
Cheat: After the Heist: Part Four

by sockkitty

Click here to see how this story started!

Brucey B had been caught completely off guard. There he was, sharing a happy moment with his best friend, when suddenly, somebody leaped out from the darkness and landed right on top of him. "Run, Timmy, run!" he screamed. Timmy ran as fast as his flippers could carry him; he would not be seen for another two weeks.

Looking up, Brucey identified Capara the Kyrii. Capara stood on Brucey’s chest, with her gun pointed directly at his head. Brucey was afraid, as one might expect, but he refused to show it; he didn’t want to go out crying like a little girl. "You’re gonna off me, aren’t you," he asked, as firmly as he could, but Capara could hear the quiver in his voice.

"I have to," she said gently, "King’s orders."

"I’m sorry," Brucey said, "I’m sorry I ever took the money."

"I know you are," Capara replied.

"We were gonna return it, you know," he said.

"Now you’re just trying to get off the line," Capara said with conviction.

"No," Brucey said, "I’m serious."

Capara couldn’t believe it, but Brucey was actually growing on her. She couldn’t hurt him, she just couldn’t, but she had to. As she started to pull the trigger, Brucey closed his eyes and winced. At that moment, Capara pulled her rainbow gun away and shot the ground. "What was that for?" Brucey asked.

"I don’t want to harm you," Capara answered. "I like your bad boy attitude." She stepped off his chest.

"Really?" Brucey asked, in disbelief. Nobody had ever said they liked him before, and his only real friend was Little Timmy. He stood up.

"You know," Capara said, "If you turn yourself in they might not be so hard on you."

Suddenly, out of the darkness, something smashed against Brucey’s head, knocking him down. Capara looked up. A short distance away, Spectre stood with his bag of frostbite eggs.

"You!" Capara shouted in alarm, "You’re not supposed to leave your assigned world!"

"Who has to know?" Spectre asked. He hurled another egg at Brucey, as he struggled to get up; it scarred him across the face. Brucey was trembling, he ran for cover.

"Stop!" Capara screamed. Spectre was shocked.

"Cappy," Spectre said, "The madness has got to stop. Pets are going insane. Agent 00 Hog says the dark tunnel leads down to a weird prehistoric world with giant omelets and brontosaurus-type creatures. Besides, this is a guy’s job. Now move over Dimples, the fatso’s mine."

Then, Spectre launched a terrible, ruthless assault on Brucey, who couldn’t run away. An immense, searing pain spread over him, and he collapsed onto the ground, only making himself an easier target. He was sobbing and shaking. He had no hit points left, one more hit would destroy him. He held himself up. Spectre hesitated for this last throw, he wanted to savour the moment forever. Brucey could barely see through the tears.

"No," he begged between sobs, "Please."

Then Brucey had an epiphany. He came to the realisation that he was going to be destroyed, so he just stopped bothering to hold himself up. He was too weak to maneuver his chubby, middle-aged body anyhow.

"I’ve been waiting for this," Spectre said. Two things happened at once then. Spectre threw his last remaining egg, and Capara jumped out, like a secret service agent, and took the blow. Brucey, amazed, sat himself up.

Spectre was frustrated, so, in desperation, he lunged forward to bite Brucey, but Capara pulled him out of the way just in time. The two ran for Capara’s boat.

"He tried to eat me!" Brucey screamed, "The sick freak tried to eat me!"

"Shut up and run, wuss!" Capara yelled. The two jumped into the boat just as Spectre, who had been following them, took another bite into midair. They sailed away, leaving Spectre stupefied on the shore.

When the two of them got back to Neopia, Capara explained the whole story to the king. The king, disgusted by it all, allowed Brucey to be free. Princess Fernypoo was punished for instructing others to hurt pets for money. Eventually, Capara and Brucey B got married. Do you know what you get when you cross a Bruce with a Kyrii? Well, that’s another story.

The End