
NeoPets Survivor: Day 9 and 10

by Neotrainer1234

Click here to see how this story started!

The pets woke up the next morning ready to face anything. The competition had been sifted down to seven strong and determined pets. Each pet had his own quality of survival. Amazingly, no female pets made it to the final seven. All the female pets had been eliminated in the beginning. Breadmaster and Safari Techo looked like they were in a bad spot because of their alliance days. Now, nine pets lives on the island do not exist and Nigel is not happy at all.

“I cannot believe that slime potions like you made it into the final seven,” Nigel cried out pointing at Safari Techo and Breadmaster.

“We were just playing the game,” Breadmaster replied.

“I think the votes are very unpredictable. You never know who is next,” DJ Roo said.

“Yeah, I am fully ready to leave tonight because you never know which way the vote will go,” Sarkis said.

“I just wish Alien Aisha could have been here. She was really cool,” Thyassa said.

“That was what the alliance did, we tried to get rid of the strong pets like Blooplum, Alien Aisha, and Benjamin so we had a better chance of winning,” Safari Techo claimed.

“You guys are just lucky you made it this far, you could be going any day now because of your alliance days,” Nigel said walking away.

“Nigel is really bummed out,” Kevin said to Breadmaster.

“Yeah, maybe it's his time to go,” Breadmaster replied.

“Maybe,” Thyassa said.

The pets sulked around the rest of the morning. The game was really getting to their heads. Who would win? How much of a chance did each pet have?

“Hey Breadmaster, the only way we can make it any further at all is to vote together again. No one would find out this time,” Safari Techo whispered.

“Okay. No one on this island is really my friend anymore except you and I think you and I could make a one two finish,” Breadmaster replied.

Meanwhile, the rest of the pets were bored. They had no idea what they could do.

“Let's go explore the island,” Sarkis suggested.

All seven pets did just that and what they came across was striking. They pets had walked about a mile into the forest when they saw a huge rock formation.

“What is this?” Kevin asked brushing some dirt off of it to read a passage.

“It says: This is the temple of water, air, light, fire, earth, and darkness. Enter at your own risk,” DJ Roo interpreted aloud.

“Wow, this must be the missing link to the Battledome,” Safari Techo said.

“Let's go inside,” Nigel blurted out as he ran into an opening.

The pets went inside to see a beautifully lit room with seven doors leading in different directions.

“There are seven of us so we can each go inside a different passageway,” Breadmaster suggested.

“Okay,” Kevin said choosing one. The rest of the pets also chose a door and went through. Sarkis walked about three feet and ran into someone.

“Who’s there?” he asked.

“Who are you? I am the Faerie of darkness. You are trespassing in a zone you can’t handle. If you do not leave, I will trap the souls of you and your friends,” the Faerie said.

Sarkis made a run for it. He ran outside to see the rest of the survivors tied to trees. He helped them down and they ran back to their hut.

“What happened?” Sarkis asked the survivors.

“The Dark Faerie got us and tied us to the trees. She said she needed only one more sacrifice to bring the Fire Faerie back to life,” Thyassa said.

“Let's go ask the Light Faerie about this,” DJ Roo suggested, leading the way.

When they arrived, the Faerie told them the whole story.

“Long ago, six goddesses ruled the land fire, air, earth, water, light, and dark. They all worked in harmony to create Neopia and other lands. Then, the dark goddess started doing bad things. She trapped all the goddesses in jars and banished them. Soon, the dark goddess found out she needed the other goddess’s powers. She tried to summon them but her powers were undeveloped. She died and 100 dark faeries arose from her corpse. They made temples like the one you found. There are 100 temples in all, 1 for each dark Faerie The banished goddesses died and 100 faeries rose from their corpses also. Now each dark Faerie is trying to lure the other faeries into their temple by sacrificing NeoPets. I am one of the faeries from the light goddess and the dark Faerie in the woods is looking for me. If the dark faeries gather up all the other faeries, the dark goddess can live once again. I am in a good hiding spot. The dark faeries have no idea I am here. Please leave that temple alone and forget about it. Now should we start the challenge? Tonight the challenge will be to walk across a mile long pole in the water. The last one standing wins. Okay get ready, go!” the Light Faerie shouted.

The pets started walking across. Nigel was the first off. DJ Roo was second. The other pets seemed to be going good for a while until foul play entered the scene. Safari Techo reached over and pushed Sarkis off. Breadmaster tumbled off after Sarkis. Now, Safari Techo, Kevin, and Thyassa were racing to the finish. Safari Techo accidentally slipped on his own feet and fell tumbling into the water he grabbed for something to hold onto and got a hold of Kevin, they both went down leaving Thyassa to win the immunity. He could vote twice and no votes could be cast against him.

When everyone had voted, the Light Faerie read the votes.

“SAFARI TECHO. NIGEL. KEVIN. BREADMASTER. KEVIN. KEVIN. SAFARI TECHO. And the last vote is for KEVIN. I’m sorry Kevin but you are the 10th survivor to be banished from the island,” the Light Faerie said.

Kevin gave a small wave as he stepped on the warp pad.

“Well, one more survivor out of your way for the billion Neopoints prize. How do you guys feel?” the Light Faerie asked.

