
For Better or Worse: Part One

by paw_print

In a NeoHome in Faerieland, a Faerie Aisha was sleeping soundly. Her name was Sevania, and her owner, Carisa, was VERY rich so Sevania was VERY spoiled. She was the most popular girl in Faerieland School, and had many boyfriends for her tender age of 100 days old.

Sevania woke to her Puppyblew, Sara, licking her face. "SARA!" she cried and pushed her off of the massive bed. The poor, hungry Puppyblew ran away with her tail between her legs.

"Stupid Puppyblew!" she muttered, stretching her arms and wings. She fluttered out of bed to the marble hallway to the grandfather clock, which sat halfway down it.

"IT'S ONLY 7:30!'" Sevania cried, going into a rage. Sara walked up to her and wagged her tail, but Sevania had no sympathy for the Puppyblew Sevania grabbed Sara and locked her into the private doggy-room that Sara had.

Sevania flew down the stairs to the kitchen, where a young maid named Jaira was cleaning. "YOU KNOW THE KITCHEN IS SUPPOSED TO BE SPOTLESS JAIRA!" Sevania boomed. The attractive Shoyru looked startled, then protested, "But it is miss!"

Sevania gave Jaira a look of horror. Jaira had back-talked to her, Sevania, the pet of the house. A servant had back-talked one of her bosses.

"NO YOU DIDN'T JAIRA! YOU MISSED A SPOT!" Sevania ran out on to the terrace, and walked on the wet ground, coming back in and walking all over the nearly-spotless floor. Jaira cried out in anger.

"Oh miss! I have been up since 4:00 scrubbing this floor by hand, which you demanded!" her eyes filled with tears. Sevania just gave her a cruel look and said, "That's what you get for back-talking to me!" and she walked to Pierre, the Chia-chef and asked him to cook her some hot cakes and Danish bacon for breakfast, leaving Jaira sobbing over the muddy floor.

Sevania was all ready for school, when her owner came down the stairs. "Sevania, you'll have to fly to school today, the limo has broken down," Carissa said kindly.

"I DON'T WANT TO FLY!" Sevania screamed. Carissa sighed. She hated telling Sevania about these kind of things, because she always reacted the same way.

"Sevania! We aren't going through this again!" Carissa said firmly.

"I'M GOING TO RUN AWAY AND YOU'LL BE SORRY!" Sevania yelled, slamming the door behind her. Carissa blinked back the tears that she had always wanted to cry since Neopia started to develop.

Sevania flew to the school thinking, "I'm going to run away and she'll be sorry!"

She met her friend, a Cybunny named Averry when she got there.

"Hi Sevania! What's wrong?" Averry was a kind and caring Cybunny, and Sevania definitely didn't deserve him.

"NOTHING! GO AWAY YOU STUPID BUNNY!" Sevania shouted at him.

"Whatever! Talk to me when you stop being a stubborn Kau!" He walked away, hurt. Sevania's wings fluttered with irritation. Sometimes he just got on her NERVES.

"Hey Sevania!" her friends walked up to her, smiling. Her friends were Jessika the white Kougra; Lanei the blue Acara; Keeri the purple Shoyru and Tia the yellow Jubjub, but Tia was missing.

"Hi guys!" Sevania tried to sound cheerful. She may be a total snob to her boyfriend, but her friends meant a lot to her.

"What's wrong?" Keeri asked her, concerned.

"Oh nothing!" Sevania said. She didn't want to sound like the brat she was in front of her friends.

"Hey guys!" came Tia's voice. They turned around and were almost blinded.

"T-t-t-i-a! You're hurting my eyes!" they all cried.

"Oh sorry!" Tia sprayed hair spray on to her fur and the glowing stopped.

"TIA! You glow!" Lanei said.

"Like it?" Tia asked.

"Yeah! It's great!" Lanei said.

"I wish I could get painted!" she said. "But my owner won't let me."

Lanei looked sad for a minute, then cheered up when they got off the subject of painted fur. Then the bell rang, and Keeri and Sevania flew inside, while the others followed.

