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Tracking the Chomby

by auro_san

Hello, and welcome to the first and hopefully not the last episode of Auro_San Goes In-depth About NeoPets. Today I shall talk about the Chomby and bring knowledge to all of you who wish to adopt one. To start we must pack our bags and head to the land of Tyrannia. Tyrannia is spilt up in three parts, the Jungle, the Plateau, and the Volcano. When the Ice Caves first cracked to Tyrannia we saw a yellow dinosaur chewing on vegetation, later to be known as the Chomby.

Assuming that the Chomby is a herbivore we search through the lands to see where the highest populations of the dino can be found. The Volcano is to hot for and food the Chombys likes so we can cross that off the list. The Plateau is to dry and arid for any green to grow so the Chomby couldn't live there. The lush and tropical Jungle is where we are most likely to find our reptilian friend. As we look around the Jungle we see that it has become a place of merchandise since Neopians invaded. Many scientists don't believe that Tyrannia had so many stores and games until it was discovered by the people of Neopia.

Now you have to know that the Chomby was not the first dinosaur NeoPet. In fact the Grarrl was a very early NeoPet. Also we must take in place that the residents of Tyrannia have not taken into the evolution stage. Many prehistoric NeoPets have lived in Tyrannia for millions of years. Some scientists theorise that there is another entrance from Neopia to Tyrannia that some of the prehistoric residents came out through to build the current day NeoPets. However this theory is highly unstable but has the backing of many great minds.

Now we go back to the Chomby. We were first able to create the cute creature on March 22nd 2001. However many people were unaware that the Chomby was limited edition so its popularity wasn't that high to start. After about a month all the Chombys in Neopia were created. If you still would like a Chomby then try going to the pound. Ever since the Chomby has come out it has inspired many artists to portray it and the NeoPets staff to pump out more Chomby related games and items.

When the Chomby was released many people didn't know it had a mortal enemy, the fungus ball. This was revealed when the game Chomby and the Fungus Balls was released on the 27th of March. This game showed how the fungus balls were real jerks to the species of Chomby by chasing them around and knocking them out whenever they finally caught up to our favorite dino. Personally I find this game very challenging and kudos to anyone that can beat every level.

Now we shall study the physical anatomy of the Chomby. As you can see at first the Chomby has strange markings on his forehead and on both sides of his stomach. These prints are argued by magicians to have magic powers well scientists just say they are just ordinary. Now before the Chomby was able to be painted its eyes and spikes were always green. After the affects of painting however both can change into almost any color, the oddest is rainbow. The Chomby's long neck is used for reaching into higher places to find the perfect leaf to snack on. The Chomby's large eyes are for watching out for itself. The Chombys are almost the most peaceful NeoPets, other then the Kacheeks.

If you own a Chomby there are some important things to keep in mind when you're taking care of it. The Chomby's have still not fully adjusted to the climate above Tyrannia. This makes there skin crack easily so you must wash you Chomby everyday to keep its skin moist. Do not feed your Chomby meat, it is not used to seeing all the meat we have in Neopia and can confuse it with greens. Many times this will get the Chomby sick because its body isn't adjusted to take in meat. Always pay attention to your Chomby and give it loving care, you don't have to go out and spend a fortune on products just let it know that you love it and respect it.

In closing I would like to say the the Chomby is a great pet to have, you can even ride it if you want. Give it trust and it will give you trust. This is Auro_San signing out and hoping you have a great time on NeoPets!