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Almost Mutants: Part Two

by eeyore_238

Click here to see how this story started!

"Lala! Hurry up or you’ll miss the plane!" Telennea called out impatiently.

Stealing a last glance at the stranger, I went over to the gate.

"We thought you might not make the plane!" eeyore laughed. Suddenly she turned serious. "Where is your new Neopack I gave you?"

I whipped my head around and saw it sitting on the floor by the phones.

I went over and got it, put it over my shoulders and walked back to the terminal.

On the plane, I sat with Snacls. (We all got to sit in first class.)

"Have you ever been on a plane before?" he asked me, laughing at the look on my face.

"No," I confessed, smiling.

"Don’t worry, it’s a piece of cake," he told me.

The plane wasn’t that bad. It was actually sort of cool. You could see all the clouds and it looked like you could reach out and touch them.

We had dinner on that plane. It was a very nice dinner and poor BaybPoochi had to sit with Niotron and watch him eat.

Eeyore looked disapprovingly at him. "You could eat a bit nicer," she told him.

"Pig!" I heard Telennea mumble under her breath.

I looked at BaybPoochi and giggled. She had the weirdest look on her face.

It soon got dark after dinner and the flight attendant, a Faerie Meerca, handed out pillows.

It took me a while to get to sleep. Everyone I knew was totally zonked out.

"Hon, would you like some warm milk?" the flight attendant asked me kindly.

"Yes, please" I replied gratefully.

Suddenly, after she had brought me my milk and left, I felt like someone was staring at me.

I quickly looked around and not seeing anything settled into my chair and started to sip my milk.

Then the pilot’s voice came over the intercom. "Excuse this interruption, but the plane might expect some turbulence," the pilot said. "Uh, maybe more than turbulence…"

The plane suddenly dipped and started to bump. I almost split my milk!

Then, I heard thunder and rain started to pour outside the window.

I whimpered and sipped my milk again.

Luckily, eeyore woke up then and moved the sleeping Snacls over by poogle019 and sat by me.

"Don’t worry, it’s just a rainstorm" she told me soothingly.

I finished my milk and laid my head on her shoulder.

Suddenly lighting flashed, and the plane dipped terribly downwards…

To be continued...