“I feel terrible that Kevin had to be denied the chance to win the billion, but good that I am moving further toward it,” DJ Roo said.

“I never thought I’d make it this far,” Nigel confessed.

“Well, no matter what happens from here on out, you guys should be proud because you made it to the final 6!” the Light Faerie said flying away.

“Wow, this just got really real for me. I might win this,” Safari Techo said.

“I’m worried about that Faerie temple thing,” Thyassa said.

“Don’t be worried, the Light Faerie said not to worry,” Breadmaster replied.

“Let's go to sleep. I’m beat,” Sarkis said.

Day 10

The wind whispered through the cold forest as rain poured. The survivors woke up unready to face the day and challenges before them.

Sarkis gazed out at the ocean. The sun was high in the sky and he wanted more than anything to go to the dark faeries temple and stop her. The Light Faerie said it was no big deal but it was. They were living on an island with a murderer running around.

“I couldn’t get any sleep,” Thyassa said.

“Yeah, that temple is freaking me out,” Nigel replied.

“I’m more concerned about the game. If I don’t win, I don’t know what I’ll do. I have to win this guys,” DJ Roo said.

“Only time will tell if what you want will come true,” Safari Techo said strolling up.

“The game is really getting to us,” Nigel said.

“Hey guys, I don’t care what the Light Faerie says. I’m going to that temple and whoever wants to join me can,” Breadmaster said.

All the survivors went. When they reached the temple, the Dark Faerie was waiting at the entrance for them.

“So you came,” the Dark Faerie said.

“Yeah, the Light Faerie told us all about you,” DJ Roo said.

“The Light Faerie is here? Thanks little Blumaroo,” the Dark Faerie said flying away.

“Let's destroy her temple while she is gone,” Sarkis said as the six friends trudged into the temple lighting everything they could find on fire.

“Let's keep her staff as blackmail,” Breadmaster said grabbing a walking stick that was glowing black.

The survivors ran out to the temple burn to the ground, only ashes remaining.

“Guys, we should take the ashes with us. Dark Faeries can restore the ashes of the burnt,” Safari Techo said.

They all shuttled ashes to the poison fish river and dumped them in. They were carried out of sight.

“Now when she comes back with the Light Faerie, she won’t be able to hurt her because her temple is gone,” Nigel laughed.

Just then, they heard a rustle in the bushes.

“Foolish pets. Do not mess with business out of your hands. Your host the Light Faerie is the last Faerie us Dark Faeries need to become the dark goddess again. I will get her,” the Dark Faerie said disappearing into thin air.

“She’s all talk,” Thyassa assured.

“Well, we had better head to the castle to tell the Light Faerie she is in danger.

The pets went to the castle and told the Faerie everything.

“Yes, this is pretty bad but if we can avoid her for three more days, this game will be over and we can leave this dark island forever. Getting voted out now is better than staying because of that retched Dark Faerie Now lets get on with the challenge. Tonight you will have to play a game of tic tack toe against a tribe member. The winning three will move to the next round and the champion will win immunity. Lets begin,” the Light Faerie said.

The first game was between Breadmaster and Sarkis. Sarkis won the match and went on to the next round. The next game was between Thyassa and Safari Techo. Safari Techo won and moved on to the next round. Finally, DJ Roo and Nigel went head to head for the last mini game and DJ Roo won.

Now the championship game would take place. The first round of the championship was between DJ Roo and Sarkis. Sarkis lost which limited the immunity challenge down to Safari Techo and DJ Roo. DJ Roo played a good game but Safari Techo pulled ahead and won immunity.

“Okay pets, Safari Techo won immunity. Lets get on with the voting,” the Light Faerie said.

When everyone had finished voting, the Light Faerie read the votes aloud.

“BREADMASTER. BREADMASTER. NIGEL. NIGEL. DJ ROO. NIGEL. And the last vote is for SARKIS. Sorry Nigel but you have been the 11th pet voted off the island. Please step on the warp pad and depart back to Neopia,” the Light Faerie said.

Nigel did just that. Another victim of the island.

“Congratulations, you’ve all just progressed to the final five. What’s your thoughts on tonight’s vote Thyassa?” the Light Faerie asked.

“Well, obviously, Safari Techos two votes were the reason Nigel had to go,” Thyassa said.

“Breadmaster, you got a few votes. Do you feel threatened that since you were in an alliance, that you may be next?” the Light Faerie questioned.

“Yeah. I also think that Safari Techo should be watching his step too,” Breadmaster assured.

“Well Sarkis, how do you feel that you made it this far and what is your guess on who the final four may be?” the Light Faerie asked.

“I love that I made it this far and I know I’m going to win. I think the final four will be Safari Techo, Breadmaster, Thyassa, and myself. I think DJ Roo has ducked under the radar long enough and his time is about up,” Sarkis replied.

“What do you think about that?” the Light Faerie asked DJ Roo.

“I don’t take any offense to his answer. I agree, I will be next but I’m going to do everything in my power to win immunity,” DJ Roo said.

“Okay, sounds like you guys are planning some strategic moves so I’ll be off to bed. Good night survivors,” the Light Faerie said flying away.

The pets walked back to the beach very silently. All five of them as happy as joy to have survived the vote. They only had four more days until they found out who the soul survivor would be.

To be continued...