Meanwhile at home, Carissa was staring at the TV in horror. The Neopian Stock Market was crashing, and she would lose all her money. They had dropped quite a bit because Carissa had added genuine marble statues in the front yard, stocked up her shop in rare items, and bought a whole bunch of stocks which would make her money level rise, but it didn't. They would lose money in a matter of days with Sevania's spoiledness. They would have to sell the house. But there were always the rare items in the shop, but the money from that would go VERY quickly. Carissa started to cry. She would've sent Sevania to work if she hadn't refused to. Oh how was she going to break the news to Sevania? How would she? Just the make matters worse, Jaira quit that day. Carissa just sank to the floor, crying.

After school, Sevania and her friends browsed the Faerieland marketplace. Sevania took out her large allowance, and bought some Neo Cola, the latest "N-14" and her favourite treat, raspberry N&Ns. They then went to watch the Poogle Races, and lost when they bet on Poogle number two. Sevania was happy while she fluttered home. She opened up the door, whistling while she went, when Carissa came down the stairs with red and puffy eyes. She hugged Sevania and said, "Sevania, the stock market crashed today, and we're...." Carissa sobbed, "POOR!"

"But what about the money in the bank?" Sevania asked.

"I spent it on rare items for the shop," Carissa sobbed.

"And the extra money?" Sevania asked.

"I gave you it for allowance and I bought food with it! I was hoping to make more money in the stock market, so I bought tons of stocks, and it CRASHED!" Carissa cried harder.

Sevania gulped. Her allowance was all gone because she had spent it in a poor persons shop which was VERY expensive, so she could show off. Carissa handed Sevania a couple of boxes. "Sevania, we have to move to Neopia," Sevania, gulped, blinking back tears.

The marble hallway was empty. The grandfather clock chimed half-past 3:00. The kitchen was empty. The dining room was empty. All of the rooms were empty except Sevania's bedroom. The Faerie Aisha sat in the corner, crying. "SEVANIA!" Carissa cried sadly. Sevania got up and then thought, "I need a souvenir!" she took a thick knife, which had diamonds embedded in it. She then chipped away at the marble floor in the hallway, until she got a rock-size chip. She then flew down the stairs and onto the front walk. She ran her fingers over the diamond design in the door. She pried one of the beautiful gems out and put it in her pocket, along with the marble chip. She walked down the cobblestone path and looked at the beautiful house one more time then flew to the waiting moving van.

When the arrived in Neopia Central, things were bustling. "Come on Sevania! We have to go somewhere!" Carissa pushed her along. Soon they came to two big buildings. One said: "Create a Pet" and the other said in bold black lettering: "NEOPIA POUND". Sevania's eyes bugged out. Carissa was going to disown her! Then Carissa did something that surprised her. She opened up the door of the building that said "Create a pet". A smiling woman sat there at the front desk.

"Hi, may I help you?" she asked, still smiling.

"Hi, I would like to create a pet" Carissa said.

"WHAT!?" Sevania thought.

She elbowed Carissa and said, "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

"We need the 50 Neopoints Sevania," she replied.

Sevania sagged. She would have to share a house with another pet! This was a tragedy to Sevania.

"Breed?" the smiling woman asked.

"Ummmm, how about......a Bruce and an Acara," Carissa replied.


"Male and female, please."


"Blue and yellow."


"Aaveri and Cairah."

Sevania's heart pinged. Her new brother was going to be named Aeveri, just like her boyfriend back home.

"OK! Here's 100 NP and I'll get them!" The smiley-woman just kept on smiling.

Sevania sagged and tried to stifle a sob, which just came right on out. An Acara came wandering out hand-in-hand with a little Bruce The ran up to Carissa and hugged her, their eyes shining. Sevania's eyes used to shine like that, but right now they were like shadows.

On the walk to the Neolodge, Cairah kept on babbling about how great it was to be created. Sevania just kept her eyes on the ground. They reached the lode and stayed in Cockroach Towers for the night.

"For you miss, the special soufflé!" the waiter of their restaurant said.

Sevania looked at it. She was about to take a bite, when she saw a pair of antennae sticking out of it. She then lost he appetite, while Cairah and Aaveri chomped theirs down. Sevaniah pulled the marble chip out of her pocket and ran her fingers over it. She then took out the diamond, which sparkled in the dim light.

"I'm going to my room," Sevania said, flew over the soiled, squished-cockroach floor. When she got to her bedroom, she looked out over the blinking lights of Neopia Central. She then went over to the bed, which was, surprisingly, clean. She then laid down and fell asleep.

To be continued...