
Stricken With Amnesia: Part Three

by Littlejoy

Click here to see how this story started!

The next morning, I skipped out of bed, ate my breakfast, and played with Florina in the gardens. It was her day off from work today and she was VERY relieved. It felt horrible in the afternoon though, my head started feeling dizzy and visions of the past came over me again. I saw pictures of my family and me playing in the parks and other places. I told Florina about it and what Diana the maid told me. "So YOU are the niece of Sara? You're totally different from HER! Well, I'll help you recover your memories. Now all you need to do is to wait for the day when someone's supposed to receive the fortune and tell them who you are. IF Sara says you aren't, give them your ID number. I'm sure you remember it, for you weren't stricken with amnesia after the police showed you your information, were you?" YES! That was it! I still remember, I don't need to remember my past, all I have to do is to do what she said. And I remember the ID number: 66732. So I continued playing with the little critters in the garden. They were soooo lovable...and definitely not "disgusting". Sara was out of my mind that time and I made it that way.

While I was eating dinner with Florina, Janelle the Maid came and told me Sara wanted to meet me. Florina sadly led me out of my happiness to Sara's creaky old mansion. What was worse, was that Sara gave me a what SHE thought, a triumphant glare and said "SO! You're tired of being outside right? HA!" Seeing her so happy made me mad, so I remarked "No! It was PERFECTLY PEACEFUL! It had none of your squawking at me saying this and that! And I even got to remember my past by playing in the gardens!!!" But after that......I wish I could've taken all those words back!! Because Sara became violet and purple and did a terrible thing...

"Oh, REALLY?"she stuttered "Well...let's just see about THAT!!!" she snapped her fingers and the butler came in. "Arnold? Take this good-for-nothing niece and lock her in the attic! Then, DRIVE me to the county hall and the fortune is MINE!!" That no-good-rotten butler seized me and half dragged, half walked me up to the attic. Trust me, a few times, I got to escape. But it finally took that dimwitted butler to realize never hold my hand. I bite...HARD! In the end, he still brought me there. And I heard a dreadful "click" for the sound of a key locking me inside this dark chamber. The window was way up high. Too high up for me...


It seemed like hours....but it really was 30 minutes...and I KNOW...because something happened. I saw a rope with a hook swing near my window and down near my foot. I grabbed it by instinct..and POOF! I was pulled upwards and outside...and with a plop...I landed on a soft cushion. Florina peered at me.

"You're SAFE!!!!" she yelled.

"How...wha-?" I was very confused.

"Janelle here told me what happened...and I decided to help you....now are we going or WHAT?!"

"To where?" I asked.

Janelle grabbed me and plopped me into the car and told Florina to "put her foot down!" and we sped away. I was very grateful. Because I'm sure we were heading to the court.


When we got there....all three of us sped in to see the judge reaching for the 4 million NP to give to Aunt Sara.

"No!!!!!!" I screamed, and to my surprise, the judge stopped.

"YOU!!!!!!!" Sara screamed.

"Yes....HER!" Janelle and Florina screamed in unison.

"Young ladies....WHAT in incarnation are you doing here!?" the judge inquired.

"NO! Don't listen to the-"

"AWWWWWWWW put a cork in it!" Janelle screamed, and beckoned me to state the reason.

"I'm Silent_mist...I'm sure I'm Grandma Willymead's granddaughter that's inheriting the money."

Sara was turning purple. "NO YOU AREN'T DON'T YOU DARE TALK!"

But the judge was already scanning through the will.

"Why....Silent_mist! You ARE!" he exclaimed.

Sara was bursting. "I THOUGHT ARNOLD LOCKED YOU IN THE ATTIC!!!!?????"

Arnold looked equally astonished, and the judge was alarmed.

"Now, young lady! You MEAN you KNEW all about this and tried keeping her from getting the fortune???

TEN YEARS IN JAIL! YOU TOO BUTLER!" and the police hauled them away. Of course...I got the fortune.

The End

Epilogue: I got the fortune, gave 20,000 to the Money Tree, 10,000 to the Soup Faerie, 10,000 to the Pound, and the rest to myself. Sadly, my mom was long gone, and couldn't see this happening. But my best friends, Janelle and Florina each got 1000 NP from the judge for saving me. I offered to let them stay with me. And we lived as happily as you could IMAGINE!!!!!!!!!