super duper scooter, which had a Usul on it. The Usul got off the broken Scooter and leaped over to Mindy.

"That Scooter was expensive! What's the meaning of punching your boyfriend and making him land on my SUPER DUPER DELUXE SCOOTER!" the Usul's eyes were flaring red.

"I am not her boyfriend! What kinda sick minded freak do you think I am?" Sam managed to say, seeing that he was dropped a good 700 meters.

"I can see why you don't have a boyfriend, you probably punch 'em to death!" the Usul accused, half smirking.

"Who the heck are you to tell me I have no boyfriends? I have lots," Mindy lied.

"For your information, my name is angel," the Usul fumed.

This is gonna end up into a cat fight. I just know it, Sam thought. And he was right. Mindy slapped Angel across the face, Angel retaliated by whipping her tail into Mindy's face. They both punched, kicked and scratched each other for ages. Mindy was ready to finish this once and for all. She raised her hand for the stun punch. Angel noticed the orange energy on Mindy's hand/paw and narrowly dodged it. The momentum sent Mindy flying into a tree. The tree now had a dent. Mindy ran like a rabbit to her friends.

"Thanks Angel, that Kacheek was stalking me," Sam said as he got up.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for revenge of my scooter. But you're welcome anyway," Angel sighed.

"I wonder if my Scooter still works........." Angel got on top of the broken scooter and zipper along but the wheel popped off and she fell off. Luckily, Sam caught her before she fell down the man hole that was there. At that time, Keith and James came to the spot where Sam was. They had escaped the girls and had been looking for Sam.

In James' and Keith's point of view, it looked like Sam was hugging Angel! James and Keith stared at Sam. Sam and Angel turned around, and looked at James and Keith. Angel knew what they were thinking.

"Hey bozos! We don't have a relationship so don't get any ideas...." Angel's eyes flared once again.

"James, this ain't what it looks like......" Sam let Angel stand up. "Angel these are my friends, James the white Korbat and Keith the navy Kiko. Oh, and I'm Sam the blue Kacheek. And guys, this is Angel the yellow Usul." Sam tried to sound dignified, but failed and that made Angel laugh.

"Sam, why were you...you know...." James gulped. Angels eyes flared like sapphires.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO....." Angel was interrupted by Sam, "Settle down!" Angel stopped and glared at Sam then crossed her arms and turned away from James. While all this was happening, a little NeoPet was silently spying on the 4. The NeoPet darted from the bushes and headed for a secret trap door......

The next day, everyone did their usual class routines. Review work, arithmetic etc. But during lunch, everything changed....

Sam and James were walking to the cafeteria when they met Kiko, well actually, he was running out of the cafeteria and bumped into them. "Hey guys!" Keith greeted, "I was looking for you, something is happening in the cafeteria, come see!" Keith led them in and they saw a group of NeoPets around a table.

A passing Kau laughed at Sam, "Hey Sam, how's you relationship with Angel?"

"WHAT?!?!?!" Sam exclaimed. Everybody kept chanting about Sam loves Angel or Angel loves Sam. Angel was as shocked as Sam was. "Who's responsible for this?" Sam asked. The Kau pointed at a purple Meerca that wore a red head band.

Angel joined the 3 boys and headed to the purple Meerca. "I saw you two embracing yesterday!" the Meerca chuckled.

"We weren't, Sam just caught me because I fell off my Scooter!" Angel argued.

"Sure you did!" the Meerca sarcastically answered.

Angel lost her temper, she grabbed the Meerca by the tail and swung him at the wall. He called up two of his buddies, one was a Kougra, the second was a huge Meerca They grabbed Angel and held her still, the Purple Meerca got up and held his tail like a whip. "How about a set of lashes girly?"

Sam, James and Keith struck before the lash did. James blew out a frosty wind and froze the Kougra, Sam kicked the Meerca and he toppled over the Kougra. Keith spat jets of water and shot the purple Meerca to the floor. The 3 "Villains" ran away like it was the end of the world. Angel stood up and shouted insults which are probably inappropriate for younger viewers.

A few hours later...

After school, the boys found out that Angel also took the training course and would be fighting in the war. So they all lightened up. This was going to be a war they would never forget....

To be continued...