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The Right Hand of Light: Part Two

by leslie_83

Click here to see how this story started!

"Looking for Dove's owner," snapped Meian. "I am allowed to do a search, aren't I?"

"How do I know I can trust you?" the Space Faerie demanded.

"Have I given you any reason not to trust you?" Meian shot back.

"You're a Dark Faerie," said the Space Faerie. "For all I know you could be one of Dr. Sloth's followers."

"He's gone, remember?" asked Meian. "Unless you read the Sailor NeoPets RPG. It's a great story, but it hasn't gotten far enough along for you to tell if Dr. Sloth is alive or not..."

"Don't try to distract me," said the Space Faerie.

"Whoops, didn't mean to go off on a tangent like that," apologized Meian. "Sorry. But anyway, does being a Dark Faerie automatically make me under suspicion?"


"Why?" piped up Dove. "Meian's not mean."

"Because-because-well..." The Space Faerie shrugged. "I don't know. However, if you look up Faeries you will find that Dark Faeries are called 'minions of the dark one himself'."

"WHAT?" shrieked Meian so loudly that the entire Space Station turned to look at her. She didn't care. "The Uber-Dark Faerie is a her! And we're not minions! Who wrote that?"

"Search me," the Space Faerie said. "Go ahead and do a search."

"Hey! Spacey!" shouted a voice. The Faeries and Dove turned to see Grundo Chef poking his head out of Grundo's. "What's the Dark Faerie doing here?"

"Nothing wrong," retorted the Space Faerie. "Go on and search," she told Meian.

"Thanks." Meian generated the sphere of semitransparent blackness and it extended to encompass the entire Space Station. Then it faded to leave an unhappy Meian shrug. "No sn_rpg_guild here. Sorry, Dove."

"Would you like to come in for some lunch?" asked the Space Faerie. When Meian and Dove nodded, she stepped into the column of green light and they followed her. Inside was a NeoHome, or something very much like one.

"It's a trick of spacial manipulation," the Space Faerie explained.

"I basically 'borrowed' space from another part of the universe and put it here. Then I created a simulation of a four-room NeoHome. A kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and sitting room is all I need."

"Okay," replied Meian. When the Space Faerie handed her a plate that was about her size, she said, "Um, miss Space Faerie, could I have something smaller?"

"Of course. I don't usually entertain other Faeries, and I'm the size of a human," the Space Faerie explained. "And please call me Seiun." She went into the kitchen and returned with a miniature pile of fortune cookies.

It was a rather bizarre scene, since Seiun was about four feet tall, Dove around two feet, and Meiun about one. "I though your name was just Space Faerie," Meian remarked as she ate the cookies and Dove devoured the Tigersquash Sandwich.

"I didn't use to be the only Space Faerie," Seiun began. "There were others, but then Dr. Sloth came. There was an Uber-Space Faerie too, but know the Faerie Charms? Like the Orb of the Fire Faerie. It's missing, you must know." Meian nodded, and Seiun went on. "The Darks have the Amulet, the Airs the Circlet, the Waters the Necklace, the Earths the Staff, the Lights the Wand. Well, the Space Faeries had the Locket. The Charms of the various Faeries determine the Uber-Faerie.

"The Locket of the Space Faerie contained power of the stars...power that many people would gladly steal. One day someone did. The Uber-Space Faerie went after him or her, and returned without her Uber status. She was a goner a few weeks later."

"What a weird story," Dove said. "What happened to the rest of the Space Faeries?"

"Dr. Sloth zapped them." Meian was startled to hear Seiun say that so calmly, but as the Space Faerie took a drink of tea her hand was shaking.

"Where do you suggest we look next for Dove's owner?" asked Meian, finishing the cookies.

"I'd try Grundo-the planet, I mean. It's not far, and I can give you some items to help you get there safely and defend yourself when you're there."

"Defend myself from what?" asked Dove in a meek voice.

"Grundo is this solar system's best hideout for fugitives, refugees, and criminals. Balthazar is said to be there."

"Oh." Dove crouched down, trying to squeeze herself into a tiny ball.

"Don't worry, you're safe here. Meian is trustworthy. And if you ever need me, just call. Wait a moment." Seiun left the room and returned several minutes later with a collection of items. She laid them out on the table. "Here's a Dream Orb. It induces sleepiness. This Chest Armor will fit you, Dove. This, Meian, is a Basher-simple but effective. And here, Dove, just for you."

"A Faerie Paintbrush!" cried Dove and Meian together. "Is it really for me?" asked Dove.

"Yes, it is." And Seiun handed Dove the paintbrush.

To be continued...