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The Faerie Queen: A Traitor? The Truth Behind the Tyrannian Invasion!

by RoMaNGeMiNi and his pets Celestialian, DrieRayne and Jelophius

As the war raged on in Neopia many speculations came about between many Neopians that the Invasion was a planned scheme by the Uber Faeries and Faerie Queen. So I decided to pay a visit to the Faerie Queen herself and ask her some questions. I called my pets back from battle and hopped on the next faerie shuttle off Tyrannia.

On arrival to Faerieland, we headed to the castle gates. I walked up to knock on the door but we were magically transported straight into the Faerie Queen's throne room. She turned and said, "Speak. Your questions will be answered with only the truth."

I replied, "Why did you support and fund the Tyrannian invasion? It was not widely speculated until recently when 10,000 Fire Grarrls were unleashed on Neopia and to our surprise each Grarrl is equipped with a Rod of Nova and Wand of Flamebolt weapons only you have access to! Did you sell Neopia out for a few billion NeoPoints?"

The Faerie Queen turned to the window looked out for a very long time and said, "I will tell you a story, it will explain all that has happened and will happen and why the Tyrannian invasion must be."

"When Neopia was very young the Faeries tried their best to defeat Dr. Sloth and rid him of these lands. He was too powerful, for each of the Faeries alone, so six of the strongest Faeries combined there powers into one magical seed. From there I was born with the power of all the Faeries combined, I was the hope they believed would one day defeat Dr. Sloth. While I was trained the Faeries also forged the six faerie weapons into two more powerful weapon."

"The circlet upon my head being one, the other the Staff of Justice, which brings me to the next part of this story. Dr. Sloth knew of these great weapons and if he got a hold of one of them he could bring great evil upon Neopia. He did just that he flew his great spaceship over our training grounds and used a laser to steal the Staff of Justice but was not able to take the Circlet. Dr. Sloth could not handle the Staff himself due to the fact that it was made of pure good so he transformed it. Sloth created a Wand of Evil from it, turning the light into pure darkness. He returned with his wand for the final battle. As always I won and the Uber Dark Faerie was able to take hold of the Wand of Evil, Dr. Sloth escaped but without the wand."

"The wand had too much power and could not be changed back at the time. It could also not be trusted with the Dark Faeries so it was broken into 7 pieces and hidden deep in parts of what is now known as Tyrannia. We then formed what is now Faerieland and left Neopia, but before we left we enlisted the help of a chia now known as The Missing Link, who has the voice of deafening. He shouted once and covered Tyrannia locked and preserved where Dr. Sloth and no evil could reach it, until now........... A few months ago Dr. Sloth realised how to open the gate to Tyrannia. He kidnapped the Missing Link and tortured him until he agreed to once again use his voice and open the gate to Tyrannia. Dr. Sloth has opened the gate and time is running out, he has discovered 5 of the pieces of the wand and only 2 remain."

"If he finds it his restored power along with the wand will spell Neopia's doom. One piece is being heavily guarded by the Earth Faeries pet, well known as the thing that lives in the Lair of the Beast. The final fragment can only be found by the Champion of the Invasion. The Champion will be the only one able to touch the final fragment and claim it. We must reach it before Dr. Sloth figures a way to get to it. That is why this invasion has come to be. The evil tyrannians are under the control of the dark Faeries who will stop at nothing to beat Neopia's finest down."

"We are not just fighting for that piece of the fragment but for the final battle against Sloth he is back and he must be destroyed once and for all and the Faeries cannot do it alone. So please go back and repeat my story. My apologies for the surprise but if it was not a surprise and was voluntary many of the residents of Neopia would never agree to it. It must be and it will be now there is no stopping until Dr. Sloth is destroyed for good!"

With that the Faerie Queen turned around waved her hand and I was transported back to Tyrannia. Left there and here I repeat the words of the Faerie Queen for all to hear!