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Stranded: Part Four

by Petbumblebee

Click here to see how this story started!

In the morning, Sakura, Jaclyn and Beeky shared a delicious breakfast of Zeenanas. “Mmm, those taste so good!” said Sakura, stuffed.

“Mmm-hmm!” replied Jaclyn, her mouth full of fruit. Beeky also enjoyed the treat, stuffing his little beak full of the succulent fruit.

Suddenly, a large, lavender bubble appeared from the clouds. “What on Earth?” said Jaclyn.

“What is that?” asked Sakura, curious.

The great bubble floated down until it was floating directly beside them. There was a loud POP! and who should appear but the Faerie Queen!

“Y-your majesty!” said Sakura, baffled. The two of them bowed down.

“Sakura,” announced the Queen in a soft voice, “You have showed great love and bravery by releasing that Air Faerie.”

“But-how did you know?” asked Sakura.

“She came and told me of your sympathy. In return for your kindness, I give you a gift.”

A beautiful Faerie Paintbrush suddenly appeared in the Queen’s hand. “Use this wisely,” the Queen said. With that she was gone.

“Oh wow! A Faerie Paintbrush!” exclaimed Sakura, greatly surprised.

“Now you can use that and get home!” said Jaclyn. Sakura looked at the gleaming brush. The two pink wings fluttered in the wind.

“I’ll do it,” said Sakura firmly.

No sooner that the words escaped her lips, then the magnificent brush flew out of her paws and glided over her green fur. She felt the greatest sensation on Earth as pretty pink wings erupted from her back. Soon she was flying--yes flying in the air!

“Wow! Sakura you look amazing!” complimented Jaclyn. Sakura was overcome with emotion and landed with tears of joy.

“I can swim under you as you go back!” offered Jaclyn.

“Yeah, that would be great!” said Sakura, choked up. Sakura called for Beeky and soon the trio were on their way.

In about five hours they had reached the shores of Neopia. Sakura excused herself from Jaclyn and madly flew to her house. She knocked frantically at the door until her Mother opened it.

“Mommy! Oh mommy, I’ve missed you so much!” cried Sakura.

“Sakura? Oh Sakura!!” cried her mother, grasping her tightly and drowning her in tears.

“Where were you? I thought you were gone forever!”

“Not now Mom, I’ve got to show you someone!” Sakura lead her mother down to the beach. “Mom, I’d like you to meet Jaclyn. She’s been my friend for the last couple of days and has helped me a lot!”

Jaclyn blushed, and Sakura’s owner ran over to Jaclyn.

“Thank you so much for taking care of my baby!”

“Oh, it was nothing, really!” Jaclyn replied modestly.

“Do you have an owner?” asked Sakura’s mother.

“No, not really.”

“Well then I’m adopting you!” Sakura and Jaclyn jumped for joy and both embraced each other in a jovial hug.

Sakura’s mother brought Jaclyn to the pound, and had soon adopted her. The four lived happily ever after.

The End