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Never Be Afraid

by Duos_Deathangel

"Where are we going?" whispered Treimei the Kau, as his mother packed things into bags.

"Far away..." she whispered. Treimei winced in the dark, tiny house that they had bought. The cold, stone floors were the only furniture they had, and their only warmth was each other.

"Mommy?" said Treimei, looking out the open door. Treimei's Mom leaned down beside him and held the little Kau.

"Never be afraid, my little Trei," she said as she stroked his cloudy fur. She then stood and lifted the few bags she had packed. A man in a blue uniform took her wrist and put them in shiny metal things. Treimei looked on with fright, too scared to do anything.

"Where's are you taking Mommy?!?" she shouted as she jumped forward and they began loading her into the flashing car.

"Your Mom's been hacking accounts and you are going to go to the pound, Little Nipper," he said as he pulled Treimei in as well. Treimei looked behind towards his Mom as she sat quiet in the night.

"I'll come back for you, Precious Trei, but Mommy needs to go somewhere else for a while..." she said softly.

"When will you be back?" said Treimei, holding tears.

"I don't know, but I promise you I will," she said, as she kissed his forehead. Treimei sat back and looked out the window. The street lights reflected in his glassy eyes.

Soon they arrived in front of a large building. The man in the uniform guided Treimei around the car, and handed him to an ugly, old, Techo. Treimei kicked and yelled towards his Mom as he was carried back.

"Mommy!!!!" he yelled as she handed the man her last 80 Neopoints. She didn't want Treimei to be frozen with her in her account.

"QUIET! They'll be no more crying from you!!! Or I'll feed you to the dogs!!" The old Techo snapped, throwing Treimei into a cage.

Treimei was used to the cold, metal bottom. But what she wasn't used to, was being alone. The cries of other NeoPets rang through the building. Treimei pulled back, and began to weep himself, through fear of the Lady.

"Hey, what's you're name?" asked a small Shoyru through the bars of the cage beside him. Treimei screamed and pulled back. He had never seen a Shoyru, let alone any other NeoPets He just would watch his Mom go to the bank, and call herself other names, and whisper passwords. Treimei didn't know what hacking was.

"My Precious Trei...That's what Mommy called me," said Trei, feeling small. The blue Shoyru laughed.

"Yeah, well, Precious, your Mom ain't comin' back. You're confused. She don't love you anymore," said Groazme.

"You don't know that!!" yelled Treimei, slamming his horns into the cage, outraged. The Techo returned and began rapidly unlocking the cage.

"That's the last straw, you little BRAT!!!!" yelled the Techo as Groazme laughed.

Treimei cowered back as she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. She lifted him up and yanked him across a hall, grumbling about how her boyfriend had left her and her job was hard. Treimei cried, confused and cold, he cried. The Techo threw her into a broom closet and locked the door. Treimei crouched in the corner and sang himself to sleep through tears, like his Mom had done so many times.

He awoke to the sound of the door opening. A man with a ponytail and a broom stick looked into the closet.

"Oh....what have we got 'ere?" He smiled, picking Treimei up. Treimei closed his eyes and pulled his head away from his hand.

"Huh? I won't hurt you little one...come now." He smiled. He tucked Trei in his coat and snuck past the Techo's desk. He brought him home and opened his coat. Trei looked around at the big house.

"Where's Mommy?" he asked quietly.

"Mommy...? Well...uh...I'll check the files," said Hal, as his name tag read. Trei explored the house as Hal typed on his computer.


Three months had passed, and Trei was stronger and smarter. Hal had grown close to him, and told him that he had a surprise for him. Trei smiled and returned to his book.

"Treimei!!" called Hal. Trei looked up again and jumped from his seat. He ran on all fours towards the wooden living-room. His eyes widened and he jumped at the person standing at the door.

His Mom looked totally different, she had a job, and a new account. She had lots of Neopoints that she'd earned. Treimei hugged her as she stroked his fur again.

"My Precious Trei...." She smiled.

"I wasn't afraid Mommy, I was cold, and confused, but I wasn't afraid," giggled Treimei, holding his Mom. And he never wanted to let go.

The End