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Consumer Reports "For the Curious Buyer"

by smile87

[Issue 1]
Topic of the Issue: "Waaay Over Priced Items"

I have done some research and a lot of people don't know much about most of the items that NeoPets provides. So, I have decided to make a Consumer Reports which reports to Neopians about what items are overpriced and underpriced.

Faerie Paint brush (50,000 NP) This is waaay too over priced. The only real thing that people do with it is sell it and trade it to bring in more money (something that has helped me a few times) :) only some of the rich people really use it on their pets, just to show off. They are a luxury, and not a necessity, so don't go out and buy one if you suddenly win 50,000 NP off of Dice-A-Roo.

Faeries (5,000 NP) These don't really do much for you, except for help you in the Battledome. Again, they are often used for trading, selling, and showing off. They are over priced (Aaahh, I remember the days, they used to be only 90 NP, now they are 5,000! of course, back then, they had no purpose...) Again, if you win a large sum on Neopoints, don't just splurge on faeries. It would be a waste of time and Neopoints, unless they were for a contest in your shop, or you were going to sell them to someone for more than the price you paid for.

Codestones (5,000 NP) These can be very helpful when you are training your pet. They are over priced, but if you use them wisely, they can be very helpful. I don't suggest buying them if you are just going to show them off, at least sell them or trade them.

Map Pieces (2,000 NP) Map pieces can get you a lot of Neopoints They are very helpful if you know what to do with them. Normally, you win a large sum of Neopoints (around 15,000) and a few very rare items, or your pet gains a level or something. You have to collect 9 of them, and if you don't have enough NP to start out with, you shouldn't buy into it. But, if you have found some on the ground and they are not all the same type, then you can trade some Lab pieces for some Underwater pieces, if you want, or you can just sell them. I think that it is NP well spent (here's the math: 2,000 X 9= 18,000. You get 15,000, rare items, and your pet gains a level, that is very helpful.)

Amulets (500-5,000 NP) These aren't very helpful, unless you are a big Battledome person. Most of them can only be used once, others you can use over and over again. So, my advice is, unless you are a big Battledome person, don't bother with them.

Battledome Items (100-10,000 NP) These are again not very useful unless you are a big Battledome person. Some are one time uses, and some last forever. Again, unless you are a big Battledome person, don't buy them.

Items from hidden tower (100,000-2,000,000 NP) These are waaaay too expensive, and most of them are useless. Unless you are really rich and can have over 1 million NP, then I suggest don't even look there.

Morphing potions (10,000-100,000 NP) These are way to expensive and if you want to change your pet into something else, then I suggest buying a magical toy of that kind (i.e. magical purple Poogle toy). It is only a one time use thing, so use it wisely. Some of the morphing potions turn your pet into a hideous beast. I suggest not to buy these.

Neggs (100-10,000 NP) These I suggest you don't buy because they, too, are over priced and useless. There is no real purpose to them, except to feed your pet, but that's why they have food.

Apples (20-3,000 NP) The green ones, especially, are the really expensive ones. They are just foods, so unless they are regularly priced (20-30) then I suggest don't buy them. If you find a green apple on the Shop Wizard (occasionally there will be one for like 15 NP) then you should buy it. You can then sell it and make a profit.

Golden Bike (7,000-10,000) These are just toys that your pet can play with for hours. They will love them every time. The good thing about it is, when you play with it for too long (a long long time, believe me, I am still working on one) then it gets a flat. You might not think that this is good at first, but a Golden Bike with a Flat is worth maybe 3,000-5,000 more than the Golden Bike! (It's worth 10,000-15,000!) So, that is just a profit-making suggestion.

Gargaraptor Arms (750+ NP) Basically, they are really over priced Tyrannian food items. If you are desperate and really want one, I'm sure that the prices will gradually fall over the weeks, so just be patient. My advice, don't get one right now and save it, you will lose your profit.

Infinite Bag of Neggs (10,000+ NP) These Neggs (although they say infinite) are one time use. They can give you 5 hit points in the Battledome They are waaay over priced, and I'm sure that these prices will go down eventually. If you do end up with a bag of infinite Neggs, my advice would be to take it to the trading post.